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Western Union can be a convenient way to receive money from friends, family, and employers. Money sent through Western Union can be transferred directly to your bank account in 2-5 days, or sent to a mobile wallet within minutes. It is also possible to receive funds in cash at any Western Union location, usually within less than a day of the transfer. Give the sender accurate information, choose the delivery method that’s most convenient for you, and ask for a tracking number once the funds have been transferred.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Having Money Sent to Your Bank

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  1. The sender will need the name of your bank, as well as your account number and routing number, to transfer money directly to your bank. You should only give out this information if you are receiving money from a person you know and trust or from a legitimate, well-known company.
    • You should be able to find your account and routing number either by calling your bank or by logging into your account on your bank’s website.
  2. For instance, if the name on your bank account is William H. Smith and your friend writes “Billy Smith” on the transfer form, you may have trouble receiving the transfer. Double check that the sender has used your full, correct name.
  3. If you are receiving money from someone in another country, you may need to give them your International Bank Account Number and/or your International Bank Identifier Code. Call your bank or check your bank’s website to find these numbers.
  4. In most cases, money sent directly to your bank account should transfer within 2-5 days. The sender should also have a receipt that says when the money will be available.
  5. Log in to your online account, call your bank, or visit your branch in person to see if the transfer has gone through. It should appear by no more than 5 days after it was sent, or by the date listed on your sender’s receipt.
  6. Your sender should be able to find a Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) on their receipt. You can use this number to track the transfer using the Western Union website or app. [1]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Collecting Money at a Western Union Location

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  1. You will need to provide the sender with the name and address on your government-issued ID in order to pick up money at Western Union. Make sure you give them the address on your ID even if it’s not your current address. [2]
  2. You will need to provide this information when you go to pick up your money. Ask for the name and address that the sender will use for the transfer. [3]
  3. Once the sender has transferred the funds, ask them to provide you with the tracking number, or Money Transfer Control Number, listed on their receipt. This will allow you to track the transfer and find out when the funds are available for pick-up.
    • The sender’s receipt should also list the date that the funds are expected to become available. However, it can be a good idea to track the transfer anyway to confirm that it is available before you go to pick it up.
  4. You can receive funds at any Western Union branch. Find out which branch is closest to you using Western Union’s online location tool: https://locations.westernunion.com/
  5. The name and address on your ID should match what the sender provided when filling out the transfer information. The ID should be current and not expired. [4]
  6. You may also need to know the amount you will be receiving. In some countries, it is also necessary to answer a security question, which your sender should have discussed with you beforehand. [5]
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Receiving Money with a Mobile Wallet App

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  1. Some phones come with mobile wallets already installed. Check to see whether you have a mobile wallet app on your phone, and if not, download one from your service provider. Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Android Pay are common mobile wallet apps. [6]
  2. Once your mobile wallet is installed, it should prompt you to provide your credit or debit card information. Use the card that you want to receive money on or would like to send money from in the future.
  3. Unlike with in-person pick-up or direct bank deposits, the sender only needs your phone number to transfer funds to your mobile wallet. Be sure to provide the country code if you are receiving money from someone overseas. [7]
  4. Money sent to a mobile wallet will usually only take a few minutes to transfer, but it may take longer depending on various factors such as the amount sent, the destination country, and availability of currency. [8]
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Do I need only my address and full name to receive money?
    Community Answer
    You need your government-provided ID card, too.
  • Question
    Can I use a voter card as a government issue ID card?
    Maria Mutauta
    Community Answer
    Generally, no. The standard ID allowed is passport, national identity card or drivers license.
  • Question
    If a sender sent me Western Union cash for pick up can I put it on my mobile wallet?
    Maria Mutauta
    Community Answer
    As soon as you receive money at a Western Union agent you can decide what to do with the cash. A third party mobile wallet will require said cash and ID card, among other requirements. The requirements will depend on the country you're sending from.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To receive money using Western Union, start by giving the sender your bank account information, including the name of your bank, your account number, and your routing number. If you are receiving money from someone in another country, they may also need your International Bank Account Number or International Bank Identifier Code, which can be found on your bank's website. After 2 to 5 days, the money should appear in your bank account. Alternatively, to collect money at a Western Union location, you and the sender will need each other's full names and addresses. Using Western Union's online location tool, find your nearest branch and bring your government-issued ID. After you fill out the transfer information with the sender's name, address, and tracking number, you should be able to collect your money. For more tips, including how to receive money from Western Union using your mobile wallet app, read on!

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