Q&A for How to Train a Pit Bull

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    Do Pit Bulls need special training?
    Osama Maghawri
    Professional Dog Trainer
    Osama Maghawri is a Dog Trainer and Founder of OneStopK9, a dog training service in Miami, Florida. Osama utilizes balanced training methods to teach communication between owners and dogs. He specializes in basic obedience and behavioral issues such as resource guarding, fear-based aggression, and leash reactivity. Osama also helps owners understand the behaviors of their breed and how to continue training on their own in the future.
    Professional Dog Trainer
    Expert Answer
    All dogs are susceptible to the same forms of aggression. A Pit Bull is not naturally more aggressive. Due to their strength, however, they can do a lot more harm than most other breeds. You want to start building their confidence and teaching them to be neutral around people and dogs. To do that, take them outside often. Every time you see something that they're afraid of, encourage them to approach it and reward them when they do. Teach them to work through their stress and overcome that obstacle.
  • Question
    How do I keep my pit from jumping on anyone inside or outside of the house?
    Community Answer
    You should train your dog to "sit and stay" when someone is entering the home. If you are expecting company, walk to the door with your dog when they arrive and continually remind her to "sit, stay, good girl." Once the company enters, keep enforcing "sit, stay," and if she tries jumping, say "down," guide her back to her sitting position, and continue saying "sit." It's hard to control an excited dog, but if you remain consistent they will learn. Also, have your company greet the dog once they have calmed down and listened to your commands. It's almost a "reward."
  • Question
    How can I know my pit bull dog is not in a good mood?
    Community Answer
    When your pit isn't in a great mood, it will show it. When is is sad, it will look sad. Pits are human like in behavior and if you pay enough attention, you will know. They're very easy to read, and after spending enough time with your dog, it will be like mother and child, you will just know. If you feel like something is wrong with your pit, trust your instincts. Your pit is loyal to you and will let you know if it needs you to know something.
  • Question
    Is my pit bull ever too old to train?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily, it depends on what habits they are accustomed to. Just like a puppy, heavily praise them and give them their favorite treats. Be extra patient.
  • Question
    How can I stop my pit bull from nipping and jumping on me?
    Community Answer
    Say "No!" very firmly. Especially when she's jumping, refuse to pet her or give her attention until she obeys your command to "Sit."
  • Question
    How do I get my pit bull used to my cats?
    Community Answer
    Teach your pit obedience before the introduction (sit,stay,down,leave it etc.) While you're teaching the your pit this, introduce smells, keep them each in separate rooms for a while and then switch them every couple of hours, and if you have blankets for them even better. Once the dog or cat has slept on the blanket or pillow, switch them out so that they can associate each others scents with comfort. Never rush this type of thing, if something is rushed in this type of introduction it can have very serious consequences for your cat or dog. Let them decide when their ready.
  • Question
    I have a chihuahua and he wants to boss around my pit bull, and has already hurt him - what can I do to stop this?
    Community Answer
    Just like a pitt, a chihuahua needs discipline. I try never to show one dog more attention than the other. If the little one starts getting aggressive, make sure you stop this right away, even crate and rotate. You never want your pitt getting tired of the aggression and fighting back. Make sure to walk both dogs and give both dogs equal love and attention! Keep them well fed and give them toys but don't let them play unattended or they might fight over toys.
  • Question
    Should I discipline my pit bull by hitting him with a strap?
    Community Answer
    It's best not to, because your dog will come to fear you. He may look at you as an enemy, and he will almost certainly become more violent toward other people.
  • Question
    Is it safe for a pit bull to be around children?
    Community Answer
    You should first train your dog to socialize with adults and other dogs before he/she interacts with children.
  • Question
    How can I teach a six-month-old puppy to stop jumping on people when she is excited?
    Community Answer
    Make sure she is in a calm state of mind first. If your dog is to excited, ask the people to step out until you can get your dog to relax, then reintroduce the people. Like all behavioral training, you may have to do this several times.
  • Question
    How can I be sure my pit bull puppy won't bite my yorkies when she gets older?
    Community Answer
    Has she seen them yet? If she is a puppy growing up with them, she should be fine. Make sure the yorkies are calm around your pit bull, too.
  • Question
    How do I make my pit bull puppy fond of me?
    Community Answer
    Try taking your puppy for a nice long walk in a park or the woods. Bring plenty of treats so you can start training him to sit, heel, etc. on the way. He needs to spend time with you to understand you will be there to love him and care for him.
  • Question
    What do I feed my pit bull puppy?
