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Making psychological and spiritual sense of dreams involving rodents
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Dreams about rats may offer hints as to what your subconscious mind dwells on while you're asleep. For some, dreaming of these rodents might be a sign of deep fear or stress; for others, it might be a sign of internal struggles with your sense of self-image. Whatever the case, we’ll offer you interpretations for a variety of different rat dreams, as well as helpful pointers about what you can do to rest easy.

Things You Should Know

  • Rat dreams may be a reflection of your own personal opinion of rats. If you have a fear of rats, they’re more likely to show up in your nightmares.
  • Dreams of rat infestations or of rats chasing you might symbolize that you’re feeling cornered or overwhelmed, or need to take a vacation to destress.
  • Dreams about catching rats might mean that your problems or worries are soon coming to an end, so keep working hard and expect that work to pay off.
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General, Spiritual, and Biblical Meanings

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  1. Our nightmares are often reflections of what’s going on in our waking lives, and can be prompted by stress or even PTSD. [1] If your rat dreams are negative, it may simply be a general indicator that you’re anxious. Or, you may have a literal fear of rats that your subconscious mind is playing out.
    • Alternatively, positive dreams about rats may simply be your mind’s way of entertaining itself or contemplating how much you like rats. Dreams are strange, mysterious things that we know relatively little about!
    • What to do: Relax yourself before bed to soothe your nightmares. Take several deep breaths as you lie down, or practice yoga before climbing under the covers to clear your mind.
  2. Typically, rat-related dreams carry a spiritual warning that your psyche could be at risk since negative forces could be looming and potentially leeching off your vibes and energy.
    • What to do: Treat this moment as a reminder to trust your gut and do a little bit of self-reflection. Where is negativity most present in your life, and where does it have its strongest grip?
  3. The Bible doesn't speak very kindly of rats—in Leviticus 11:29, in fact, it considers "animals that move along the ground" like "the weasel, the rat, and any kind of great lizard" to be unclean. [2] With this in mind, spotting a rat in your dream could be a biblical red flag that there are serious problems lurking beneath the surface in your life.
    • What to do: Pray to God for guidance about what temptations and difficulties you need to be on the lookout for in the coming days and weeks. Ask Him to stay by your side and help you through any challenges that may come.
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Rat Color Dream Meanings

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  1. White rats or lab rats can symbolize a lack of trust in yourself. We tend to associate white rats with things like trust, honesty, and purity. This is in part because white is traditionally a symbol of goodness, and also because we associate white rats with lab rats used in experiments to enhance our knowledge and understanding. Dreaming of a white rat, then, might mean you’re struggling to trust someone —a friend, coworker, or even romantic partner—or that you doubt someone’s judgment, either your own or someone else’s. [3]
    • On the other hand, it may indicate that you’re having a positive relationship with someone you consider to be trustworthy, or a positive force in your life.
    • What to do: Get an outside perspective. Hit up a trusted friend or family member and fill them in on the situation, and why you’re having doubts. Ask them for their advice, and what they think you should do. Often, the best advice comes from someone uninvolved with the situation.
  2. Brown rats can represent a struggle with self-image. We tend to see brown as a drab or unexciting color. Seeing brown rats in your dream may indicate that you’re unexcited or unsatisfied with yourself, particularly about your body image—your weight, looks, or general appearance. You may feel undesirable or self-conscious. [4]
    • What to do: Delete your Instagram or Twitter to live without social media , which may contribute to your negative body image. Also, help yourself to love your body by giving yourself compliments about your favorite features every day.
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Specific Scenario Dream Meanings

