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Keep yourself safe while speaking to spirits
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Whether you want to contact a deceased loved one, get in touch with a spirit guide, or just want to do something spooky with your friends, there are plenty of ways to talk to ghosts and spirits as long as you keep an open mind. For this article, we interviewed psychic Jennifer McVey to give you all the best tips on how to talk to spirits and protect yourself during communication. Plus, find out why people might want to communicate with spirits and get answers to other common questions.

How do I contact spirits?

Try meditating to connect with the spirits and write down any messages you receive in that state, or directly ask the spirit to send you a sign. Or, use a divination tool like a Ouija board, pendulum, or even tarot cards to ask the spirit questions. It may help if you have a dedicated altar to do spirit work.

Section 1 of 4:

Ways to Talk to Spirits

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  1. You don’t always need specific tools to contact spirits, as some believe contacting spirits is focused on the transfer of energy. [1] Light some candles, turn on some soothing music, and take some deep breaths to enter a calm, meditative state . Focus on the spirit you want to contact and imagine your soul connecting with theirs. It may help to have a pen and paper with you to write down any messages that come to mind.
    • If you need help connecting with the spirit, try holding something that belonged to them (like a piece of jewelry) or a photo of them.
  2. This can be especially helpful if you’re new to contacting spirits because sitting down at an altar will help automatically put you in the right headspace. Your altar doesn’t need to be elaborate; it just needs to be a space dedicated to the spiritual world. Decorate it with things like candles, crystals, and items that belonged to your passed loved ones. Consider leaving offerings, like flowers or food, for the spirits, as well. [2]
  3. Sometimes, one of the easiest ways to contact a spirit is to directly ask them to give you a sign. Ask them to show you something specific (like their favorite bird, for example) and pay attention to anything that seems out of the ordinary. Some spirits may communicate through phantom scents (the smell of something that isn’t there, like tobacco if the spirit was a smoker) or through your dreams . [3]
    • If a spirit visits you in a dream, try to write down as many details as you can when you wake up. This will allow you to interpret the dream later on.
  4. Gather a few friends and set up the Ouija board on a flat surface. Lightly place your index and middle fingers on the planchette. Wait for the planchette to move on its own—this means a spirit has arrived. Then, start asking any questions you want to know. The spirit will guide the planchette around the board to spell out its answer. When you’re done, guide the planchette to “Goodbye” to end the connection to the spirit world. [4]
    • Never use a Ouija board alone as this may invite malevolent spirits to mess with you. Always say goodbye at the end of the session so the spirits don’t linger.
    • If the planchette moves randomly across the board without giving any clear answers, the spirit is not interested in helping you. If it moves in a figure 8, it means an evil spirit has taken control of the board and may try to cause harm. End the session immediately. [5]
    • To stay safe while using a Ouija board, McVey says, “Ask your higher self to be the guide. Then, that spirit that you want to talk to doesn't actually have to get in your body. It can be outside of your body, outside of your energy field, and it can communicate with you. The mind is actually pulling in and taking over.” While most people do not believe the spirit actually possesses the players, this is something to keep in mind if you believe this is possible.
  5. A pendulum is a crystal or another weight that hangs from the end of a string or chain. Hold the pendulum in your hand and dangle it over a hard flat surface. Ask the spirits to show you which way the crystal will swing for a “yes” answer and which way it will swing for a “no.” Then, proceed to ask yes or no questions to communicate with the spirit. Thank the spirit and ask them to return to the spirit world when you’re done. [6]
    • If you feel a sense of attachment to the crystal, it usually indicates that your energy is in tune with the crystal.
    • Some people prefer to dangle the crystal over a piece of paper with “yes” and “no” written on it to help track the pendulum’s movements.
    • Take any messages received with a grain of salt. Some spirits may try to trick you, or they may even be confused themselves. [7]
  6. Gather a group of friends (preferably a group of 3 or 7, as these are magic numbers) in a circle on the floor or around a table. Turn off the lights and light some candles, then slightly unscrew the lightbulb from a flashlight so it will flicker on and off at random. Lay it on a flat surface and invite the spirits to join you. Begin asking them yes or no questions, and the flashlight will turn on or off based on their answer. [8]
    • As with using the Ouija board, it’s important to say goodbye after a seance so the spirits don’t linger.
    • To make sure the flashlight’s bulb is in the right spot, lightly tap it after unscrewing it. It should flicker. If it doesn’t, adjust the position until it works.
    • Usually, if the flashlight turns on, it’s a yes, and if it turns off, it’s a no. Establish what each action means at the beginning of the session so you don’t get confused later on.
  7. Some spirits may rely on conduits to deliver messages, so some believers prefer to use a scrying method when communicating with the other side. Scrying is the practice of gazing into a surface to receive specific visions or messages. For example, ask your question, then observe the way the flame of a candle flickers or how the surface of a liquid ripples. Try different mediums until you find one that works for you. [9]
  8. Around the world, people use many different tools and techniques to contact spirits. If one method doesn’t work for you, try different ones until you find one that does. For example, use dowsing rods to ask a spirit yes or no questions. [10] Or, try using tarot cards to interpret a message from a spirit.
    • Whatever tool you decide to use, do your research and make sure you know how to use it properly. Some mediums don’t recommend using tools to contact spirits unless you have years of experience working with spirits.
  9. Automatic writing refers to a writing practice in which you write whatever comes to mind without being consciously aware of what you’re writing. This practice is a claimed psychic ability that many use to contact ghosts. [11] Light a white candle, sit in a quiet space, and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and ask the spirits your question. Then, write down any words, phrases, or ideas that come to mind.
  10. If ghost hunting is an important hobby of yours, consider investing in some professional ghost hunting equipment. A spirit box is a small device that quickly scans through radio stations and uses EVP (electronic voice phenomena) to deliver messages from ghosts and spirits. Simply turn the device on, ask your questions, and wait for an answer. [12]
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Section 2 of 4:

