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Q&A for How to Understand Math
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QuestionHow do I get help for math?Daron Cam is an Academic Tutor and the Founder of Bay Area Tutors, Inc., a San Francisco Bay Area-based tutoring service that provides tutoring in mathematics, science, and overall academic confidence building. Daron has over eight years of teaching math in classrooms and over nine years of one-on-one tutoring experience. He teaches all levels of math including calculus, pre-algebra, algebra I, geometry, and SAT/ACT math prep. Daron holds a BA from the University of California, Berkeley and a math teaching credential from St. Mary's College.Don't be afraid to ask your teacher questions. You can also ask your peers for help or organize a study group together. If you're still having trouble, consider getting a private tutor. A tutor can answer any questions you have and will work with you to build a solid foundation in math.
QuestionHow can I get better at the basics?DonaganTop AnswererAsk someone to tutor you in the basics and do practice problems on your own.
QuestionHow do I study math when I have an exam in two days?Community AnswerRead all of the rules and go over your notes. Then do questions from each concept to check that you understand how to do each type of problem.
QuestionHow do I find time to study without letting my other grades drop or burning out from stress?Community AnswerSpend only a little bit each day rather than a large amount at once. Often it's good to do frequent short bursts of 15 minutes for each of your subjects, maths included! A tutor might also help you by both teaching you the material and providing tips on efficient studying.
QuestionWhat if I have no motivation for math, but I don't want it to lower my grades?Community AnswerDecide what your priorities are. If good grades are important to you, you will have to buckle down and do the work.
QuestionWhat should I do if I don't understand?DonaganTop AnswererAsk for help from your teacher, another student, a friend or relative, or a tutor.
QuestionWhat can I do if I'm not good in basic math?DonaganTop AnswererHire a tutor, even if it's just another student who understands the subject.
QuestionHow do I study multiplication?I_l1ke_gam3sCommunity AnswerReview all the basic multiplication facts, and you'll master basic multiplication, and can move on to advanced ones. You can get more information on that at How to Multiply .
QuestionHow can I be the best in the class?I_l1ke_gam3sCommunity AnswerPay attention in class and ask questions if you don’t understand something. Find a tutor if you need extra help.
QuestionHow can I understand maths if I don't know anything?Community AnswerIt sounds like you need to start at the beginning, which may mean you need to hire a professional tutor. Either that or find someone you know who's willing to spend some time with you reviewing the basics.
QuestionHow can I add up integers?I_l1ke_gam3sCommunity Answer
QuestionHow do I feel unbothered, whenever it's time for mathematics?I_l1ke_gam3sCommunity AnswerRemind yourself that mathematics isn't that bad. It's just like a series of puzzles that you've solved for.
QuestionWhat do you do if you follow all the steps but still fail?I_l1ke_gam3sCommunity AnswerIf this wikiHow article isn't helpful, then you should ask for help from your teacher or get a tutor.
QuestionHow can I get very good marks on a maths exam?Community AnswerTry your best to pay attention in class and take notes. Look over these notes daily in the weeks leading up to these tests. You'll also want to ask your teacher for help well before the exam if you're confused about a concept.
QuestionIt's not working for me, and I don't know how.Community AnswerAsk for help from your teacher, a classmate, a friend, a family member or a tutor. Lots of people struggle with math. It's quite common for someone to ask others for help.
Questionhow should I study one day before a maths exam?Community AnswerReview all the areas you think will be on the test. Work some sample problems, and be sure you understand the processes involved. If not, ask for help from someone who does.
QuestionHow to solve maths in algebra, for example: a2 + b2 = c but what is the meaning?DonaganTop AnswererAs you've written it, that equation is not solvable, nor does it have a meaning. Perhaps you're referring to the Pythagorean Theorem, a² + b² = c². That's the relationship between the lengths of the three sides of a right triangle, where c is the hypotenuse.
QuestionWhat if I keep on practising maths and don't understand?DonaganTop AnswererAsk for help from someone who does understand (perhaps a tutor).
QuestionIs there a way of visualising negative numbers? For example, would the looking glass in Alice Through the Looking Glass be a good to understand the idea of negativity in maths?DonaganTop AnswererThe best way is to use the number line. It's a straight line with zero at the "center." Positive numbers lie to the right of zero, negative numbers to the left. In the Alice analogy, the looking glass would be at the zero point, and the positive and negative numbers would be the mirror image of each other.
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