Studies show that using an emergency contraceptive pill, like Plan B One-Step, can help prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex or when your birth control method has failed. You can buy the Plan B One-Step pill over-the-counter without a prescription at most drug stores, and following the directions for taking the pill will help to prevent pregnancy the most effectively. Experts note that you shouldn't use Plan B One-Step as regular birth control, but rather as an emergency contraceptive. [1] X Research source
Take the pill. Take one Plan B pill as soon as you possibly can after having unprotected sex. You can take it right after having unprotected sex, if you need to do so. You don't need to wait until the next morning. [2] X Research source
- The pill will be most effective within 24 hours but still relatively effective for up to 3 days. However, you can still take for up to 5 days after having sex, but it is not as effective.
Take the Plan B One-Step with food and water. This medication should not be taken on an empty stomach. Take it with food and water for it to be most effective.Advertisement
Take it again if you throw up. If you vomit within 2 hours of taking the pill, the dose may not be effective. Therefore, you can take another dose of the pill to ensure effectiveness. [3] X Research source
- It's a good idea to talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking a second dose.
Understand what other drugs affect it. While it has not been studied much, it is theorized that certain drugs will make Plan B Step-One less effective. Certain anti-seizure drugs are in this category, including Dilantin, Felbatol, Mesantoin, Peganone, Phenobarbital, and Tegretol. Another drug that can mess with its effectiveness is Rifampin, a drug for tuberculosis. [4] X Research source
- Talk to your doctor if you are on one of these drugs and need to use emergency contraceptive.
- Though antibiotics can affect your regular birth control, it has not been shown to affect Plan B One-Step.
Be aware of the side effects. The Plan B One-Step pill can cause side effects for a couple of days. You may notice some stomach issues, such as abdominal pain, nausea, or vomiting. Your breasts may also be sore. Additionally, you may get headaches or dizziness, or you may feel extra tired. These symptoms are relatively normal and will subside. If they don't, talk to your doctor. [5] X Research source
Watch for your period. Plan B can make your period late. Usually, it will only be a week or so. Nonetheless, Plan B can cause other problems, such as spotting. If you spot for a week after taking the pill, talk to your doctor. [6] X Research source
- Similarly, if you have abnormal cramps or pain a month or so after taking the pill, you should also talk to your doctor.
- These symptoms are problematic because they could be a sign that you miscarried a pregnancy. On the other hand, they can indicate an ectopic pregnancy, where an egg implants but not in the uterus.
Tell your doctor. The next time you see your doctor (any doctor), tell him or her that you took the pill. Your doctor needs to know just in case that explains any symptoms you may be having. [7] X Research source
- Also, talk to your doctor if your period is more than three weeks late after taking the pill. Plan B One-Step is not 100% effective all of the time, so it is still possible to get pregnant after taking it.
Protect yourself with another form of birth control. Do not use Plan B One-Step as a substitute for other forms of birth control. If you are sexually active, then you should consider using birth control and condoms. Using birth control alone will not offer any protection against STDs, which can have lifelong consequences such as infertility and even death. However, wearing a condom every time you have sex can help to reduce your risk of getting an STD. [8] X Research source
- Talk to your doctor or visit a free clinic to discuss your safe sex and birth control options.
Know what circumstances to take it under. The primary situation in which you would take the pill is when you have had vaginal sex without other protection against getting pregnant. "Unprotected" sex can mean a variety of things, including when other types of birth control fail or you miss doses of other types of contraceptive pills.
Take the pill when condoms fail. If you notice your condom has broken while having sex, that's a good reason to take an emergency contraceptive. [9] X Trustworthy Source MedlinePlus Collection of medical information sourced from the US National Library of Medicine Go to source Also, if you notice spillage near the vaginal area, that's another good reason to take Plan B One-Step.
Use Plan B One-Step when you miss progesterone-only pills. Another reason to take Plan B is because you missed birth control pills within certain time frames. [10] X Trustworthy Source MedlinePlus Collection of medical information sourced from the US National Library of Medicine Go to source For instance, if you are taking progesterone-only pills, you must be on time with those pills. If you are more than three hours off, you may not be protected and will need to take a Plan B pill.
Take Plan B One-Step when you miss doses of other birth controls. Also, if you miss a single dose in the first week of your 21 or 28 pill pack or three or more doses in week two or three, you may not be protected. With the patch, you are unprotected if you've had it off more than a day in the first three weeks, and with Nuvaring, you're unprotected if you've had it out for more than three hours in the first three weeks. Also, antibiotics can affect the effectiveness of your pills. [11] X Research source
Take a deep breath. Many others have been in your situation, and it is not the end of the world. You can find Plan B One-Step, and more than likely, it will take care of the problem for you.
Find Plan B One-Step within three days. For Plan B One-Step to be the most effective, you need to find and take it within 72 hours of having sex. In fact, the sooner you take it, the better, which is why it is sometimes referred to as "the morning-after pill." Taking it within 24 hours is best. [12] X Research source
- You can buy it to keep on hand. The pill can be fairly expensive ($50 or more), and it will have an expiration date.However, you can get generic pills that work the same for slightly cheaper. For instance, you can buy a generic version, After Pill, online for about $20. [13] X Research source
- If you are a college student, sometimes your student health center will have Plan B One-Step for cheaper.
Go to a pharmacy. The easiest way to get Plan B is to go to a pharmacy. You don't need to visit your doctor first, as you don't need a prescription to buy Plan B. It is available over the counter. [14] X Research source
- In the past, you need a prescription if you were 16 and under to buy the Plan B One-Step Pill. However, now anyone can buy the pill who needs it, and you don't even need to show ID.
- You may need to ask a pharmacist to obtain the pill.
- If you're embarrassed, try going to a pharmacy that's not near you. Visit one on the other side of town, or try going at a time when there won't be as many people around. Additionally, try talking to a pharmacist or cashier who's the same sex as you, if that will help you feel less embarrassed.
Find it at a health clinic. If you don't have quick access to a pharmacy, you can also visit a health clinic. Places like Planned Parenthood carry this contraceptive as well. [15] X Research source
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- If you purchase a two-pill emergency contraceptive medication, take both of the pills at once. Medical guidelines now suggest that you don’t need to wait 12 hours to take the second pill.Thanks
- Remember to use condoms and another form of birth control. Plan B will not protect you against STDs and it should not be your main form of birth control. It should only be used in emergency situations.Thanks
- You may be able to find a coupon (such as from GoodRx) to save money. Or, you can ask your doctor for a prescription to see if your insurance will cover some or all of the cost. The Plan B website may also offer a money back rebate with proof of purchase. You might even be able to find a generic brand for less money.Thanks
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