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  1. This can mean that you're feeling overwhelmed. Dreams often tell us things that we wouldn’t or couldn’t realize while we’re awake. Often, these are realizations about our anxieties. Having dreams that rats are chasing you may reveal that you’re feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or cornered. This might be caused by your job, a lackluster personal relationship, or burnout in your hobbies.
    • What to do: Take a break. Request some time off work or step away from your hobbies and aspirations for a week or two. They’ll be there when you come back. In the meantime, remind yourself to enjoy the moment by identifying 5 things around you that you appreciate, or by meditating to take inventory of your worries and concerns.
  2. This dream might symbolize that a relationship is about to end. It could be a romance, a friendship, or even a close family member who might exit your life. Whichever it is, dreaming of rats moving away from you parallels a certain someone doing the same. Alternatively, it may symbolize a fear of losing your job or wealth. [5]
    • What to do: Let them go. Since rats are often associated with dishonesty or villains, it could be that you’re better off without the person who’s leaving you. It won’t be easy, but cope with the loss by surrounding yourself with others who care about you.
    • Or , check in with your boss if you’re afraid of losing your job. They may be able to offer some invaluable insight, put your fears to rest, or help you transition to a new job.
  3. This dream can symbolize that you're feeling defeated. Like David facing Goliath, dreams of facing down a larger-than-life pest might mean that you feel like the odds are against you. [6] Maybe the job search is turning up dry, you’re not having any luck working through emotional knots, or you’re falling behind in an actual competition. Whatever it is, you’re losing hope, and your dreams are telling you to hang in there.
    • What to do: Take stock of your victories. You can’t win everything all the time, but that doesn’t mean you’re a loser. Focus on being grateful for the things you’ve accomplished—write them down in a list to remind yourself of what you’re capable of, then get back out there.
  4. This type of dream might indicate that you’re feeling insignificant. Rats are small by nature, and infant rats are even smaller. Seeing tiny rats in your dreams might be a reflection of how you view yourself—insignificant, powerless, or invisible. [7] It could be your brain’s way of showing you that you need to change your perception of yourself and learn to value who you are.
    • What to do: Improve your self-esteem by writing a list of all your positive qualities. If you can’t think of any, ask a friend or family member to say something nice about you. Say, “I’ve been feeling a bit down on myself recently. Can you tell me something you like about me?”
  5. This type of dream may mean that it’s time to do some physical or emotional cleaning. Rat infestations tend to happen in grimy places, and when they happen in your dreams, it may indicate that your personal life has gathered some of its own grime. Maybe that grime is literal and you need to clean up your home. [8] Or, it could be metaphorical—you’re surrounded by bad friends, bad energies, or find yourself in bad situations, and it’s time to take out the trash.
    • What to do: Roll up your sleeves and get scrubbing. Clean your home to refresh your living space. Or, if your problem is emotional, take stock of your friends and end any friendships that are no longer healthy or productive. Literally and metaphorically decluttering will help clear your mind—and possibly your dreams.
    • Similarly, dreaming about gray rats might indicate stagnation in your personal or professional life, which might mean it’s time to make new friends or connections—join a social club or take a class at your community center to find like-minded people.
  6. This can be a sign of impending danger or bad luck. Some cultures believe that dead rats are warnings from the spirit realm about coming danger. Biblically, rats symbolize everything unclean. In the past, rats carried (and were killed by) diseases like the plague. [9] Dead rats appearing in your dreams might indicate that you’ve got a streak of bad luck coming, or that disaster lurks on the horizon.
    • What to do: Slow down and check yourself. We might not be able to dodge every misfortune, but we can dodge the ones we can control. Work to give up self-destructive behaviors like drinking, or see a therapist to help with other issues like anger or violence.
  7. This type of dream can mean that someone will betray or hurt you. Rat bites are often unexpected and painful, which might be reflected in your dreams to indicate an enemy is about to attack. [10] It may be someone close to you, like a friend, or someone at work who’s trying to rise the ranks. It may be pointless to try to figure out who, since, like a rat bite, it could be sneaky and come when you least expect it.
    • What to do: Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. Trust your friends to do right by you. Act cordial and friendly around everyone else. There’s no point making new enemies.
    • Seeing black rats in your dreams often means something similar, since black is a color we associate with evil.
  8. This dream might symbolize that you’re wasting time. In waking life, rats tend to scurry around abandoned or dilapidated homes. It’s a sign that the house is beyond repair, and it’s time to move on. Similarly, hearing rats in the walls in your dreams may indicate that it’s time for you to move on from something. [11] It could be that you need to move on from a relationship , or just give up the proverbial ghost when it comes to a certain pursuit or desire.
    • What to do: Find someone or something new to fill your time. The best way to move on is to find something to move on to. Find a hobby like gardening or video games, or get back out on the dating apps to find your forever partner.
  9. This might suggest that your problems will soon be resolved. Rats are commonly seen as pests or problems, and the way to fix rat problems is by catching them. It follows that catching rats in your dreams might mean that soon, you won’t have to deal with those problems. [12] They might be fixed for you, or they might be fixed by your own hand. In either case, rest easy and know that better times are ahead.
  10. This dream may mean that you don’t trust your partner. Rats make poor bedfellows, to say the least. Dreaming about sharing a pillow with a rodent may reflect your reservations about your significant other, who shares a bed with you. If you sleep alone, it may signify the feeling that you don’t feel safe in your home, either because of who you live with or because of other housing worries. [13]
    • What to do: Take steps to improve your communication with your partner . Use “I” statements to express your concerns, like, “I’m hurt by what you said earlier…” Clearing the air before bed may help clear up your dreams, as well.
    • Or, spend a night with a friend or family member, if you can. It could be that a change of scenery could help shake the disturbing dreams.
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      • Studies have shown that rats actually have dreams, too! In fact, like humans, rats often dream of their desired futures, like running toward a tasty bit of food. [14] Who knows, maybe rats dream about humans the same way we dream about them.
      • To speak broadly, some psychologists believe that dreams are our brains’ way of working through our conscious problems, subconsciously. [15] We might dream simply to make sense of what we see when we’re awake.
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