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Retain top-performing workers with a casual one-on-one interview
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If you’re a manager or supervisor, making sure your high-performing employees stick around for a long time is essential, and stay interviews are a tool you might use to make this happen. These are different from annual performance reviews and are essentially informal conversations that allow an employee to be honest about what they think of their job and workplace. This article will explain what a stay interview is and its many benefits. Then, we’ll walk you through the whole process of conducting a successful stay interview so that you can feel confident using this helpful tool in your workplace.

Things You Should Know

  • Managers usually conduct stay interviews with top-performing employees to find out their reasons for staying at their job and what the manager can do to better support them.
  • Stay interviews help improve employee retention, engagement, and productivity by directly addressing problems and concerns brought up by employees.
  • These types of interviews are usually informal, 1:1 discussions that include open-ended questions like, “What do you enjoy about your job?” and “How can I better support you?”
Section 1 of 5:

What is a stay interview?

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  1. Stay interviews, also known as retention interviews, are incredibly important tools managers can use to monitor their employee’s level of job satisfaction and find out what changes they can make to best support their workers. These interviews typically happen between managers and top-performing employees that have been with the company for a while. The ultimate goal of these interviews is to pinpoint any issues and resolve them before they result in a valued employee leaving the company. [1]
    • Stay interviews are different from exit interviews, which only happen after an employee has decided to leave their position.
    • Stay interviews are meant to be a proactive step to prevent exit interviews from ever needing to happen.
    • These are also different from performance reviews, which are usually more of an opportunity for managers to tell employees what they’re doing well and what they need to work on.
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Benefits of Stay Interviews

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  1. Stay interviews are a helpful tool in making sure your employees are satisfied within their position so that they don’t end up leaving the company. Using this information, you can then implement new strategies to help promote positive feelings within your employees and get them to stay. [2]
    • For these types of interviews, it’s best to target your most valued employees since there is clearly something that keeps them coming back to the office every day.
    • The information you get from stay interviews can also help you to create branding for your company that will draw in more potential employees.
  2. The actions you take based on the feedback you receive from your stay interviews can work wonders in improving employee engagement and productivity. Creating a work environment where you genuinely listen to employees’ needs and appropriately respond will give them more room to focus on the quality of their work. [3]
  3. Stay interviews are beneficial because they can alert you to problems your employees are facing before they escalate into larger issues. By checking in with your employees about how they’re feeling about their work, you might be able to detect early signs of issues like burnout or dissatisfaction. This important insight will then allow you to come up with actionable steps to improve the work environment and offer support to your workers. [4]
    • Taking steps to resolve these problems shows that you care for your employees’ well-being and not just their performance.
  4. Trust is an incredibly important thing to cultivate between you and your employees. By giving them the opportunity to voice their honest thoughts during stay interviews, you’re showing them that you value their opinions and are willing to listen to them. Using that information to then make positive changes is key to improving their trust in you as a manager. [5]
  5. Stay interviews are good tools to use to find out what kind of extra support or resources your employees may need. If you’re able to provide the necessary tools and trainings to ensure your employees’ success, it’s more likely that they’ll stay with your company for a longer time. [6]
    • Asking about your employees’ professional goals can help you determine what kinds of resources and tools you should be providing.
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When to Conduct a Stay Interview

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  1. Invite your employees to participate in a stay interview at least once a year and keep them separate from performance reviews. Whereas performance reviews are very formal and centered around giving feedback to employees, stay interviews are usually informal and are more about letting the employee talk freely. Keeping these two types of interviews separate allows time for your employee to relax and get situated before meeting with you again. [7]
    • Invite new employees to participate in a stay interview about 3 months after they’ve been onboarded. This is a sufficient amount of time for them to adjust to the job and come up with feedback about their experiences so far.
    • Conduct stay interviews with all of your employees or with just a few of your best employees depending on how much feedback you feel you may need.
  2. Give your employees a sufficient amount of time to prepare by scheduling their interview time at least a week before your meeting. When you schedule with them, let them know the general purpose of the interview so they know what to expect. For example, tell them that it’ll be a casual, one-on-one interview where they’ll be encouraged to honestly talk about their experiences at the company. [8]
  3. 30 minutes is usually a sufficient amount of time to ask about 5 to 6 open-ended questions, listen to your employee’s feedback, and open a short dialogue. However, you’re free to take more or less time depending on your employee’s needs and how much feedback they have to share. [9]
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How to Conduct a Stay Interview

