Q&A for How to Write a Postcard

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    Do you have to put a return address on a postcard?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    People don’t usually put a return address on a postcard because there is so little room for the message already. Of course, if the postcard is addressed to the wrong person, then it won’t be returned to you but since the messages are usually only meant to be brief and not confidential, most people don’t think it’s a problem if that happens on occasion.
  • Question
    What is a postcard made of?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    A postcard is made of thin cardboard or thick paper. It is usually formed in a rectangular shape, although other shapes are occasionally used, such as a circle, a plant or an animal shape for novelty postcards. Some postcards might be a bit fancier than just plain card with a photo, such as a moving picture postcard, which will include plastic components.
  • Question
    How much does it cost to mail a postcard?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    The cost depends on where in the world you are sending the postcard from and whether you’re sending it domestically or internationally. However, generally the cost of sending a postcard is less than any other mailed item, including letters. For example, as at 2019 in the United States, a postcard would cost you 0.35c to send using USPS.
  • Question
    What is a post card for a computer?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    A POST card in computing terms is a plug-in interface card. The POST stands for "power-on self-test." The card shows both the progress and error codes that occur during this self-test. The card is used for troubleshooting why a computer won’t start up.
  • Question
    What should I write on the left side of the postcard, and what should be written on the right side?
    Community Answer
    The left side is for the letter, the right side is for the address of the person you are sending it to.
  • Question
    What should I do if there is no box for the stamp?
    Community Answer
    You should stick the stamp in the place where the box would be: in the upper right corner.
  • Question
    Do I need an envelope in order to mail a postcard?
    Community Answer
    No, because the address and stamp are already on the postcard. The main reason people use envelops when mailing cards and letters is so that they will have some place to put the stamp and write the address.
  • Question
    What will happen if it gets lost in the mail?
    Community Answer
    If it gets lost in the mail, you may just have to write a new one. If you added your return address, it might eventually find its way back to you.
  • Question
    Do you need to write on the back of the card as well?
    Community Answer
    No. Usually, the back of the card consists of a picture and/or prewritten message, and you generally wouldn't want to write on that. If that's not the case on your postcard, then it is up to you.
  • Question
    If while writing the left side of the postcard is finished, then can I continue writing on right side?
    Community Answer
    You must not crowd the space where the address is, but you can write on the right hand side making sure that the address is left very evident. Just don't cover the stamp with writing or the address area.
  • Question
    What do I write in the postcard if I'm not on a holiday?
    Community Answer
    Write anything you'd like. Tell a joke, talk about what you did that day, share a cool story, or write down a memorable quotation.
  • Question
    How expensive is a postcard?
    Community Answer
    A regular postcard isn't expensive. Just remember, that you will need to purchase a stamp to mail it.
  • Question
    Is it acceptable to put the stamp over the barcode of a postcard?
    Community Answer
    The barcode is only there for the person selling it to you to scan, so if you've already bought and paid for the card, then yes.
  • Question
    If the left side of the postcard becomes full, can I continue it on right side?
    Community Answer
    No, because the right side is where you're supposed to write the information (such as the name, address, etc) of the person you want to send the postcard to.
  • Question
    Do I need to send a postcard?
    Community Answer
    No, many people keep them as mementos of their visits. Some frame, laminate, or otherwise protect favorite postcards and decorate their houses with them.
  • Question
    Where do I put the return address?
    Community Answer
    Put the return address in the upper left hand corner of the postcard.
  • Question
    Does a postcard need to have a topic?
    Community Answer
    The postcard doesn't really need a topic, but you should try to say a few things about the place you are visiting.
  • Question
    Can I choose any stamp? Are there any restrictions?
    Community Answer
    You can purchase any stamp you want, as long as it is sufficient postage. However, you can not use, for example, an American stamp on a postcard that you are sending from Canada.
  • Question
    Do I have to use the stamp of the country that I'm sending the postcard to?
    Community Answer
    You can use a stamp that is local to your location, but sending stamps abroad may accrue additional costs.
  • Question
    Can I put a sticker on a postcard?
    Community Answer
    Yes you may, as long as it doesn't cover the stamp or address.
  • Question
    Can I write on both sides if there are no graphics?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can write on the back and the front of the postcard all you wish. You could even draw a little photo of your destination. There are unlimited options if you want to get a little creative with your postcard.
  • Question
    Can I write to America when I am India?
    Community Answer
    Yes, definitely! This will cost more than sending a postcard within India, so contact your post office for pricing information.
  • Question
    On postcards, is it okay to put the address on front and the message on back?
    Community Answer
    No, you should write everything on the back. Write the address on the same side you write the message.
  • Question
    Will a postcard be delivered without the country on the address?
    Community Answer
    Generally, if you are mailing within the same country, it is customary to omit the country. However, it can vary depending on where you live. I would recommend making a quick search for your country's mailing address format to confirm.
  • Question
    Why do my post cards keep returning to me?
    Community Answer
    Most likely because the person you are sending them to is returning them to you for some reason or you do not have the correct postage or address. You can contact your local post office to make sure that you have the correct postage on it.
  • Question
    If I have a postcard that is completely blank, can I write the full message on that side?
    Community Answer
    You can write anywhere on the back side of the postcard; the front is for the address of the recipient.
  • Question
    What format for address is used when sending a postcard to Hungary from USA?
    Community Answer
    It is best to ask for the Hungarian's address, or look up the address of the place you plan to send the postcard by looking online.
  • Question
    How to write a postcard APA for school
    Community Answer
    You can visit an online resource to find a list of APA grammar rules, and follow these rules while writing the note on your postcard.
  • Question
    Where do I put the picture and how does a postcard look from the back?
    Community Answer
    The front part of the postcard is for the picture, and the back is for the message.
  • Question
    What if the Postcard has writing already on the left, there is a space on the TOP L (Next to the Stamp Box) Which I am assuming is for the address and then there is space at the bottom on the Right.
    Community Answer
    Postcards do have some unique formatting sometimes. If you are unsure about the formatting, follow your gut. As long as all the information is there, the post office will be able to send the postcard to the appropriate place.
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