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Your guide to understanding & overcoming a Scorpio’s weaknesses
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No zodiac sign is utterly flawless, including passionate, intuitive, and ambitious Scorpio. According to astrology, Scorpio zodiac signs are prone to jealousy, paranoia, stubbornness, and defensiveness. Still, there's nothing wrong with acknowledging that; knowing your flaws also gives you the tools to overcome them. Read on for a detailed list of Scorpio's weaknesses, complete with tips on successfully dealing with them.

This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

Things You Should Know

  • Scorpios are deeply loyal and easily get attached to friends and partners, but this can also make them possessive, jealous, and paranoid.
  • A Scorpio may be very stubborn, determined to do things their way, and unwilling to let go of grudges. They may also be vengeful and aggressive when wronged.
  • By learning to communicate, share their feelings in a healthy way, and compromise with people, Scorpio can overcome their greatest weaknesses.

They’re possessive.

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  1. Scorpio rules the 8th house of the zodiac, which is connected to intimacy and shared resources. Thus, Scorpios are pretty possessive (often because they’re afraid to lose anyone). In relationships, Scorpio can be especially clingy; they don’t like being separated from their partner. They really just want to ensure their loved ones are safe, but it may come across as overbearing. [1]
    • Tip: If you’re a Scorpio, staying level-headed is the best way to manage possessiveness. Communicate your feelings to your partner and talk openly about your needs to build trust (so possessiveness stops ruling your actions).
    • Ultimately, Scorpio’s possessiveness comes from a well-meaning place—but it can leave partners feeling stifled. Remember that it’s okay to let go a little and trust your partner to be as devoted to you as you are to them.
    • Reader Poll: We asked 581 wikiHow readers who are Scorpios what type of relationship they look for, and 65% of them said one that’s committed, serious, and long-term. [Take Poll]
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They’re intimidating.

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  1. Normally, they appear calm and collected on the surface and keep their emotions tightly reigned in, which means Scorpios are pretty hard to read. Additionally, Scorpios tend to be confident and have no problem standing their ground in a conversation—and this combination of qualities can leave Scorpios with quite an intimidating reputation.
    • Tip: If you’re a Scorpio, having such a powerful presence is one of your strengths. It’s great to be confident and collected, but remember to be open-minded , too.
    • If you’re willing to listen to people earnestly in addition to asserting yourself (and soften your appearance a little by smiling while making eye contact), it’ll make you seem more approachable .

They’re defensive.

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  1. Because Scorpio is so protective and, at times, wary of other people, they may get overly defensive—especially when they feel like someone is critiquing or trying to change them. Even when the criticism is intended to be constructive, defensive Scorpio may assume it’s disrespectful or unfair and lash out with all the venom of a scorpion (the symbol of Scorpio).
    • Tip: If you’re a Scorpio, you may feel defensive because you fear vulnerability or the unknown. Feeling that fear is okay, but don’t let it rule you—resist the urge to be defensive and have a calm discussion instead.
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They get jealous easily.

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  1. Scorpio is a water sign, which means they’re deeply emotional and sentimental at heart (even if they don’t always seem like it). That sensitivity, along with Scorpio’s intense loyalty and the fact that they have difficulty trusting others, is the source of their jealousy. They can get jealous over partners, friends, and colleagues, and even end up comparing themselves to others when they feel envious.
    • Tip: If you’re a Scorpio, try letting go of your envy and jealousy . Make an effort to recognize when it’s coming from a place of insecurity, and learn to manage those insecurities in healthier ways.
    • It’s normal to experience a little jealousy sometimes. However, experiencing a lot of jealousy can cause issues in your relationships, so learning to control it is crucial.

They can be manipulative.

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  1. That’s not to say all Scorpios are mean people; they’re just very perceptive and skilled at reading others, making them good at manipulation if they choose to do it. And, when a Scorpio wants something but doesn’t know how else to get it, they might be tempted to manipulate people using their subtle persuasive abilities. [2]
    • Tip: If you’re a Scorpio, try to remind yourself that manipulation ultimately weakens relationships, even if it seems like the easiest way to get things done.
    • Reign in the urge to manipulate people, and remember that it’s always better to speak your mind and say what you want directly, even if you don’t always get your way.
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They’re prone to suspicion.

