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Teaching you how to chat with ghosts safely and effectively
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So, you want to contact the spirit world. Maybe you’re hoping to talk with your grandma or the spirit that keeps opening your door at night. No matter who you wish to talk to, there are quite a few ways you can go about communicating with ghosts. From Ouija boards to Southern legends, we have everything you need to know about opening the door to the spirit realm right here.

Things You Should Know

  • Use a Ouija board to contact loved ones or random spirits with a group of friends.
  • Light candles, close all the curtains, and ask the spirits to talk to you.
  • Stay calm and be respectful when talking to ghosts. You don't want to accidentally upset a spirit.
Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Using a Ouija Board

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  1. Purchase or create a Ouija board . Also known as a spirit board, the Ouija board is a flat surface with the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 1 to 9 and 0, a “Yes” and “No,” and “Goodbye” painted on it. Using a Ouija board to communicate with ghosts is simpler than it may look, and the first step is to obtain one.
    • Replicate a Ouija board by drawing the graphics on a large sheet of paper or cardboard. There’s nothing magical about the board itself, only the energy you put into it.
    • All Ouija boards need a planchette or moveable indicator to allow the ghosts to point to numbers or letters, so make one of these too if you’re creating your own board.
  2. At least 2 people are needed to operate a Ouija board, so chat with your friends about the possibility of them joining you. The more people who participate, the more energy you’ll create, and the easier it’ll be for ghosts to communicate. [1]
    • Designate 1 person in the group to be the medium. This person will ask the questions aloud and be the only one specifically talking with the ghost.
    • It might be helpful to have someone record the conversation or session. See if one of your friends would be willing to write out what the ghost spells.
  3. Set up your Ouija board in a dark and quiet area. Draw the curtains closed, turn off all the lights, and light a few candles. The moodier the atmosphere, the better. [2]
    • While this step isn’t necessary to make the board “work,” it can help put everyone in the right frame of mind for contacting a ghost.
    • Consider cleansing the space with sage before the session to balance lingering energies.
    • The spirit world is the most active between 9 PM and 6 AM, so plan to hold your session around that time and set up your space beforehand.
  4. Set the planchette on the letter “G” on the board, and have everyone in your group gently place their pointer fingers on the edges of the planchette. Open the door to the spirit realm by introducing yourself and whoever else is present—think of it as starting a conversation with any other person. State your intentions, and then ask a simple question.
    • For example, you might say, “My name is Alex, and this is my friend Billy. We heard something terrible happened here, and we’d like to listen to what you have to say and help in any way we can. Is there anyone here that would like to talk to us?”
  5. One of the most important things to do during a Ouija board session is to remain calm. Sit and wait patiently for the spirit to answer your question. Keep in mind that it may take them longer to gather enough energy to move the planchette. If they don’t answer after 5 minutes, try asking another question.
    • If the planchette does move, remain calm and speak the word(s) the ghost is spelling out loud.
    • Talk to the ghost as you would a living being. For instance, if they answer “yes,” politely ask a follow-up question.
    • If you’re worried about one of your friends moving the planchette on their own, ask everyone but the recorder to close their eyes during the session. That way, those holding the planchette won’t be able to see what’s spelled.
  6. When your conversation with the ghost dies down, or things get too intense, glide the planchette to the “Goodbye” at the bottom of the Ouija board. This closes your connection to the spirit world and lets the ghost know you’re done talking.
    • Say a quick goodbye while you do this to ensure everything ends peacefully. For instance, you may say, “Thank you for taking the time to speak with us. Goodbye for now.”
    • Close the board and put it away when you're finished to ensure communication is cut off.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Recording Electronic Voice Phenomena

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  1. Invest in a quality audio recorder . The basic principle of recording Electronic Voice Phenomena or EVP is to you record yourself talking to ghosts. Use EVP techniques when using a Ouija board or walking around a haunted space. If spirits are present, you may be able to listen back to the recording and notice something you missed in the moment. [3]
    • Consider purchasing the Zoom mic, which is a professional-quality handheld recorder that musicians often use to record clear, spontaneous audio.
    • The microphone app on your cellphone can also work in a pinch, but the audio may be harder to break down and decipher.
    • Turn the recording sensitivity on your chosen device up to the highest level to help pick up background noise and different frequencies.
  2. To start your session, hit record on your audio recorder and introduce yourself to any present ghosts. Let them know why you’re there and what the device you’re holding does. Talk to them as you would anybody else. [4]
    • For instance, you might say, “My name is Amy, and I was wondering if there are any spirits here with me today. The device I’m holding is a recorder, which can capture anything you say. So, is there anything you’d like me or anyone else to know about you or this place?”
    • Try doing EVP work in locations already classified as haunted or have high spiritual energies to better your chance of getting results.
  3. While EVP sessions are more active than Ouija board sessions, spirits can’t give elaborate responses to questions. So, ask questions that require a simple one-word response like “yes” or “no.” Make sure to pause for a few minutes after each question to give them time to answer. [5] You might try asking:
    • “What’s your name?”
    • “Did you once live here?”
    • “What would you like us to know?”
    • “Would you like us to leave?”
  4. While recording and talking with the ghost, you may experience strange or odd sensations. If something occurs that you can’t explain, it may be the ghost’s doing. Perhaps they’re trying to connect with you or get your attention. Be aware of:
    • Cold and warm spots in the room
    • Tingles or prickles on the back of your neck
    • Shadows or balls of light
  5. When you’re done communicating with the spirit, thank them for their time and leave the room or location. Then, in a quiet place, listen back to your recording on the original device. Pay close attention to the silence in between your questions. Can you hear someone else talking? Are their faint whispers or footsteps? If so, it may be a response from a ghost. [6]
    • Turn the volume up on the silent parts of the audio to better read them.
    • Upload your recording to an editing software to view the audio’s soundbar. Then, notice if there are any odd spikes in sound that don’t coincide with your speaking voice.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Communicating in Other Ways