    Community Answer
    You may feed your pit puppy any dog food specifically formulated for puppies.
  • Question
    How can I know if I can trust a pit bull around my baby?
    Community Answer
    You can let your pit bull sniff him. Get the baby's hand and pet the dog so he knows not to be aggressive
  • Question
    Why does my four-month-old pit get along great with other dogs unless they come near me? Is that dog aggression or protectiveness? It's ONLY when they come near me.
    Community Answer
    This is "guarding" behavior. This is a behavior that the puppy is testing out. Right now, the puppy thinks the human is something that belongs only to them. While this may sound endearing in theory, it shouldn't be allowed to develop into a regular response to other animals. As soon as the puppy starts to correct the other dogs, use the "Sit and Stay" command to restrain him/her, then invite the other dogs into your space. Repetition is key. In time the puppy will start to respect the "shared" space with other dogs.
  • Question
    How do I stop a young pit bull from nibbling on my hand, as I am afraid it will llead to biting when she is older?
    Community Answer
    Offer her a chew toy whenever she starts nibbling, and redirect her by saying, "Chew your toy".
  • Question
    What do I do if my pit bulls will not wear a collar, and don't listen, jumps, barks, and chews my other dogs' collars off?
    Community Answer
    You must show them dominance, even if you have to hold them down and put it on them. If you catch them in the act, just lightly tap them on the nose.
  • Question
    What should I do when my pit bull is gone?
    Community Answer
    Keep something that reminds you of her/him so you don't forget. But don't think about it too much, or else you'll always feel sad.
  • Question
    How can I get my parents not to be stereotypical towards pit bulls?
    Community Answer
    Do some research online from reputable sources and present them with the facts.
  • Question
    How do I make my dog play fetch?
    Community Answer
    If your dog knows his name and follows simple commands, get him a rope chew toy and make sure he likes it. Then throw it not too far away. Then say, "Bring it here!" Most likely after a couple tries he will get used to it.
  • Question
    What should I do if my new American pitbull is constantly trying to play with my two Jack Russells and they don't want to play and snap at the pitbull?
    Community Answer
    You need to get them used to each other. Take them on long walks together and then let them relax together when they're tired. The smaller dogs need to lose their fear of the larger dog.
  • Question
    How do I train my pit bull to go to the bathroom?
    Community Answer
    This article has some great tips: how to house train your dog .
  • Question
    What if I like letting my pit bull on my bed?
    Community Answer
    That is your choice, just know that it will be very difficult to train your dog out of this habit if you change your mind in the future.
  • Question
    Do pits sit with one leg out, favoring one side?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes, if it is more comfortable for them. If you want, you can try to train them to sit more normally.
  • Question
    I just rescued a year-old pit bull who has had no training whatsoever. He wasn't even housebroken and didn't really know his name. How can I get him to stop jumping and biting?
    Community Answer
    I've found any older puppy, no matter the breed, needs a lot of patience, time, praise, and consistency (repetition) in order to curb the jumping and biting. When the puppy starts to jump up, lift your knee up and say "Down." Once they're down, immediately say "Sit." This teaches him/her to approach you in a different manner. It's been stated that it takes over 2,500 repetitions for a dog to permanently retain a command, so you really have to be patient. And don't forget the importance of praise/rewards. With biting, cry out in pain, saying "OW!" and then "No bite!"
  • Question
    Is it safe to introduce my 5 year old kid to a pitbull puppy once I bring it home?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but if you intend on introducing a child to a pitbull, even a puppy, then the child and the dog need to be supervised at all times.
  • Question
    How do I stop a pit bull from being aggressive towards me?
    Community Answer
    If the pit bull is your own, you'll need to train them extensively from a young age so as to ensure that they do not become aggressive or develop any aggressive behaviors. If the dog belongs to someone else and has not been properly trained, there isn't much you can do but protect yourself from any aggressive behaviors or attacks.
  • Question
    How I teach my pit bull puppy of 4 months to go to the toilet outside of the house?
    Community Answer
    The same as any other puppy. See How to House Train a Puppy for guidelines.
  • Question
    How do I stop my puppy from biting?
    Patrick Howe-Bowen
    Community Answer
    Give the puppy chew toys so he doesn't bite you. Remember that your dog may be teething, so a little biting is natural. If this continues consult a vet.
  • Question
    How do I train a rescued dog?
    Community Answer
    Be patient and don't rush into things because you might not know what he or she has gone through. Let the dog feel safe and comfortable around you. Educate yourself on how to train your dog with positive reinforcement or enroll your dog in training classes.
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