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  1. This shrewd zodiac sign often has a “sixth sense” about people—it's one of their strengths, but also makes them a little paranoid. They’re always on the lookout, ready to stop someone from hurting or taking advantage of them. This can cause them to miss valuable opportunities and relationships because they’re determined to keep their distance from others.
    • Tip: If you’re a Scorpio, work on recognizing when your suspicions are valid and when they’re unfounded. Some healthy suspicion is typical, but paranoia over everyone and everything isn’t healthy.
    • Trusting your gut’s not a weakness, especially when you’re a perceptive Scorpio. Just draw the line between trusting your gut and holding everyone at arm’s length.
    • As a Scorpio, you rarely trust people who haven’t earned it. Remember that to build trust , you must first let people in. Be brave and commit to forming meaningful relationships as you learn to trust more.

They obsess over tasks.

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  1. Fixed signs are the zodiac’s “stabilizers.” They’re typically driven, dedicated, and focused signs with the wherewithal to finish what they start. Those are all great qualities, but Scorpios tend to have an “all or nothing” mindset, and when their intensity and focus cross over into obsession, they may fixate on tasks more than they need to.
    • Tip: Learn to let things go and take breaks from whatever you’re currently working on. Relaxation is just as important as getting things done.
    • It’s great to have projects or hobbies you’re devoted to, but focusing on the same thing nonstop doesn’t give you time to do other activities, socialize, or take a rest.
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They hold intense grudges.

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  1. This sign is a master grudge-holder. Nobody likes being betrayed or taken advantage of, but for Scorpio, it’s nearly impossible for them to “forgive and forget.” When someone betrays them, Scorpio will likely hold it against that person indefinitely—and, because Scorpio is so set in their ways, they rarely have a change of heart.
    • Tip: Try to forgive and move on instead of holding grudges. It’s absolutely fair to end a relationship when someone breaks your trust, but that doesn’t mean you have to be angry about it forever, either.
    • Remember that forgiveness is something you do for yourself, not just the person you’re forgiving. It can help you overcome whatever hurts you’re holding onto, and that’s a good thing.

They can be vengeful.

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  1. Rather than letting bygones be bygones, Scorpio often feels like there’s a score to settle—and they won’t hesitate to get revenge if they can. While Scorpio’s passion and loyalty are two of their best qualities, they can also use those traits for malicious reasons when feeling spiteful. A Scorpio is just trying to defend themselves or their loved ones, but they sometimes takes it too far.
    • Tip: If you’re a Scorpio, stop and think before you do something vengeful. Consider how your actions could affect your reputation and potentially hurt someone by getting revenge on them.
    • Feeling like someone should pay for their wrongdoings is entirely understandable, but that doesn’t mean it’s your job to punish them. Try taking the high road and moving forward instead.
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They can appear cold and calculating.

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  1. Sometimes, talking to a Scorpio can be misleading. They're reserved and dislike showing emotion, making them seem cold. Then, Scorpio’s strategic, logical mindset (and insightful nature) can make them come off as cunning, calculating, and indifferent to other people. In reality, Scorpio is much more than that! They’re also deeply passionate and caring, but may struggle to show it. [3]
    • Tip: If you’re a Scorpio, remember to be mindful of how your actions affect others. You’re cunning and clever, but you’re also very empathetic—letting people see that will help them get to know the real you.
    • In addition to showing empathy , try being more open about your feelings. Get to know people so you feel comfortable being your authentic self around them.

They’re secretive and aloof.

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  1. Of all the zodiac signs, Scorpio is one of the most secretive; they deeply value their privacy. That’s not a bad thing, but Scorpio’s secretive nature also stems from the fear that others might react negatively to hearing their secrets. Thus, sharing private information is hard for a Scorpio, and they struggle to let other people see who they really are. [4]
    • Tip: If you’re a Scorpio, work on overcoming your fears and sharing more with people you feel you can trust.
    • You don’t need to share all of your secrets at once; start by sharing something small, and work up to sharing your bigger secrets once you feel more comfortable. You might even find it feels good to confide in people.
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They’re stubborn and domineering.

