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Easy steps to cleaning permanent marker off plastic surfaces
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If you accidentally got Sharpie or another permanent marker on plastic, don’t worry; permanent marker isn’t always as “permanent” as you’d think. In this article, we’ll teach you all the best ways to remove permanent marker from plastics, plus tips for removing permanent marker stains from other surfaces, as well. With this guide, your plastic belongings will look good as new in no time.

Best Ways to Remove Sharpie from Plastic

Easily remove Sharpie or other permanent marker stains from plastic by drawing over the stain with a dry erase marker, then wiping it off. Dabbing alcohol or acetone on a cotton ball and scrubbing the stain is another quick and effective way to dissolve the ink. Other options include using baking soda and toothpaste or vinegar.

Section 1 of 3:

How to Remove Permanent Marker from Plastic

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Permanent Marker from Plastics
    Find a dry-erase marker of any color and draw over the permanent marker stain. Dry-erase markers contain solvents that help dissolve permanent marker. Once the stain is completely covered, wipe the area with a soft cloth. The stain should begin to come off. [1]
    • This method works exceptionally well on dry-erase boards and is safe to use on smooth plastic surfaces . It may not be as effective on textured surfaces, however.
    • If you cannot wipe the dry-erase marker off, spray the area with a glass cleaner, then wipe it off with a paper towel.
    • Don’t give up if the dry-erase marker doesn’t remove the permanent marker immediately. Cleaning specialist Ahmed Mezil says the stain may not come off right away: “You definitely need to do a couple of rounds to get the whole [stain] off because it does take two to four tries.” [2]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Permanent Marker from Plastics
    Rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, and acetone all help dissolve chemicals in permanent marker. For small stains or curved surfaces, soak a cotton ball in the alcohol, then wipe the surface until the stain comes off. For flat surfaces or larger stains, pour the alcohol directly onto the stain, then wipe it away with a paper towel. Repeat the process as needed until the stain has been completely removed. [3]
    • Rubbing alcohol is the safest of these 3 methods, but you may need to use it a few times to get the stain off. The higher the alcohol percentage, the more effective it will be. If possible, try to get something that is 90% or higher.
    • Hand sanitizer works great on curved surfaces because it doesn't drip as much.
    • Acetone is the strongest option. However, it can remove paint and melt certain surfaces, so it is not recommended for painted surfaces and softer plastics.
    • Before using acetone, test an inconspicuous area first. If the plastic appears distorted or loses its color, use rubbing alcohol or hand sanitizer instead.
    • The longer the permanent marker has been on the plastic, the tougher it will be to remove. Old stains may soak into the plastic and leave a “ghost” of the stain after you clean it.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Permanent Marker from Plastics
    Hydrogen peroxide is another great stain remover. Soak a cotton ball, cotton pad, or a corner of a microfiber cloth in hydrogen peroxide, then gently rub the permanent marker stain. For larger stains, pour the hydrogen peroxide directly over it, then wipe off with a paper towel. [4]
    • Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful stain remover that can strip color, so it may not be the best option for painted surfaces. Test it in an inconspicuous area first.
    • Be careful not to get any hydrogen peroxide on your clothes, carpet, or other fabrics.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Permanent Marker from Plastics
    Purchase a plain magic eraser without any additives, such as bleach. Cut the sponge into smaller pieces to make it easier to work with, then dip it in water. Rub the permanent marker stain with the magic eraser using circular movements, being careful not to press too hard. It may take anywhere between 5 to 10 minutes before you start seeing results. Keep scrubbing until the stain has been removed. [5]
    • If the stain is particularly tough, consider dipping the sponge in rubbing alcohol instead.
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Permanent Marker from Plastics
    With a fork or spoon, mix equal parts baking soda and white toothpaste together in a bowl until it forms a thick paste. Spread the paste evenly over the permanent marker stain, then use a toothbrush to scrub the stain away. After a few minutes, rinse the area with clean water. The toothpaste and baking soda should’ve removed most of the permanent marker, but if any residue remains, apply some alcohol to finish the job. [6]
    • Use toothpaste that's white (or a pale mint color) and not the gel kind; white toothpaste is more abrasive, which makes it more effective.
    • Because toothpaste is abrasive, avoid using it on painted surfaces.
    • For small stains, start with about a pea-sized amount of toothpaste and baking soda. For larger stains, use up to a teaspoon or tablespoon of each. Use a thick layer; if you can see the stain through the paste, add a little bit more.
    • Toothbrushes work well for textured surfaces because the bristles can get into the nooks and crannies. For smooth surfaces, it’s okay to use a towel or your finger.
  6. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Permanent Marker from Plastics
    If the permanent marker stain is light and the plastic surface is smooth, a simple pink eraser may be enough to remove it. Choose a good quality rubber eraser and simply rub the stain with it until the stain disappears. [7]
    • If the eraser alone doesn’t do the trick, apply a bit of the toothpaste and baking soda mixture first. When you wipe it off, rub the area with the eraser again to remove any stubborn bits of permanent marker.
  7. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Permanent Marker from Plastics
    Sprinkle some baking soda over the stain, and then drizzle white vinegar over it. Let the foamy mixture sit on the stain for a few minutes, then wipe it off using a towel. Repeat as necessary until the permanent marker is completely gone. This is a great natural solution if you don’t want to use harsh chemicals. [8]
  8. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Permanent Marker from Plastics
    Tea tree oil will help dissolve the marker stain, making it easier to remove; it also smells much more pleasant than rubbing alcohol or acetone. Simply soak a cotton ball with some tea tree oil and rub it over the stain until it disappears. For tiny areas, consider using a Q-tip instead. When you are done, wipe the area clean with a paper towel. [9]
    • If there is any oily residue, soak a cotton ball with some rubbing alcohol and wipe it clean.
  9. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Permanent Marker from Plastics
    Sunscreen contains oils that can help dissolve the chemicals in the permanent marker stain. Squirt the sunscreen directly onto the stain, then rub it with a paper towel or cloth to wipe the marker away. Keep in mind, however, that the oils in sunscreen can also stain certain surfaces, so you might want to test it out first on an inconspicuous area first. [10]
  10. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Permanent Marker from Plastics
    Spray the affected area liberally with hairspray, then wipe it clean using a paper towel. Keep in mind that the chemicals in some hairsprays may damage certain plastics. Consider testing in an out-of-sight area first before working on the stain. Repeat as needed until the permanent marker has been completely removed. [11]
  11. Watermark wikiHow to Remove Permanent Marker from Plastics
    Products such as Goo-Gone and Goof-Off can be great at removing sticky residue and stains, including permanent marker stains. However, the chemicals in these products may also ruin certain surfaces, especially if they are shiny. Read the manufacturer's instructions to properly apply the product, and consider testing it in an inconspicuous area first. You may also end up with some oily residue, which you can clean off by wiping a cotton ball soaked with rubbing alcohol over it. [12]
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Section 2 of 3:

