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You’re composing an email on Yahoo Mail and have attached several files to go with it. After reviewing your email, you notice that there are some file attachments that shouldn’t go with it. As long as you haven’t sent the email, you can still remove your file attachments. Removing them is easy.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Removing Attachments via the Website

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  1. On the composition window, scroll to the bottom and you will see all the files you’ve attached to this email.
  2. Pick the attachment you want to remove from the list, and hover over it.
    • An “X” will appear at the top right corner of the selected attachment.
  3. Do this by clicking the “X.” The selected file will be removed from the list.
    • Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for other attached files you would like to remove.
    • If you’d like to start with a fresh batch of attachments, click on the “Remove All” link from the Attachments section of the window. All the attached files will be deleted.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Removing Attachments via the Mobile App

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  1. Just below the subject line is the Attachments header. Tap on the down arrow to open it. All the attachments will be displayed in thumbnail view, with an “X” icon at the top left corner of the image.
  2. Go over the list of attachments, and choose which one(s) you will be removing.
  3. Tap on the “X” or the image of the attachment to remove. A confirmation window will pop-up. Select “Remove” from this window, and the attachment will be removed.
    • Keep doing this for all the attachments you want to remove.
    • For now, there is no “Remove all” option for the Yahoo Mail app.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I remove pictures from attachments that were sent a long time ago?
    Community Answer
    The attachment is an integral part of the original email. If you don't want the attachment to be there, you will need to download the attachment (if you want it) and then delete the email. You can then delete it from the deleted items folder if desired. The attachment cannot be removed once it's in your inbox without removing the original email.
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