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  1. As previously mentioned, Scorpio is a fixed sign, so in addition to being driven and focused, they’re also incredibly stubborn. Scorpios rarely go back on a decision once their mind is made up, and they don’t like being wrong. They tend to be set in their ways, making them want to control situations (to ensure everything is done exactly as they want). In short, working with Scorpios can feel fairly rigid and uncompromising.
    • Tip: If you’re a stubborn Scorpio, start looking for ways to compromise and come to terms with people rather than clashing with them.
    • This means being receptive to other peoples’ ideas and understanding that sometimes, making peace is more fulfilling (and healthy) than being right.

They can be overly ambitious.

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  1. Scorpio’s ruling planet, Pluto, rules transformation, death, and renewal. It also tends to intensify everything, including Scorpio’s ambition. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be successful in life, but Scorpio’s competitiveness and desire for power can sometimes go too far. Scorpio may even be cutthroat and ruthless toward others to ensure their success.
    • Tip: If you’re a Scorpio, it’s important to chase your goals and find success without turning life into a brutal competition. You may have to compete for opportunities in your career, but you don’t need to tear people down to get ahead.
    • Rather than getting competitive, focus on being the best version of yourself and impressing people with your Scorpio smarts, confidence, and drive.
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They can get aggressive.

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  1. In traditional astrology, Scorpio’s other ruling planet is Mars, the planet of aggression and energy. Thus, it’s no wonder that Scorpio can be fierce and overly hostile when provoked. Scorpio’s aggression also comes from their defensiveness; their temper tends to jump out when they feel attacked. Thus, Scorpio’s temper is usually just a cover for their insecurities.
    • Tip: If you’re a Scorpio, work on controlling your temper , even when you feel justified in telling someone off or getting aggressive.
    • It’s okay to express anger , but don’t do it in a way that’ll hurt others; find healthier ways to talk about your feelings instead.

Join the Discussion...

I went on a date with someone recently and they told me they were a Scorpio and idk if that's a red flag or not. I've heard that Scorpios are obsessive and difficult to be in a relationship with, is that facts or nah? I kinda wanna go on a second date but idk if I should so pls help
Angel Eyedealism
Astrologer & Performance Artist
Scorpio is an obsessive sign. They're looking for someone to obsess over and they're going to provide a series of tests to gauge your loyalty to them. For example, they may play hard to get or act obsequious. If they sense that you're not matching their intense energy, they're gonna lose interest. Scorpio is also a very sensual sign, so if they not sensing that you're sexually interested in them, they will lose interest. So you would definitely need to engage in sex or intimacy with a Scorpio in order for them to fall for you. Scorpios want to dive deep into issues and topics. They're not a superficial sign, so they'll be turned off if you're very shallow. They like intensity and passion. If they don't feel engaged, enthralled, sexual, and intimate with you, then they're not going to have interest in you. So there has to be something intriguing. But also, if you provide a little bit of a mystery that they need to unravel, that will keep them pulling on the yarn forever. So don't give it all up right away! Leave a veil of mystery and then they will be intrigued and obsess over you because they always have to obsess.

If they're jealous or obsessive and you show even the tiniest bit of interest in other people, a Scorpio will show you their vulnerability (which is their most cherished prize). Scorpios like to keep their vulnerability to themselves, so if a Scorpio shows you their inner sensitivity, that means they trust you enough to love you. Without vulnerability, there is no intimacy, and that's why Scorpio is the sign of intimacy, because they like to lay bare of all things so that they can get inside.

Scorpios are all or nothing, do or die. But they're also the most distrustful sign, so if they show anything that indicates trust in you—like talking about marriage or moving in together—that means they are serious about you. And another sign they're serious about you is if they tell you their secrets. They see secrets as powerful weapons, so a Scorpio revealing their secrets means that they're very serious about you because they have trusted you with their secrets.
As a Scorpio myself, I’d say dating a Scorpio isn’t necessarily "hard," but it can be intense. We value loyalty and trust the most, so if those things are broken, the relationship can be difficult. But if you're open, patient, and not afraid of vulnerability, you’ll find that dating a Scorpio can be incredibly rewarding.

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