Q&A for How to Use an Indian Bathroom

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    If there isn't toilet paper or a towel after I finish washing myself, what do I do?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    If there are no towels or toilet paper to dry yourself off with, just let yourself air dry. Shake off excess water over the toilet and fan yourself to speed up the drying process.
  • Question
    What do you do if you can't squat?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    If you have difficulty squatting, partially squat and place your hands on the walls of the restroom to support yourself. If the restroom is too large to do that, prop yourself off the floor by spreading your arms behind you. Or, get into a kneeling position over the toilet. Wash your hands really well if you use the latter 2 options, as these are less sanitary than squatting.
  • Question
    Why shouldn't we put toilet paper in the toilet in India?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Most plumbing systems in India are only built for waste and water. Throwing paper products like toilet paper into the toilet can clog the plumbing.
  • Question
    What is an Indian style toilet?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    An Indian style toilet is often a squat toilet, which consists of a pan or bowl at ground level, surrounded by a small area of metal or other material flush with the ground. Check out the images in the steps above to help you identify the style of toilet most commonly found in India, or look at some videos on YouTube.
  • Question
    Can you flush toilet paper in India?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Unless the place you’re staying at makes it clear it’s okay to flush toilet paper, do not do so! Most of the plumbing associated with squat toilets in India is not made to be able to handle paper waste. If it’s a Western-style toilet (like in hotels, serviced apartments, etc.), then it’s usually okay to flush the paper but it is best to ask still. If there is a waste disposal basket where the spent paper is clearly meant to go, then this always indicates that the paper cannot be flushed but must be disposed of in the basket or bin.
  • Question
    Do they use toilet paper in India?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Toilet paper is not standard use in India. Rather, squat toilets are the standard type of toilet and it is expected that you will clean yourself afterward using water from a hand bidet sprayer, butterfly jet, hand shower or even a bucket of water. If you bring your own toilet paper, do not flush it down a squat toilet because the plumbing is not designed to handle it. Washing with water is hygienic and effective.
  • Question
    What if I have diarrhea?
    Community Answer
    Nothing really changes in that case, so just follow the same steps.
  • Question
    Do I have to stand while using an Indian bathroom if I am a girl?
    Community Answer
    No, you would squat over the toilet when using it.
  • Question
    Why do I wash my private area?
    Community Answer
    Washing keeps you clean, prevents stains on your clothes, and prevents odor.
  • Question
    Is it fine if I don't use my hands directly to clean my private areas?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can use a washcloth if you prefer to use that over your hands.
  • Question
    Is the spray hose beside the toilet to clean the toilet or for personal hygiene?
    Community Answer
    The spray hose is to be used for both. Use it to wash away any debris on yourself and then use it to clean up the toilet.
  • Question
    How do I deal with a wet seat or a lack of tissue when using the bathroom?
    Community Answer
    Only your shoes should touch any part of the toilet (mainly the foot pad). If there are not enough tissues, then find a tissue in your own bag or use a piece of paper. Always check before using the bathroom so that you can hold off doing your business until you find a bathroom with paper, but keep in mind that in India toilet paper is uncommon and people use their left hands with water to wash themselves.
  • Question
    What should I do if I fall into my own waste?
    Community Answer
    The only thing you can do is try to clean yourself up and change clothing as soon as possible. Plant your feet firmly and squat carefully to avoid falling.
  • Question
    If natives don't use toilet paper, how do they clean their bottoms? Also, is the water in the hoses clean? I would worry about washing with dubious water.
    Community Answer
    The water in the hoses is clean. It is used for reducing toilet paper waste while cleaning your bottom.
  • Question
    Why can't these other cultures learn to use toilets? They seem much more civilized than a hole.
    Community Answer
    One reason is that its what they're used to. Another is that replacing squat toilets with Western toilets is costly, especially in rural areas, and will put a bigger strain on the water system. Plumbing systems in these countries can't handle much toilet paper. Squat toilets actually use less water, too.
  • Question
    How do I take my trousers off without having to take my shoes off as well?
    Community Answer
    You don't need to take your trousers off completely. You can just pull them down as low as possible.
  • Question
    Why don't western countries adopt the healthier squatting toilet?
    Community Answer
    Squatting is considered "old-school" and has been modernized with the sitting toilets. Squatting is not comfortable if done for a prolonged period while the sitting toilet can give you the comfort you desire.
  • Question
    Do Indians actually poo in the streets? I saw my friend poo in the street
    Community Answer
    No, they do not, unless it is very urgent. Indians use a bathroom just like everybody else, hence the need for this article.
  • Question
    How do I dry off if there is no tissue or towel available?
    Community Answer
    Chances for this should be avoided by carrying additional tissues, but if in an emergency situation, use your underpants to dry them and once you reach your home, replace your underpants and keep your private areas dry as fungal infection may occur.
  • Question
    Washing is not a problem if there is plenty of water, but what should I use to dry myself?
    Community Answer
    As far as I know, most people either bring a napkin or cloth to dry themselves with, or they wipe off with their clothes.
  • Question
    From where should I clean with my left hand, from front the side (between the legs) or the back side?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    You should clean until the toilet paper stays white. Any direction you like is fine; you can switch, use both, wash up with wet towels, anything that suits you.
  • Question
    Where does the waste go?
    Community Answer
    The waste stays in the hole and decomposes.
  • Question
    What does it mean " etter for both genders to wiggle the middle-finger of the left hand rather fast"?
    Orange Goddess
    Community Answer
    This is so that there is no cross contamination in private parts, and to avoid touching any of the waste.
  • Question
    What if I have little strength in my knees to prevent me from falling forward? Should I stand instead?
    Community Answer
    Try both methods and see what works best for you. You may find standing works for you but it is traditional to squat. Also, if you squat often enough, you will build up your strength.
  • Question
    What if you’re too old to squat?
    Cookie bub
    Community Answer
    if you are too elderly to squat, you may want to invest in adult diapers instead and relieve yourself at home.
  • Question
    Can I only wash my left as my right hand is spiritual and for eating.
    Community Answer
    Please wash both of your hands. Even if you used your left hand mostly, some germs might have transferred to the right one.
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