Do you feel like you’ve been cursed or hexed by someone playing with black magic? If so, don’t worry. There are some simple techniques you can use to break the spell.
See if anyone has reason to curse you. Examine your reasons for thinking you might have been cursed. Is there someone out there who wishes you ill? Why? It's unusual to be cursed by someone you don't know, so chances are if you're cursed, it's because someone you know has a problem with you. Here are the most common types of curses and hexes someone may have cast upon you:
See if your luck has been especially bad. If you've had a run of terrible luck, it might mean that someone cast a bad luck spell upon you. If mishap after mishap occurs out of the blue, and something just seems off, it's possible you need to take steps to remove the spell. Here are a few examples of circumstances that can occur if such a spell has been cast:
- You fall ill for no apparent reason (and it's definitely not just the common cold).
- You get bad scores on a test, even though you studied hard and were sure you'd ace it.
- You have a bad acne outbreak right before going on a hot date, even though you haven't had a pimple in weeks.
- You trip and fall right as you were about to score the winning point during a basketball game.
- The car you're driving in breaks down, causing you to miss out on the biggest party of the year.
- You find out your family is moving to a new city with no warning at all.
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Realize that bad things aren't always a curse. No matter how bad things seem, chances are your luck has nothing to do with being cursed. Even if you have a few enemies , it's very rare that someone actually possesses the power to cause you harm from afar. Think through what's been happening and see if there's another reason why your life isn't going the way you want to. If you can't find any reason, and you're pretty sure someone has it in for you, then move on to techniques you can use to get rid of the spell.
- For example, if your boyfriend breaks up with you for someone else, it might not be because the other girl cast a bad luck spell on you; it could just be that he was ready to move on.
- Or if you come down with a case of hives, it could be you're allergic to shellfish or nuts. You should check into that.
- However, if you're quite convinced that you have an enemy who wishes you harm, you should definitely take steps to break the curse, just in case it's real.
Use an amulet to protect yourself. An amulet is an object you always keep with you to protect yourself from bad energy , hexes and curses. Keeping an amulet with you can weaken the effect of a curse or hex so that it can no longer harm you.
- An amulet can be any object that has powerful meaning and is sacred to you. A special piece of jewelry, a shell from your favorite beach, or even a length of ribbon you wore in your hair as a child can all be an amulet.
- Wear the amulet around your neck or keep it in your pocket at all times.
Take a bath in salt and magic herbs. A ritual bath has the power to cleanse away bad energy that's harming you. If you feel you've been cursed, light some candles and draw a warm bath. Try to think only positive thoughts as you have a nice, long soak. Sprinkle one or more of following into the bath to increase its cleansing power:
- A pinch of salt
- Hyssop
- Basil
- Mugwort
- patchouli
- Vetiver
- Wormwood
Burn "uncrossing" incense. The same magic herbs can be burned to have and "uncrossing" effect, which means they break the curse or hex. It's not necessary to use every single herb on the list, but take as many as you can and bundle them up. Tie the bundle with a piece of string, then light it on fire (preferably outside or on a safe surface). By the time the bundle has burned away, the curse will be broken.
- Since mugwort, wormwood and vetiver are said to be particularly powerful when it comes to warding off bad spirits and breaking curses, you might want to carry some around with you. Fill up a small cloth sack with the herbs and tie it around your waist or put it in your pocket.
Use laughter to break the spell. Black magic takes its power from negative energy, and its opposite, positive energy, has the power to weaken it. In this case, laughter really is the best medicine, because you can use it quite effectively against any type of curse. You don't need a ritual or a spell: just your own well of positive energy.
- When you feel the effects of the curse around you, think of something funny and laugh. Focus entirely on a funny video or book and let yourself fully enjoy how it makes you feel.
- When you're confronted by the person you suspect cast a spell upon you, smile and be friendly. Crack a joke or two and try to laugh together. Even if the person doesn't find it funny, his or her power will be weakened by the strength of your positive energy.
Try a binding spell that turns evil to good. This is a positive, white magic spell that spiritually helps the person's energy turn from negative to positive, so he or she can no longer harm you with curses and hexes. A binding spell will not harm its subject; it just prevents the person from hurting you further. Inscribe a candle with the person's name. As it burns down, repeat these words:
- I bring you forth from the dark and hold you to the light. Let not your past control my present. Let not my future be as dark as night. I meet and greet you with open arms, and move you back into the light. So mote it be. [1] X Research source
Talk to a spiritual healer. If you are convinced that a serious spell has been cast upon you, it may be time to talk to a spiritual healer who can help to remove it using a series of rituals. Talk to someone who understands what you're going through and knows the proper way to remove the curse so your life starts looking up again.
- If you are religious, you may want to talk with your religious leader for guidance.
- Talking to a psychic may help, but be careful to find someone who's authentic and well-versed in the ways of magic.
- It might also help to talk with a therapist who is open to healing through meditation, hypnosis and other techniques that can bring more positive energy into your life.
Cleanse Your Spiritual Energy with this Expert Series
Is your energy feeling off? Do you suspect that you've been targeted with negative energy? Read these expert articles to defend yourself and cleanse your aura.
Community Q&A
QuestionI am constantly ill with one problem or the other. Is there a spell to remove this hex?Community AnswerYes. Take the following items in both your palms to remove the black spell -- garlic clove, salt, dried red chili and mustard seeds. Spin it three times on the person suffering and, then, on a hot pan, let it burn. If you find strong smell means the evil eye has been removed.
QuestionIs dreaming about loving someone a sign of black magic?Community AnswerPeople dream about other people for many different reasons. It could be a sign of black magic, but it may also just mean that someone is on your mind.
QuestionHow long must one wait for the rituals to take effect?Community AnswerWait for the lunar cycle to be complete. If your spell was cast on a waning crescent, wait for another 28 days until it's the waning crescent again. If there are no results or you still feel unsafe, repeat the spell. Good luck and blessed be.
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