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Maybe you work together, or maybe she’s your best friend. Your heart skips a beat when you run into each other, and you realize you have feelings for her—big time. You want to act on them, but you worry: does she feel the same way? Fortunately, you don’t have to guess. There are lots of signs that someone is developing feelings for you, and they’re not hard to spot if you know where to look. Check out the signs below to find out if your crush might have a crush on you too.


She brightens up when she sees you

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  1. Pay close attention next time you’re together. If the sight of you almost always brings a smile to her face, it's possible that she has feelings for you. [1]
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She has open body language

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  1. Getting extra close when you talk and turning towards you are examples of open body language. Keep an eye out for “mirroring,” which is when someone copies how you’re sitting or standing. If she mirrors your body language when you’re together, it’s usually a good sign. [2]

She gets nervous even though she's happy to see you

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  1. Pay attention to how she talks to you vs. other people around her. If talking to you gives her extra butterflies, it’s a sign that she might have a crush. [3]
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She has trouble keeping eye contact

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  1. This happens to us when we’re talking to someone we’re attracted to, or when we’re nervous in general. If she seems happy to be around you but struggles to make eye contact when you talk, it could be another sign of butterflies. [4]

wikiHow Quiz: Does My Crush Like Me?

Having a crush is the best thing in the world—except when it’s the worst! All those lovey-dovey butterflies can quickly turn into nervousness. Suddenly, you're stuck analyzing their every move, wondering whether or not they like you back. Luckily, we’ve got the perfect quiz for you! Answer these questions, and you'll learn to identify the secret signs that your crush is into you, so you can stop worrying and start loving. Take this quiz to finally get your answer!
1 of 20

Does your crush follow you on social media?


She teases you just a little

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  1. If her teasing makes you smile, it could be a way of getting your attention—especially if she lets you tease her back. Just remember that teasing is not the same as making fun of someone, so always be careful and respect her feelings. [5]
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She likes your posts and follows you back

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  1. An occasional thumbs up might not mean much. But if she suddenly starts liking and commenting on everything you post, it could be a sign that she likes you quite a bit. [6]

She's been texting more often, and in different ways than before

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  1. A flirty emoji or two (or ten) might be a subtle hint too! [7]
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She finds ways to spend time with you 1-on-1

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  1. Pay attention to her body language when you’re alone together. If she’s always finding ways to have you all to herself and in her personal space, it’s a strong sign that she may have a crush.. [8]

She's been opening up to you more

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  1. It’s hard to be vulnerable, especially when you have romantic feelings for someone. If she’s in your personal space and opening up to you more than she used to, she might have deeper feelings for you. [9]
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She seems genuinely interested in what you have to say

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  1. If she lets you open up to her, it could be a sign that she’s crushing on you—especially if she opens up to you too. Be yourself and see how your conversations go. [10]

She laughs at your terrible jokes

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  1. Think about it. Are you always making her laugh? Does she make you feel like a natural comedian? Maybe you are. Or maybe she just thinks you’re cute! [11]
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She compliments you in little ways

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  1. Maybe she thinks your shoes are super cool, or she loved that painting you posted on Instagram last week. Watch out for little compliments like these. They might be a good sign, especially if you pick up on other signals too.

She gets touchy-feely

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  1. Brushing up against you, touching your arm, and sitting up against you are all things to look out for. If you’ve noticed her doing these sorts of things more often lately, it might be because she’s attracted to you.
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She’s always in your DMs

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  1. Like texting, you’ll want to be on the lookout for flirty emojis, cute memes, and conversations that go on at all hours, day and night. If she wants your attention, this is a great way to get it. Bonus points if she continues the conversation in-person. [12]

She wants to spend more time with you

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  1. As always, context is super important, so look out for multiple signs. If she texts all the time, get close when you talk, laughs at your jokes, and she still wants to see more of you, there's a real possibility that she sees you as more than just a friend. [13]
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Expert Q&A

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      • If she flirts with you even though she has a partner, she is being disingenuous and you should look elsewhere for love.
      • If she only wants you because you have nice things, it means she’s not really in love with you.
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      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about relationship cues, check out our in-depth interview with Candice Mostisser .

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