Am I Sweet or Salty?

Take this quiz to test your vibes.

Are you the type to walk around with your face puckered, or are you constantly riding a sugar high? Are you a skeptical realist, or a romantic optimist?

We’re here to find out! Just answer these 12 sweet-n-salty questions, and we’ll tell you which flavor of person you are!

Two faces, one with a piece of candy gleaming in their eye, and the other with a pretzel.

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Questions Overview

1. When do you pull up to the function?
  1. Embarrassingly early.
  2. Right on time.
  3. Fashionably late.
  4. Super late, and not on purpose.
2. Choose a theme for your next birthday party:
  1. Bouncy Castle Rave. Like a kid’s party, but for grown-ups.
  2. Underground Vampire Ball. Sophisticated, cool, and exclusive.
  3. Slumber Party Under the Stars. Casual, cozy, and potentially life-changing.
  4. Doomsday Disco. Everything sucks. Let’s dance about it.
3. When you're feeling down, which of these cheers you up the most?
  1. My highly curated playlist. The tunes hit just right.
  2. My favorite comfort movie. I know all the lines.
  3. My favorite comfort food. It tastes just like home.
  4. My best friends. They know just what to say.
4. What keeps you up at night?
  1. The fear of not living up to other people's expectations.
  2. The fear of not becoming who I want to become.
  3. The fear of losing people close to me.
  4. The fear of my own mistakes and regrets.
5. Pick the thing that makes you feel most hopeful:
  1. The fact that the sun will rise each morning, guaranteed.
  2. Nature growing through cracks in concrete. We won't ever keep it down.
  3. A stranger helping another stranger. There are still good people in this world.
  4. Accomplishing something all on my own. I'm capable. I can do it.
6. Choose a dream home:
  1. A cottage in the hills, with a garden for a roof.
  2. An underwater research lab, with big windows to see all the fish.
  3. A gorgeous, comfortable yacht so I can tour the world from the comfort of my own home.
  4. A deserted, historic castle in the mountains. My bedroom is in one of the towers.
7. Choose something to change about humans:
  1. I'd make it so we never have to sleep if we didn't want to.
  2. I'd make it so we never got hungry, but could still eat tasty things.
  3. I'd make us all live longer. Like, forever.
  4. I'd make us live in water. Or maybe in the sky. I'm bored of land.
8. What spice level can you handle?
  1. No spice at all for me, please.
  2. I like a little spice! 🌶️
  3. I like a lot of spice! 🌶️🌶️🌶️
  4. Super spicy. I want my taste buds to burn off. 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
9. What's your dream pet?
  1. A rare breed of dog, like an Irish Wolfhound.
  2. A specialty breed of cat, like a Siamese cat.
  3. Something dangerous and wild, like a lynx.
  4. Something mostly harmless but super interesting, like an armadillo.
10. Group photo time! Quick, strike a pose:
  1. I’m in the front holding up a peace sign.
  2. I stick my tongue out and make a goofy face.
  3. Oh, gosh, I’m so awkward! I’ll just stand here and smile. That’s safe.
  4. I duck behind someone so I’m not in the photo! I wasn’t prepared for this…
11. Are you an introvert (shy) or an extrovert (outgoing)?
  1. Definitely an introvert.
  2. A little of both (ambivert).
  3. I'm an extrovert for sure.
  4. I'm not sure.
12. What sort of thing do you like to read?
  1. Fiction! I love a good novel.
  2. Nonfiction! I like to learn about the people and the world around me.
  3. Comics or manga! I like gorgeous illustrations.
  4. The social media feed... Does that count?

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You believe that people are good at heart. You see more beauty in the world than the average person (you can\u2019t help it). You might be lowkey a little psychic\u2026and most of all, you manage to hold on to hope, even when it feels like life is out to get you. You sound like you could give us a cavity.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-Sweet"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Stay-True-to-Yourself"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be Sweet","id":243206,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-Sweet","image":"\/images\/thumb\/0\/03\/Be-Sweet-Step-20-Version-4.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Sweet-Step-20-Version-4.jpg","alt":"How to Be Sweet"},{"title":"How to Stay True to Yourself","id":4171014,"url":"https:\/\/\/Stay-True-to-Yourself","image":"\/images\/thumb\/2\/2f\/Stay-True-to-Yourself-Step-12.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Stay-True-to-Yourself-Step-12.jpg","alt":"How to Stay True to Yourself"}],"minimum":0},{"text":"You're totally salty!","meaning":"You're a soft pretzel at the carnival. Movie theater popcorn. A late-night French fry. In a world of salty and sweet, you're deliciously, mouth-wateringly salty. Here's what that means for you:

You're not afraid to go off the beaten path, and that's why people love you. You're extremely dedicated to your loved ones, and you're loyal to a fault. You might not always think (or say) the sweetest things, but you know that sometimes, it's better to be honest. And deep down, underneath your dry humor and everything else, you've got the purest heart around.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-Real"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Stay-True-to-Yourself"}],"link_data":[{"title":"How to Be Real","id":510113,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-Real","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/7c\/Be-Real-Step-20.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-Real-Step-20.jpg","alt":"How to Be Real"},{"title":"How to Stay True to Yourself","id":4171014,"url":"https:\/\/\/Stay-True-to-Yourself","image":"\/images\/thumb\/2\/2f\/Stay-True-to-Yourself-Step-12.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Stay-True-to-Yourself-Step-12.jpg","alt":"How to Stay True to Yourself"}],"minimum":0}]" class="quiz_results_data"/>\"Cosmos<\/picture>","alt":"What's My Cosmos Persona Quiz"},{"title":"Am I Psychic Quiz","id":14516534,"url":"https:\/\/\/Am-I-Psychic","image":"\"Am<\/picture>","alt":"Am I Psychic Quiz"},{"title":"What Fruit Am I Quiz","id":14363353,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Fruit-Am-I","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Fruit Am I Quiz"}],"number":1},{"text":"I'm outrageously spicy.","result":"Fab answer. We found these quizzes just for our spicy users:","next_quizzes":[{"title":"What Piercing Should I Get Quiz","id":13736222,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Piercing-Should-I-Get","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Piercing Should I Get Quiz"},{"title":"What Tattoo Matches My Personality Quiz","id":14447386,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Tattoo-Should-I-Get","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Tattoo Matches My Personality Quiz"},{"title":"Am I Naughty Quiz","id":14516449,"url":"https:\/\/\/Am-I-Naughty","image":"\"Am<\/picture>","alt":"Am I Naughty Quiz"}],"number":2}]}" class="quiz_questionnaire_data"/>

Salty or Sweet: What Flavor Are You?

People come in all shapes, sizes, and of course, flavors! Some are bitter, some are spicy, others are definitely sour. For this quiz, we stuck to just salty and sweet. But what do those personalities look like? So glad you asked. Here’s a rundown:

Salty personality
Salty people have a bit of an edge. They’re cool and collected, and maybe even a little intimidating, but don’t let that deceive you. Under their bitter exterior is a super soft and friendly interior. They just take a little getting to know, and once you do, they’re totally addicting.

Salty people tend to be independent free-thinkers who are quick to question what they’re told, and like to go against the grain, even if it makes things harder for them. They’re mavericks and sometimes outcasts, but they also make some of the strongest friends and allies.

Sweet personality
Sweet people are exactly what you’d expect: bubbly, warm, friendly, and light a bright ray of light bursting through the clouds. They see the good in everything, and know how to savor the things that make them happy. They’d rather spend time dwelling on the little joys in life than brooding on hardships.

That said, it’s not all daisies. Even sweet people can get sad, angry, or anything else. It’s just that they know those are fleeting feelings, and that in the end, it pays to be an optimist. That’s why they’re always surrounded by friends, who’re just hoping the vibe rubs off on them.

Other personality flavors
Life ain’t all black and white, and there’s more to people than just sweet or salty. In fact, most people are multiple flavors at the same time, or even switch flavors depending on the day. Here are a few more personality flavors to sink your teeth into:

  • Spicy: Sly troublemakers who cause chaos just for fun. These people keep you on your toes and make life much more interesting.
  • Savory: Tough, reliable, and nourishing, these are the “mom friends” who check in from time to time and make sure you’re doing okay. Pillars of the community.
  • Sour: The haters of the world! Some say we’re better off without them, but we think they play a key role in the ecosystem. After all, a little hating is fun, as long as it’s not too serious or mean-spirited. It’s just human nature.
  • Bitter: Pessimists who see the glass half empty. You might assume they’re total party-poopers, but they provide much-needed balance to the more chipper flavors, and keep us all grounded.
  • Umami: This is sort of like savory, salty and sweet all at once. These people are something of a mystery, and you can never quite pin them down, but you could also never live without them.

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