Getting Permanent Marker Off Other Surfaces

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  1. Alcohol works to remove permanent marker from almost any surface, including various fabrics like cotton, wool, carpets, upholstery, and more. Apply rubbing alcohol to a clean cloth and blot the area, or spray a hairspray that contains alcohol on the affected area, then dab it with a clean paper towel. [13]
  2. White vinegar is a great, natural cleaning solution that will remove permanent marker from most fabrics and surfaces, and especially synthetic fabrics. Mix 1 tbsp (14 ml) white vinegar, 1 tbsp (14 ml) dish soap, and 2 cups (473 ml) of cold water. Dip a sponge into the solution, then dab it onto the affected area. Let the solution sit for about a minute, then dab the dissolved ink up with a paper towel. Repeat the process until the marker is all gone. Dab the area with a clean paper towel again to absorb excess cleaner and ink, then rinse thoroughly before washing the fabric. [14]
  3. Believe it or not, the fat in peanut butter often helps dissolve ink. If you’re worried using harsh chemicals may damage the wood, apply a bit of peanut butter to the stain and let it sit for at least 5 minutes. Then, dab the area with a damp microfiber cloth to pull up the peanut butter and dissolved ink. Repeat as needed until the permanent marker has been removed from the wood entirely. [15]
    • If the stain is stubborn, it may be necessary to use rubbing alcohol instead.
    • House cleaning professional Guy Peters also recommends using toothpaste for hardwood surfaces, like flooring: “Toothpaste is my favorite method for removing permanent marker from hardwood and it works well for both finished and unfinished wood. Stick with toothpastes that include baking soda (Arm & Hammer is the best) and avoid gel toothpastes since they won’t work at all. Simply apply the toothpaste to the permanent marker spot and rub the area with small circles [with a sponge or thick cloth]. Use a damp cloth to remove any extra toothpaste, and repeat as needed.” [16]
  4. Because glass isn’t porous, it’s relatively easy to remove permanent marker from its surface. Apply nail polish remover (or acetone) to a microfiber cloth and rub the stain until all the marker has been wiped away. [17]
    • Dry erase markers or magic erasers may also work. Follow the same steps as you would for removing permanent marker from plastic.
  5. While many solutions can remove permanent marker from walls, the easiest option is to use a magic eraser. Dampen the eraser in water and wring it out, then gently scrub the affected area of the wall. Rotate the magic eraser as needed so you’re always using a clean section. Don’t use too much pressure or you risk ruining the wall’s paint. [18]
  6. If you accidentally got permanent marker on painted furniture like cabinets or dressers, dab a bit of vegetable oil onto a cotton ball or microfiber cloth. Gently rub the affected area to remove the stain, repeating the process as needed until the marker is gone. [19]
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Section 3 of 3:

