Q&A for How to Write a Song

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    What if you have a song that sounds good, but no one understands it?
    Community Answer
    Publish it, or share it on the internet. With such a wide audience possible, there is bound to be at least one person on the internet who understands. If there is no-one, enjoy it yourself, you do not need fans to be a good song writer. But have faith, people will understand the song in their own way, when you get it out there to a sufficient amount of listeners.
  • Question
    How do you get inspiration?
    Community Answer
    Improvise on your instrument for a while. Listen to other songs, look at visual art, take a walk in nature. Every creative person finds inspiration in a different place. Remember that it's very rare for a song to jump into your head fully formed. Put in the hours to take that initial idea and shape it into something great.
  • Question
    How do you write a tune to match your lyrics?
    Community Answer
    Try listening to songs with the same emotional tone as your lyrics. Play around with the scales, rhythm, or instrumentation that grabs you in those songs to get ideas for your own.
  • Question
    What if I already have the lyrics but not the music?
    Community Answer
    Try playing your own instruments, or use a computer program, like Garage Band. If it's the tune or melody that you're having trouble with, try singing in different ways and see what sounds best.
  • Question
    What if my song doesn't sound good?
    Community Answer
    Like all creative activities, songwriting is a skill that improves with effort. Behind every musician with "natural talent" is a great deal of hard work.
  • Question
    How do you come up with ideas for a song?
    Community Answer
    Try to plug some of the things happening around you into the song. Namely, you are in a good place when it comes to relationships and so forth. If you cannot think of anything from your life or nothing sounds good (for whatever reason), then try to use your scenery, i.e. if you see other people having a hard time, then try to make a song describing it.
  • Question
    My lyrics just sound silly and I can't play the piano very well. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    As far as the piano goes, it is just pure practice. Learn songs at your level of ability, then slowly find songs that push past your abilities. Do this until you have reached a point where your are content. As far as the silly lyrics go, many writers first lyrics sound silly. The first draft you should just write. Write with the thought that no one but you will ever see that copy. Then from there, word things differently, change words, and change lines to your liking until it starts to sound better. Be sure to tap into subjects and feelings you really care about, as this helps to improve the quality of your message within the lyrics.
  • Question
    How do I write a love song?
    Community Answer
    A love song is a song where it is very important to share your feelings. It can be sad and slow, or a happy, bouncy one. Think about your feelings, and put them on paper. Now use those feelings to make a song!
  • Question
    What if I don't have an instrument?
    Community Answer
    Find someone who has one and who doesn't mind playing music with you as you make the lyrics. Or, use an electronic music app.
  • Question
    How do I make my lyrics match up with the beat?
    Community Answer
    You just have to practice. Try to match the words to the beat of the song and then add the melody. Some people find that this makes things much easier.
  • Question
    What is a bridge in music?
    Community Answer
    It's a part of the song that is not the verse or the chorus, but usually a short part near the end before a final chorus. It's usually the third theme of the song.
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    What if you have so many inspirations, can't you fit them all in a single song?
    Community Answer
    If you are unable to fit so many inspirations in one song, try finding the things the inspirations have in common, and format the song to fit them in. For example, if your song has the exact same chorus and a bridge/middle 8, alter a part of the chorus every time you must sing it again in the song, and get rid of the bridge/middle 8.
  • Question
    How do I get my song published?
    Community Answer
    Go a recording studio and have it recorded by a producer who can publish the song with you. You have to have a good voice and a great song because the studio will choose who they want to record.
  • Question
    I want to make a Christmas song -- how can I?
    Community Answer
    Use Christmas themed elements and objects in your lyrics. Listen to some famous Christmas songs, and use the instruments you like hearing in the song, for example: "around our tiny Christmas tree, everyone here sings with glee, all in perfect harmony" and add the sound of gently playing bells.
  • Question
    How do you write a song about yourself?
    Community Answer
    Try not to come off as egotistical, but as someone telling a story that others can very much relate to. Thus, focus on common experiences, such as going through love, experiencing hardships, enjoying the highs, or whatever personal tale you wish to tell. You can still write good features about yourself, but remember to balance this with flaw recognition for humility. Or, write a bit about your loved ones.
  • Question
    What can I do if I want to write an English song, but it is hard for me to write legibly in English?
    Community Answer
    Read English and practice writing it. Try some free programs online to learn better English.
  • Question
    How do you make up the melody if you don't know to play an instrument?
    Community Answer
    You can use Garage Band. Buy the paid version, as it's much better in range and capacity. You can put loops together to make a song and the melody will be a cinch.
  • Question
    What if I write a great song, but I can't sing?
    Community Answer
    See if anyone else could sing it for you. You can also take some singing classes. Once you improve your voice, you can since the song yourself.
  • Question
    How do you write a country song?
    Community Answer
    Most country songs are based around a simple hook and standard guitar chords. Click this link to read more about the process.
  • Question
    If I'm not dating anyone, what should my song be about?
    Sehara Goonasinghe
    Community Answer
    There are so many topics for songs -- they don't need to be lovey-dovey! Maybe write about something you find precious in your life, like a person or a sentimental item of yours. Write about fun experiences and celebrations too!
  • Question
    How do I make specific chords sound good with a melody?
    Community Answer
    Start off with your feelings that you have on your mind, and then start to release them through music.
  • Question
    Can my song be about my life?
    Sehara Goonasinghe
    Community Answer
    Yes, it can be about your life. Write about some of your experiences that are interesting and relatable, and make it fit with a tune. The tune should work together with what the lyrics are about, whether it is happy or sad, loud or calm.
  • Question
    How do I come up with lyrics?
    Community Answer
    To come up with lyrics, you need experiences, and if you're very young, it will be harder.
  • Question
    I want to make an album, how do I do that?
    Community Answer
    Most albums will have a common theme. Try to find something you're really passionate about, it'll help you write more songs that connect, but don't make it sound like it's all the same song.
  • Question
    Should I write the song or the title first?
    Community Answer
    Usually, one comes to you before the other does, so you should let the song develop naturally in whichever order feels best.
  • Question
    I don't play an instrument, but I'm good at singing and writing songs. Whenever I sing my song to other people, I feel like it sounds awkward! Does anyone have any advice for me?
    Community Answer
    You could ask them to tell you how you did and to be absolutely honest. Then ask them how they think you can improve.
  • Question
    What if the song I wrote sounds better a capella than with a beat and stuff? Does it have to have a beat?
    Community Answer
    If you think it sounds best a capella, then leave it that way. It is your song, do with it whatever you please.
  • Question
    Are your songs real songs or did you make them up?
    Community Answer
    You could say both, because since you created it, you "made it up". However, technically speaking, there isn't such a thing as a "fake song" unless someone was trying to make somebody else think "this song was published by so-and-so" when it wasn't. I guess I'm just trying to say that if it has words and/or a tune, it can be considered a "real" song.
  • Question
    I have a great chorus, but I have a very hard time thinking up my verses. How do I think of my verses?
    Community Answer
    Think of the theme you're trying to convey in your song, and write verses around that theme. Practice makes perfect, so don't get frustrated if it isn't perfect right away. Just keep trying.
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