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A closer look at Taurus and Scorpio's romantic and sexual chemistry
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Can a strong-willed, down-to-earth Taurus woman find true love with a passionate and intense Scorpio man? They both have very powerful personalities and tend to be opposites in many ways—but, as the saying goes, opposites attract! In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this pair’s compatibility, from their sexual connection to their communication skills. Read on for a guide to the Taurus woman-Scorpio man relationship, plus tips on how to make this pairing last a lifetime.

This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • Taurus women and Scorpio men are emotionally compatible. Taurus can give Scorpio a sense of security, and Scorpio can help Taurus understand their feelings.
  • This pair has incredible sexual chemistry. They both enjoy sensual, passionate intimacy, and they’ll develop a deeper emotional bond by connecting in the bedroom.
  • Both signs take time to open up, but their honesty and loyalty will help them build enough trust to communicate openly and share their innermost thoughts.
Section 1 of 7:

Scorpio Man & Taurus Woman: Overview

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  1. All in all, this is a super strong zodiac pairing! When a sweet-natured and dependable Taurus woman meets an emotional and sincere Scorpio man, the ensuing relationship is usually extremely fulfilling for both. This pair can expect honest, forthright communication, deep and intense sexual chemistry, and a connection that helps each sign balance out the other emotionally. [1]
    • Scorpio is a water sign ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation, death, and rebirth, making Scorpio a sensitive, intuitive, and secretive sign.
    • Taurus is an earth sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, making Taurus a loyal, sensual, and grounded sign.
    • Wondering if Taurus and Scorpio are compatible? Check out wikiHow’s “How compatible are Taurus and Scorpio?” forum !
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Section 2 of 7:

Emotional Compatibility

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  1. Scorpio men bring a lot of passion to the relationship, while Taurus women provide a sense of emotional stability; together, they can be exactly what the other needs! Taurus often needs a bit of a push to drive the relationship forward, which passionate Scorpio can do, while cautious Scorpio will find it easy to open up to a sweet, dependable Taurus. [2]
    • Both signs rely on their intense physical chemistry to help shape the emotional connection between them as well. The more time they spend together—in and out of the bedroom—the stronger their emotional bond will grow.
  2. This pair complements one another because they have different emotional dispositions. As a water sign, Scorpio is quite emotional and prone to mood swings, while Taurus is extremely down-to-earth and tends to think a little more rationally. It may take some time to understand one another’s emotional needs—but their differences can actually make this pair stronger.
    • Compatibility Tip: Taurus, you’re sensible and kind, which means you may be able to help Scorpio take a step back and look for the bright side rather than dwelling too deeply on negative emotions.
    • Meanwhile, Scorpio, you may be able to use your natural sensitivity to help Taurus gain a deeper understanding of their emotions and process how they feel.
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Sexual Compatibility

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  1. Taurus represents sensuality, and its ruling planet governs love as well as physical pleasure, while Scorpio is one of the most sexual of all zodiac signs—and, as a water sign, Scorpio is very passionate in the bedroom. This pair will be immediately attracted to one another, and that attraction can grow into an enthusiastic (and fulfilling) sex life for both of them.
    • Compatibility Tip: Scorpio men can be quite daring in the bedroom; they tend to have a lot of sexual fantasies and love to experiment with them. Taurus, try to keep an open mind and help Scorpio explore some of those fantasies.
  2. Taurus women, in particular, are very tactile and prefer intimacy that indulges all of their senses. Because Scorpio men have such a high sex drive and a natural intensity in the bedroom, they often have no problem fulfilling Taurus’ need for sensual lovemaking—and, even though Scorpio can be rough in bed at times, they also have a tender and emotional side that Taurus will love. [3]
    • Compatibility Tip: Taurus women need to feel cherished in the bedroom, which emotional Scorpio can provide. Scorpio, treat your Taurus with extra tenderness, and she might be even more open to experimentation as a result.
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Communication Compatibility