Protecting Yourself While Talking to Spirits

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  1. In order to successfully contact spirits, it’s important to have a clear mind and focus on your intention. Determine a specific connection you want to make (like contacting your spirit guide, for example) and try to get rid of distracting thoughts through meditation, breathwork, or another calming method. If you don’t feel open to listening to what the spirits have to say, don’t force it and try again when you’re in the right mindset. [13]
    • Avoid using alcohol, drugs, or any other mind-altering substances, as these can affect your judgment. If any of your friends are under the influence, don’t let them participate in the session, either.
  2. If you try to contact the spirit world, you may come into contact with malevolent entities. Therefore, it’s important to strengthen your mind against negative energies before attempting to talk to spirits. For example: [14]
    • Offer a prayer to the universe. While praying, ask for protection against malevolent spirits.
    • Visualize yourself as a column of white light that spreads throughout the room. This visualization will dissuade negative entities.
    • Use protective crystals (like black tourmaline or clear quartz) or herbs (like lavender or chamomile) to ward off negative energy.
    • Mentally express an interest in communicating with positive spirits to draw them to you.
    • McVey suggests saying an affirmation like "Only my highest good comes to me."
  3. Sage is an herb known for its aura-cleansing properties. If you’re worried about the presence of malevolent spirits, burn some sage bundles or sage incense before contacting the spirit world. The sage will remove negative energies from the room and dissuade any unwanted visitors. [15]
    • Sage incense can be bought online or at specialty herbal supply stores. This is a good option if you can’t obtain or burn actual sage herbs.
    • Keep in mind that if you choose to burn sage bundles rather than incense, white sage is part of a closed Native American practice. Use another type of sage unless you’re of Native American descent.
    • Some believe it’s better to burn sage after contacting the spirits, as burning it beforehand may make them more hesitant to talk to you.
  4. If you’re not sure how to talk to ghosts, think about how you’d talk to someone you just met. Introduce yourself and explain who you are. Avoid making demands or asking questions that may be offensive. Stick to basic questions at first, like “What’s your name?” and “How old are you?” Use a calm tone throughout the session and speak as you normally would—don’t try to use “old timey” speak, as this is unnecessary and may offend the spirits. [16]
    • It’s also usually appropriate to ask ghosts why they’re there and how they feel. If they seem angry or intimidating, it’s okay to end the session.
    • In general, most people recommend that you don’t ask ghosts about God or religion or when you will die. It’s usually better to base your questions around the spirit rather than focusing on yourself or your future.
  5. If you’re scared of ghosts and struggle to get over that fear during the session, it may actually attract negativity or spirits you don’t want to talk to. Take a deep breath and remember that you’ve already put up a protective barrier, through prayer, visualization, or another method. Remember, the spirits you want to talk to will not harm you. [17]
    • This doesn’t mean to always ignore your fear altogether, however. Follow your instincts and trust your gut.
    • If you’re too scared, it’s okay to end the session. Don’t force yourself to do something that makes you uncomfortable.

