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All about the definition, usage, and origins of this slang term
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If you’ve been on social media, you’ve probably come across the word “simp” before. But what exactly does this slang term mean, and where did it come from? If you’re looking for the answers to these questions, you’ve come to the right place! We’ll go over the definition of “simp” and explain how it’s used in conversation. We’ll also go over the origins and spread of “simp” and cover whether or not the term is problematic. Keep reading for everything you need to know!

What does the slang term “simp” mean?

“Simp” is a slang term for someone who shows too much sympathy or attention to another person because they want to have a romantic relationship with them. It basically means going overboard for a crush who doesn’t like you back.

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Simp Definition

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  1. The term usually implies that the person is giving too much attention or showing too much devotion to this crush, who isn't giving any signs that they feel the same way. It can also just mean having a lot of romantic longing for a person who may or may not like you back. [1]
    • “Simp” can be used as a noun (“She’s tried to get over him, but she’s still such a simp for her ex”) or as a verb (“I am totally simping over the new guy at work”).
    • Influencer and content creator Aaron Makelky explains that the term "simp" can also refer to a guy who is too accommodating or forgiving to his girlfriend.
    • For example, Makelky says a man could be seen as a “simp” if his girlfriend cheated on him, but he replied by saying, “It’s OK, as long as you’re happy,” or if he had a habit of spending all his money on his girlfriend.
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How “Simp” Is Used in Conversation

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  1. The connotation of “simp” can vary depending on the situation. Sometimes, simp is used in a harmless, joking way to describe someone (of any gender) who has a big crush. Other times, it’s a more offensive insult used to describe men who are seen as too submissive or desperate toward women they want to date, to the point of embarrassing themselves or losing their dignity. [2] The term has also been adopted by some online stan communities to describe their feelings of devotion or attraction toward celebrities. Here are some examples:
    • “I met this cute girl at the mall yesterday and I’ve been texting her compliments all morning. I can be such a simp sometimes!”
    • “I’ve been simping over this guy who’s in my math class all year. I’m trying to be brave enough to ask him out before summer starts.”
    • “He’s really simping for her. He carries her backpack around for her all day and brings her a coffee every morning.”
    • “He is being way too much of a simp right now. She’s clearly not interested in him, but he’s still being so obvious about his crush on her.”
    • "He's such a simp for her, but she never actually gives him the time of day. I'm going to tell him he needs to get over her and get his dignity back.
    • “I’m such a simp for Harry Styles. I would literally marry him tomorrow if he asked me.”
    • "I simp so hard for Rihanna. I have had the biggest crush on her for years."
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“Simp” Origins & Spread

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  1. The word “simpleton,” which was more commonly used in the early 1900s, referred to someone who was foolish, gullible, or not that smart. [3] As a shortened version of the word, “simp” had basically the same meaning. [4]
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    As time went on, “simp” started to be used in romantic contexts. In the mid 1980’s, the term “simp” started to appear in rap and hip-hop lyrics as an insult toward men who were seen as, overly emotional, “soft,” or too subservient toward women they were interested in. In rapper Too Short’s song Pimpology, for example, a “simp” was described as the opposite of a “pimp.” [5]
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    In the 2010s, the term started to gain popularity on social media. It spread on platforms like TikTok and X (formerly Twitter), and now it’s become a common slang term among Gen-Z and Gen Alpha. [6]
    • In 2019, a TikTok user named @polo.boyy started a TikTok trend called “simp nation.” In his videos, @polo.boyy shares things he considers “simp” behaviors, and then says if you do these things, you’re likely a simp. For example, “If she rants to you about her relationship problems and you comfort her, welcome to simp nation.” [7]
    • In 2020, the phrase “no simp September” also spread on social media. It was a challenge for men to go a whole month without “simping,” like the “no shave November” trend was a challenge to go a whole month without shaving. It was primarily seen as a joke, not a serious challenge. [8]
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Is the term “simp” problematic?

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  1. The term “simp” has been associated with toxic masculinity and sexism. “Simp” has become a popular slang term in some toxic online communities, such as incel forums. In these communities, “simp” is used to belittle men for being overly submissive or subservient to women, similar to insults like “beta” or “cuck.” Because of these associations, the term has been banned on the live streaming service “Twitch.” [9]
    • This usage of “simp” is problematic for several reasons. For one thing, it implies that it’s bad for men to be sensitive, kind, and polite toward women, and it suggests that they should be tougher, more condescending, and less emotional. This is a pretty clear example of toxic masculinity. [10]
    • This usage of the term is also sexist toward women because it implies that they aren’t worth the attention of men who are “simping” over them. In fact, "simp" is sometimes expressed as an acronym for “sucker idolizing mediocre p****,” which is an incredibly offensive statement. [11]
    • Simp” isn’t always used in this problematic way—it can definitely be a silly or harmless slang term sometimes. However, it’s important to recognize that these problematic usages do come up, especially in misogynistic online communities.
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Related Slang Terms

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  1. Beta ” is an insult aimed at men who are seen as too passive, subservient, or feminine, as opposed to a macho “alpha male.” [12] Like “simp,” it has undertones of toxic masculinity and sexism, and it’s often used in misogynistic online forums. [13] However, “beta” has also become a pretty popular term among Gen-Z and Gen Alpha users on social media, so it’s sometimes used in a more lighthearted or joking way.
    • “Every time she walks into the room, I get too nervous to even talk to her. I gotta stop being such a beta and work up the nerve to ask her out.”
    • “He told me to stop being a beta, but I’m comfortable being a sensitive and polite guy, so I didn’t pay any attention to him.”
  2. “Stan” describes someone who is a super devoted or enthusiastic fan of a celebrity, sometimes to an obsessive degree. Like “simp,” it can be used as a noun or a verb, and it’s common in online fandom communities. [14]
    • “I’m such a Taylor Swift stan. I would literally do anything for her!”
    • “I stan so hard for Lady Gaga. Her music is on repeat in my car all the time.”
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