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  1. Taking some time to think more deeply about your experiences with each employee can help you prepare appropriate questions for the interview. For example, if you know they’ve voiced concerns before, you might prioritize bringing these up during the interview. It can also help you anticipate any concerns they might bring up. [10]
    • Take some time to also do some self-reflection about your strengths and weaknesses as a supervisor. Ask yourself things like:
      • What is unique about me as a supervisor?
      • Why might this employee want to continue working with me?
      • What am I providing to this employee that could impact their decision to stay or leave?
  2. The most important part about these interviews is that your employees feel comfortable and relaxed enough to speak honestly with you. Find a comfortable space within your office where you’ll be given privacy. When conducting your interview, maintain a warm and friendly tone and actively listen as they speak. [11]
    • Use your body language to make a good impression . Maintain eye contact, give them a warm smile, and keep your arms uncrossed to appear more welcoming.
    • Even if you’re conducting these interviews online, still be mindful of your body language and tone.
  3. To make sure that you and your employee are on the same page, welcome them to the interview by clearly stating the purpose of your meeting and your expectations. Emphasize that this is an informal discussion and that your goal is to learn more about their work experience and what motivates them to stay with your company. Be sure to encourage them to be as open and honest as they feel comfortable with. For example, say something like: [12]
    • “Thank you for meeting with me today. I just wanted to give you an opportunity to freely talk about how you’re doing and what I can do to better support you. I’d also really like to talk about what things you like about this job so I can get some insight on what I can do to make this a great place for everyone to work.”
  4. Come up with several questions to ask that are in line with your overall goal for the interview. If you’re most concerned about employee retention, ask them about what they like about their job and why they’ve stayed with the company. If you want to know what resources you can provide, ask about their professional goals. Here are some questions you might choose from: [13]
    • What motivates you to stay at this job?
    • What are the things you like about your work?
    • Do you feel like we’re fully utilizing your talents?
    • What makes for a great day at work?
    • What’s something new you’d like to learn this year?
    • How do you prefer to be recognized when you do a good job?
    • Can you describe a recent frustrating experience you’ve had while on the job?
    • Take notes during the interview, but also be sure to give your employee as much of your attention as possible to make them feel like they’re really being heard.
  5. If you have any solutions that you can offer at the moment, open up a discussion with your employee after they’re done talking about steps you can take to resolve any issues or support them. If you don’t have any solutions at the moment, be sure to let them know that you’ll look into the issue and get back to them with some resources they can use. [14]
    • While finding solutions is important, focus more on listening to what your employee has to say rather than interjecting with your personal perspective and opinion.
    • As a general rule of thumb, spend about 80% of this interview listening and the other 20% participating in a dialogue.
    • Address workplace violations (discrimination, harassment, bullying. etc.) immediately if they’re brought up during the stay interview.
  6. When the interview comes to a close, thank your employee for taking the time to talk with you and give a brief summary of the points you discussed. This will help refresh their memory and also shows that you were engaged throughout the conversation. Be sure to also let them know you’ll consider what they shared and be in touch later on. [15]
    • Say something like, “Let me just quickly summarize the points you made about why you choose to stay at this company and what might motivate you to leave. Given these points, I’ll do everything I can to make this a great place for you to work.” [16]
  7. Analyze the information you received from your stay interviews and look for any major trends or issues that need to be addressed right away. If your employee made any requests, go through each of them and decide which ones you can and cannot fulfill at this time. Then, come up with a list of resources and methods you can use to directly address these problems. [17]
    • Some things to consider when deciding whether to fulfill an employee’s request include cost, appropriateness for their level of work, its effects on other employees, and its adherence to company policies.
    • Some resources you might suggest include training programs, extra certifications, mentor programs, or company-provided counseling.
  8. As important as it is to hear your employee’s thoughts and opinions, it’s just as important that you follow up with them about the solutions and action plans you’ve come up with. Schedule a short follow-up meeting where you can present your findings. Let them know the reasons why you did and didn’t accept some of their requests and walk them through the resources you’ve found. [18]
    • At this meeting, come up with some specific goals together so that you have a more concrete way to track their progress and any changes that may come from the solutions you provided.
    • Be sure to communicate any company-wide changes you’re making with all of your employees based on their feedback.
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Section 5 of 5:

