Super Quiz: How Smart Am I?

Take this quiz to test your knowledge!

So, you think you’re smart, huh? But are you Ph.D.-level smart? We’ll be the judge of that!

Answer these knowledge-based trivia questions to see if you’re truly a genius or a plain simpleton. Warning: the questions get harder and harder!

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Questions Overview

1. What is the name of Batman’s sidekick?
  1. Robin
  2. Chewbacca
  3. Doctor Watson
  4. Goose
2. Fill in the blank of this song title: “All I Want for Christmas Is __”
  1. You
  2. Me
  3. Candy
  4. A Hippopotamus
3. Fill in the blanks for this book title: Pride and __ by Jane Austen
  1. Prejudice
  2. Vengeance
  3. Love
  4. Lust
4. Which “-ever” word best matches this description: “A high body temperature.”
  1. Fever
  2. Clever
  3. Severe
  4. Never
5. Fill in the blank of this song’s artist: “Bohemian Rhapsody” by __
  1. Queen
  2. Usher
  3. Nirvana
  4. Guns N’ Roses
6. Fill in the blanks for this book’s author: Great Expectations by Charles __
  1. Dickens
  2. Chaplin
  3. Martel
  4. Schulz
7. Jim Henson is the creator of which cast of characters?
  1. The Muppets
  2. Peanuts
  3. Garfield
  4. The Flintstones
8. A __ is an agent used to destroy plant growth.
  1. Herbicide
  2. Pesticide
  3. Fungicide
  4. Bactericide
9. What do you call a group of crows?
  1. A murder
  2. An unkindness
  3. A pounce
  4. A mob
10. Which war took place between 1861 and 1865?
  1. American Civil War
  2. Spanish American War
  3. World War I
  4. World War II
11. What is the largest human organ?
  1. The skin
  2. The brain
  3. The heart
  4. The lungs
12. The __ is the longest river that only flows through one country.
  1. Yangtze
  2. Amazon River
  3. Ganges
  4. Nile
13. Which planet in our solar system rotates clockwise on its axis?
  1. Venus
  2. Saturn
  3. Mars
  4. Jupiter
14. What hospital did the first heart transplant take place?
  1. Groote Schuur Hospital
  2. Mayo Clinic
  3. Toronto General Hospital
  4. The John Hopkins Hospital

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Looking for some other ways to test your smarts? Check out these trivia-style quizzes next:

What Is the Super Quiz?

The Super Quiz is an ever-changing quiz featured in newspapers across the country to test readers’ knowledge. The quiz was originally created by Isaac Asimov and now has variations all over the world. Back in the day, the Super Quiz was even a board game, featuring card decks of trivia questions and score-keeping sheets.

Most Super Quizzes have a set theme, such as “Two Word Book Titles,” “Three-Letter Words,” and “Birds.” The quiz is broken up into three levels: freshman, graduate, and Ph.D. Each level has a different level of difficulty, with Ph.D. being the most difficult. For every question you get right in the freshman level, you earn 1 point. For every question correct in the graduate level, 2 points. For every question right in Ph.D., 3 points. The more points you have at the end of taking the quiz, the smarter you’re thought to be.

Reader Success Stories

  • Anonymous

    Dec 8, 2024

    "Its actually kind of easy."
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