Removing Permanent Marker FAQs

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  1. Sharpies and other permanent markers contain both ink and a type of alcohol. When you write with one, the alcohol evaporates and leaves the ink stuck on the surface, almost like a layer of paint. This is why permanent marker is more difficult to remove than other types of markers. [20]
  2. In most cases, no. Because permanent markers become “permanent” when the alcohol they contain evaporates, it’s possible to remove the ink by reintroducing an alcohol to the stain. This is why products that contain alcohol or acetone, like dry-erase markers, work well to remove permanent marker stains. [21]
  3. Many factors affect how long permanent marker stays on plastic, including time, temperature, exposure to weather, and how often the stain is touched. In general, though, permanent marker will remain on plastic for at least several months and usually longer if you don’t attempt to remove it. [22]
    • This is why it’s best to remove the permanent marker as soon as possible. The longer it remains untouched on the surface, the more difficult it is to get off.
  4. Household items, like baking soda and vinegar, are typically less abrasive than commercial cleaners or chemicals like alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Pencil erasers and dry-erase markers are other gentle options. [23]
  5. Dry-erase markers are a quick and effective way to remove permanent marker stains from whiteboards and other smooth surfaces. Otherwise, rubbing alcohol is usually the fastest and easiest way to get rid of permanent marker for most surfaces. [24]
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    My matte finish phone case has a lot of Sharpie marks on it. How do I remove the marks?
    Community Answer
    It would be best if you used hand sanitizer. The chemicals reduce the size of the stain, limiting the next step's product: rubbing alcohol. When done applying the hand sanitizer, add the rubbing alcohol.
  • Question
    I got Sharpie marker on my plastic folder. I rubbed it with an eraser and some of it came off, but not all. How can I remove the rest of it without ruining the folder?
    Community Answer
    Try to use acetone and a cotton, if that does not work try to use tape remover or band aid remover. You can also try using hand sanitizer.
  • Question
    I have a silicone rubber phone case, and I got some marker on it. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    It will not completely come off if it is permanent marker, but I found the best solution to be a magic eraser and rubbing alcohol. It got most of the stains off my case.
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      • Depending on how old and how heavy the marker is, you may need to use the treatment several times.
      • Pencil erasers work well to get permanent marker off cellophane sheets.
      • If you get permanent marker on your skin, remove it with hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, or acetone. Apply a moisturizer afterward so the alcohol doesn’t dry your skin out.
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      • Always test products in an out-of-sight area first, especially if you are using chemicals such as acetone, sunscreen, and anything oil-based.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To remove permanent marker from plastics, scrub it with toothpaste and baking soda until it comes off. You can also scrub the marker off with an alcohol-based product, like hairspray, hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, or acetone. If you have a pencil, try buffing the marker off using the eraser. Hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, and sunscreen can all also be used to wipe permanent marker off of plastic. If you want to learn how to get rid of permanent marker using a dry erase marker, keep reading!

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