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  1. Visit an experienced medium and undergo a channeling session to take your communication to the next level. In these sessions, a medium willingly undergoes hypnosis or taps into the spirit realm to help you talk with a specific ghost or spiritual energy.
    • Depending on the medium’s techniques, the communication may involve writing, speaking, scrying , or other forms of communication. [7]
    • Look for mediums in your area by doing a quick online search, using keywords like your hometown, “medium,” and “afterlife communication.”
  2. Use a pendulum to get yes or no answers from a ghost. If using a Ouija board isn’t your thing, no worries! Try doing a séance or spiritual session with a pendulum instead. Pendulums are lightweight objects attached to a string. [8] Many believe that ghosts will swing the pendulum back and forth to say “yes,” and sideways to say “no.”
    • Necklaces make great pendulums in a pinch.
    • Consider using a pendulum board to help decipher the responses for each swing.
  3. Use dowsing rods to locate a ghost’s energy. Dowsing or divining rods are traditional spiritual tools that can theoretically locate energetic forces, such as water, lost objects, and spirits. Simply hold the rods an arm’s length away from your body and move around the room. Follow any pulls or tugs on the rods, as this may be a ghost guiding you to a specific location.
    • Dowsing rods can also be used to ask yes and no questions. If the rods go inward and create an “X,” a spirit is saying “yes.” If the rods go out away from your chest, they’re saying “no.” [9]
  4. In many cultures, legends revolve around cars being pushed by spirits who want their presence to be known. [10] Sprinkle flour or baking powder on the bumper of your car, and head to a spiritually active location. Leave the car for a while, and when you return, check to see if there are any handprints on the car’s bumper.
    • These particular legends are extremely popular in the American South, but no definitive evidence supports them.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Staying Safe

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  1. Always bring a friend or two along with you when you want to go ghost hunting or tap into the spiritual realm. Having the extra support can make a world of difference for your spiritual and mental well-being, especially when it comes to discerning the actuality of events.
  2. Do your best to keep your intentions and thoughts pure while communicating with the other side. The calmer and more peaceful your energy is, the friendlier you’ll appear to the spirits, and the more likely they’ll approach you.
    • Take time to ground yourself before stepping into a ghost-hunting session or séance to balance your energy and calm your nerves.
    • Remember, chatting with a ghost is like chatting with anybody else, so respect and treat them like any other friend.
  3. Leaving a conversation open with a spirit is awfully rude and dangerous. Whether you’re using a Ouija board, EVP, or another form of communication, always thank the ghost for their time and close the session. This way, spirits won’t be encouraged to pass back over to finish the conversation.
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  • Question
    If we start getting scared of the ghost then what should we do ?
    Community Answer
    Say "Thanks for your time, we have to leave now." Then leave the area with a blank mind, having the intention only of getting on with your daily chores so that you're neither scared nor arrogant.
  • Question
    What do I do if the ghost says "go away"?
    Community Answer
    If they say "go away," they are obviously not appreciating your presence. If something like this happens, just politely apologize and end the conversation. Remember you didn't end the conversation because you were afraid, you simply did it to be respectful.
  • Question
    Can I be able to make friends with a ghost or spirit?
    Community Answer
    If the ghost/spirit/demon is not causing you physical or mental harm, and is acting like a friend would, sure!
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      Article Summary X

      If you want to try to talk to ghosts, try using a Ouija board. Find a quiet place to set up the board, and light a candle, then place the planchette, or indicator, on the board. Have at least 2 people lightly place 1 finger on the planchette, then ask if there are any spirits who would like to communicate. If there are spirits present, you will feel the planchette move under your fingers, and it should spell out the answers to your questions. Do not move the planchette yourself, as this is considered cheating. For tips on recording EVPs to hear what a ghost has to say, keep reading!

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