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Do you want a record of your voicemails? Or do you want to share that voicemail with someone else? Or do you want to send someone a voice message in the Messages app? These are all very different things, but they are all remarkably simple processes. This wikiHow article teaches you how to forward and share your voicemails, leave a voicemail without calling first, and leave a voice message with the Messages app.

Things You Should Know

  • You can easily share and forward voicemail from the Phone app by tapping the Share icon.
  • Tap and hold the audio wave or the microphone icon in the Messages app to send a voice message.
  • Use Slydial to leave a voicemail without calling.
Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

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  1. It’s the green icon with a white phone receiver inside. You’ll usually find it on the home screen. [1]
    • If you don't have voicemail set up, you won't get any voicemail. You'll need to set it up to use it.
  2. It’s at the bottom-right corner of the screen. [2]
  3. This opens the message.
  4. It’s at the top of the message. A list of sharing options will appear.
  5. This will open a new message or post in the selected app.
    • For example, if you want to send the voicemail in an email, tap Mail to create a new message with the audio file attached.
  6. This is the person who will receive the attached voicemail recording. You can do this in most apps by tapping the “To” field, or selecting a contact from the list.
  7. If you don’t want to type your own message to accompany the voicemail, you can skip that part. Once you tap the send button, the voicemail will be delivered as an audio file. [3]
    • You can also send the voicemail to your own email to save them .
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Send a Voice Message with the Messages App

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  1. Tap to open the Messages app (it's a speech bubble on a green background) then tap to open a conversation. [4]
  2. If you have a newer iPhone or iPad with iOS 16, this icon will look like an audio waveform with multiple lines. If you're using an older iPhone or iPad with an older iOS, this button looks like a microphone . [5]
    • As long as you tap and hold the button, you'll be recording. Let go when you want to finish recording.
    • When you let go, you will see more icons. You can listen to your message by tapping the "Play" icon.
  3. Tap the arrow that's pointing up to send the voice message. It will automatically disappear in 2 minutes, so tap Keep if you want to keep it. [6]
    • If you get a voice message, tap the "Play" icon next to it to listen to it.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Using Slydial to Leave Voicemail Without Calling

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  1. Slydial is a service that connects you to someone’s voicemail without ringing their phone. Go to https://www.slydial.com/join.php , fill out the form, then click SUBMIT .
  2. Here’s how to get it:
    • Open the App Store .
    • Tap the magnifying glass at the bottom of the screen.
    • Type slydial into the search bar.
    • Tap slydial (the app with the blue circle missing a triangular chunk). [7]
    • Tap GET .
    • Tap Install .
  3. It’s the blue circle icon missing a triangular chunk. You’ll usually find it on the home screen.
  4. Use the username and password you created on the Slydial sign-up page.
  5. The keypad will appear.
  6. You will hear the person’s voicemail greeting, and then the tone that signals you to leave a message.
  7. Start speaking after the tone. When you’re finished, hang up the call.
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