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Looking to write questions to add to WikiAnswers, the wiki-site of Answers.com? Although it looks hard, and although the site seems to find applicable links (and routes it there instead), the process is easy. Use this article as a guide, to help you submit that proper question to WikiAnswers.

  1. Visit and sign into the wikiAnswers website in default your web browser so you are able to save your questions to your account, so you can go back to them later, for faster access.
    • Start your question with either 'why', 'where', 'would', 'should', 'is', 'are', 'how' or any of the major question words.
  2. If there are other exact questions, click the question.
  3. Scroll down a little bit until you see the box that contains your previously-asked question that hasn't been submitted just yet.
  4. Check for spelling and grammar errors, along with capitalization errors from your questions and click the "Submit Question" button.
  5. It won't let you go and save it without the correct category, so choose the correct one.
  6. Some questions take longer to answer than others, and you may be waiting months or even years to see them before they are answered, but much like any wiki, if you find the answer, be sure to share the answer on the question page.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I ask WikiHow questions?
    Community Answer
    At the bottom of the community Q&A, there will be a button that says Ask a Question. After that, there is a space where you can type your question. After you are finished typing, press Submit.
  • Question
    How long will it take for my question to be answered?
    Community Answer
    The time it takes for your question to be aswered can vary. Hopefully you should be looking at a couple of days or a week.
  • Question
    Do I need to ask a question that has to do with the article above?
    Community Answer
    Yes. On any article, you should only ask questions that relate to that specific article.
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      • If the bar is blue instead of green when loading, you're in the "Answer a Question". Click "Ask" to begin your question-asking spree.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Internet access
      • WiFi
      • WikiAnswers (answers.com) account
      • computer mouse and keyboard, or your phone

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