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  1. Communication is important to both signs, but they tend to be cautious at the beginning of the relationship. However, both are also honest and prefer to speak directly about things rather than beating around the bush, so once they do open up, they’ll likely feel secure enough to share anything and everything with one another—it just takes time. [4]
    • Compatibility Tip: Build trust together over time! Scorpio men can be suspicious and slow to trust, but a Taurus woman’s natural reliability can help them feel at ease. Taurus, just be patient and keep showing up for your Scorpio.
  2. In their conversations together, this couple will always make the other feel heard—which contributes to the strong communication between them. Both signs are smart and thoughtful; not only do they enjoy talking about anything from philosophy to the latest entertainment, but they also delight in hearing what their partner has to say about each subject. [5]
    • Scorpio men can be extremely blunt when they speak, but Taurus women usually won’t mind. In fact, Taurus is thick-skinned and values honesty, so they’re more likely to appreciate Scorpio’s candor.
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  1. This pair’s priorities totally align in relationships; Scorpio guys are looking for a soulmate they can trust with their deepest thoughts and feelings, and Taurus women are looking for a committed partner in life. They’ll find all of those things in one another, and they can create a sense of security by continuing to support one another and communicating with honesty. [6]
    • Compatibility Tip: Taurus and Scorpio, talk about what you want from the relationship fairly early on.
    • Odds are, you’ll both find that you’re looking for a long-term, committed connection, and that may help you feel more secure around each other.
  2. Even when they’re totally committed to their partners, Scorpio men and Taurus women need some freedom. This can be a good thing because both signs will naturally understand the other’s desire for alone time—and both will appreciate finding a partner who can remain loyal while still being independent.
    • Compatibility Tip: Taurus and Scorpio, be open about your needs and tell the other when one of you needs a little space. So long as you stay on the same page (and still spend lots of quality time together), you can happily maintain your independence .
  3. While Scorpio men tend to be a bit more energetic than sweet, laid-back Taurus women, they both value stability in their daily lives (as well as romantic relationships). Taurus finds comfort in predictable, reliable routines—and, for the most part, Scorpio feels the same. As a couple, they’ll build a peaceful and comfortable life together.
    • Despite the fact that they like having a sense of security in their daily life, Scorpio is still ruled by Pluto (the planet of transformation), which means they crave a little adventure now and then.
    • Scorpio is the type to take adventurous vacations or try out new hobbies because they want to make a change in their lives, but they also don’t mind exploring new things alone if Taurus doesn't feel like joining in.
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Potential Challenges

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  1. Both Scorpio and Taurus are fixed signs, which means they’re the “doers” of the zodiac. They’re driven, hardworking, and persistent—but also very stubborn. So, if they argue or disagree about something, neither sign will likely want to give in or let the other “win” the argument, and they may struggle to see things from the other’s point of view. [7]
    • Compatibility Tip: Taurus and Scorpio, you may not be able to agree on everything, but if you can at least compromise and work together to find solutions that work for both of you, it’ll be easier to move past arguments.
    • At the end of the day, the most important thing is respecting one another’s points of view. That doesn’t mean you need to admit that you’re wrong; it just means agreeing to disagree and accepting that you have different opinions.
  2. Scorpio men are one of the most intensely jealous zodiac signs; as independent as they are, they also demand a lot of time and attention from their partners. Meanwhile, Taurus women also have a jealous side (though it isn’t as intense as Scorpio’s), and if either sign has reason to doubt the other, it may immediately trigger their jealousy.
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Section 7 of 7:

Scorpio Man & Taurus Woman: Key Takeaways

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  1. This is the kind of couple that could absolutely last a lifetime! They complement one another emotionally and share a powerful, sensual connection in the bedroom. So long as they’re patient with one another and learn to compromise (rather than letting stubbornness get the better of them), Scorpio and Taurus are nearly unstoppable together.
    • Marriage between a Scorpio man and a Taurus woman is usually long and fulfilling. Their mutual honesty and devotion will help them maintain trust in one another throughout their union.
    • Even if they’re only friends, Scorpio and Taurus will have a ton of fun together. Taurus is a reliable and solid friend for life, and Scorpio can breathe a little adventure into their steadfast friendship.
    • Tauruses great capacity for being reliable and loyal makes them a great match for Scorpios (and really any sign).
    • Reader Poll: We asked 345 wikiHow readers about what quality they value most in a partner and 51% of them said loyalty and dependability . [Take Poll]

Join the Discussion...

I'm a Taurus and I've been really interested in someone lately, but I just found out they're a Scorpio. I've seen that we could be super compatible or it could absolutely end badly between us, and I don't know what to believe. I think we connect pretty well and feel compatible, but I'm definitely a little leery. Do any of you have personal experience with this combo and want to tell me what to expect from it? I want to hear the good and the bad so I really know what I'm getting myself into.
Anonymous WikiTiger
Anonymous WikiTiger
I'm a Scorpio man and I'm married for 20 years to a Taurus lady.. We knew each other 42 days when we got married.. It is indescribably fulfilling.. Scorpio and Taurus are amazing..
So Taurus and Scorpio are actually opposite zodiac signs, so there's definitely a bit of a bond and connection between them, but it may take some time to trust each other. Both Taurus and Scorpio are "fixed" signs and they take a little time to really warm up to one another, but don't let that discourage you! A Scorpio may come into the relationship a little hot, and as a Taurus, you might need a little more time to get to know them before you really feel the passion.

Just make sure you're communicating really clearly and trying to find compromises because both signs can be a bit stubborn when it comes to a disagreement.

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