Stay Interview Questions to Ask

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  1. This question sets a positive and encouraging tone right from the start. If you want to encourage your employee to stay in their position, having them think about why exactly they enjoy their job prompts them to view it in a more positive light. Based on the length of their answer, it might be easy for you to gauge whether there are any potential issues you’ll need to look into. [19]
    • For instance, if your employee only has 1 or 2 good things to say about their job, it likely means that they’re not completely happy within their position.
  2. This is a way to get your employee to reflect on a specific, positive memory they have of the workplace. If they have a lot to say, take notes and assure them that you’re going to do your best to make every day just as good. If they don’t have a lot or anything to say, this could be a big indicator that they’re not as engaged in their work as they could be. [20]
  3. This is a simple yes-or-no question, but it can tell you a lot about an employee’s level of engagement and satisfaction. If they say no, it’s a clear sign that you as a manager likely need to take action to help them feel more fulfilled in their position. This might be giving them more responsibility, utilizing other skills of theirs, or giving them more specialized training. If they say yes, they’re likely very engaged in their work and are probably happy to stay in their position. [21]
    • If your employee says no to the question, continue with follow-up questions such as, “Why is that?” and “What do you think can be done to change that?”
  4. This is a good question to ask to gain insight into your employees’ specific needs. If you can fulfill their requests, your chances of getting them to stay are even higher. This question also makes them think about continued employment at your organization. Even if they don’t have an answer right away, this question still makes them imagine what their future could look like if they stay at this job. [22]
  5. This question explores the reasons why an employee might choose to leave as opposed to why they continue to stay. When employees feel recognized for the work they do, they’re more likely to stay at their job and be more engaged with their work. If your employee hints that they don’t feel adequately recognized, this could be an indicator that they’re possibly thinking of moving on to a different job. [23]
  6. Feeling disconnected from their company can be a large reason why some people choose to leave their job. This is especially true for some remote workers who may not get a lot of interaction with other employees or supervisors. Use this question to gauge whether your employees feel truly connected to your organization. If not, research new methods to increase engagement and communication. [24]
  7. This kind of question will reveal any frustrations or difficulties your employees are facing, but it also has them look at the problem from a more positive and constructive viewpoint. Encourage your employees to think about their “dream job” and listen to their suggestions. If you can make a couple of changes based on their feedback, you’ll be more likely to get them to stay with your organization. [25]
    • Encourage your employees to speak honestly since some might feel uncomfortable giving such criticism in front of their manager.
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      1. https://employee.hr.lacounty.gov/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/StayInterviewGuide_9.26.14.pdf
      2. http://www.sbcounty.gov/uploads/dph/DPH-Stay-Interview-Guide-2018.pdf
      3. https://humanresources.columbia.edu/sites/default/files/content/Toolkit/Stay%20Interview%20Questions.pdf
      4. https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/working-at-uc/your-career/talent-management/succession-readiness-retention/step6-10-stay-interview-questions.pdf
      5. https://employee.hr.lacounty.gov/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/StayInterviewGuide_9.26.14.pdf
      6. https://employee.hr.lacounty.gov/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/StayInterviewGuide_9.26.14.pdf
      7. https://humanresources.columbia.edu/sites/default/files/content/Toolkit/Stay%20Interview%20Questions.pdf
      8. https://employee.hr.lacounty.gov/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/StayInterviewGuide_9.26.14.pdf
      9. https://employee.hr.lacounty.gov/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/StayInterviewGuide_9.26.14.pdf
      10. https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/working-at-uc/your-career/talent-management/succession-readiness-retention/step6-10-stay-interview-questions.pdf
      11. https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/working-at-uc/your-career/talent-management/succession-readiness-retention/step6-10-stay-interview-questions.pdf
      12. https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/working-at-uc/your-career/talent-management/succession-readiness-retention/step6-10-stay-interview-questions.pdf
      13. https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/working-at-uc/your-career/talent-management/succession-readiness-retention/step6-10-stay-interview-questions.pdf
      14. https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/working-at-uc/your-career/talent-management/succession-readiness-retention/step6-10-stay-interview-questions.pdf
      15. https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/working-at-uc/your-career/talent-management/succession-readiness-retention/step6-10-stay-interview-questions.pdf
      16. https://ucnet.universityofcalifornia.edu/working-at-uc/your-career/talent-management/succession-readiness-retention/step6-10-stay-interview-questions.pdf

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