    Jennifer McVey, Cht

    Spiritual Director
    Jennifer McVey is a Spiritualist, Seer, and the Spiritual Director of Spiritual Answers and Solutions. With more than 22 years of experience, she specializes in manifesting, ghosts and spirit attachments, hypnotherapy, channeling, and spiritually based life coaching. Jennifer has also published 13 Affirmation Image and six Word Search Puzzle books in spirituality and self-help and has produced over 600 audio sessions.
    Jennifer McVey, Cht
    Spiritual Director

    If you're scared of ghosts, ask yourself where the fear comes from. If you ever find yourself terrified of something, always ask yourself what you're actually afraid of. Sometimes, when you're terrified of ghosts, you might actually be picking up on the ghost's feelings more than your own.

  6. No matter which communication method you use, it’s important to show respect to the spirits. Thank them for their time, politely ask them to leave, and tell them goodbye. This closes the connection with the spirit world to ensure the spirits won’t linger. Thanking them shows them respect so they won’t become angry and try to mess with you or harm you. It may also make positive spirits more likely to talk to you again in the future. [18]
  7. This will help remove any spiritual energy that may remain. Choose your preferred cleansing method; using rosewater, incense, or the smoke of a purifying herb like sage are all common. It may also help to cleanse and energize your own aura by soaking in a Himalayan salt bath, as well. [19]
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Section 3 of 4:

Reasons to Communicate with Spirits

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  1. Often, people who’ve recently lost a loved one may look for signs or attempt to communicate with their spirit to make sure they’re at peace in the afterlife. Consider asking your loved one for a sign, whether in your waking life or through a dream. This may provide some comfort during an otherwise difficult time. [20]
    • Even if you don’t believe in spirits, it isn’t a good idea to try to argue with someone who does, especially when they’re grieving. Allow them to seek comfort however they can, and remember that everyone grieves differently.
  2. Many spiritual people believe in spirit guides, or supernatural beings that offer protection and guidance throughout your life. You may want to communicate with your spirit guides when you’re feeling stuck in life or need to make an important decision. [21]
    • McVey says to make a better connection with your spirit guide, “Get in the habit of listening to yourself. All information must come through your higher self. So even if you’re trying to talk to your spirit guides, it still has to come through your higher self or your subconscious mind.”
  3. Sometimes, when people say they’re afraid of ghosts , they’re actually afraid of mortality. It can be difficult to accept death, but communicating with spirits may help you realize there’s nothing to be afraid of. [22] It can also encourage you to live life to the fullest while you’re still on the physical realm.
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Section 4 of 4:

Talking to Spirits FAQs

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  1. A spirit is a supernatural being that is often a non-physical entity. We most often think of ghosts when we hear the term “spirit,” as ghosts are the spirits of deceased human beings. [23] However, in many cultures, spirits also include other beings, like fairies, jinn, or angels.
  2. Spirits may contact you in several ways, including through dreams or angel numbers. You may also smell things that aren’t there (phantom scents) or see things that remind you of that spirit. They may also contact you through more surprising means, like a song stuck in your head. [24]
  3. Many believers state that every person has at least one spirit guide, though some may have two or three. However, this varies from culture to culture, as others believe someone can have 6-12 spirit guides watching over them at once. [25]
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What Should You Know Before Trying to Talk to Spirits?

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  • Question
    Can dogs see spirits?
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    Some people believe that dogs can see spirits. This is impossible to prove. However, if your dog avoids a certain part of the house, you may be living with a spirit.
  • Question
    How do I know there's a spirit nearby?
    Community Answer
    Have a dog. Dogs can sense spirits because of the higher frequency of sound that the spirit gives off.
  • Question
    Should I call spirits at night or during the day?
    Community Answer
    You can call them at any time. However, it's best to call them during the day because you will be less afraid. Fear can invite negative energy.
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      • Remember, spirits are not always honest. They could try to trick you, so take their answers with a grain of salt.

      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Spirits cannot do anything unless you allow them. Do not be afraid. They are dead. You are alive. You have a body. You live in the physical realm. They do not. They have no power, so don't let them trick you into thinking anything else.
      • You don't need fancy equipment to talk to spirits. Apps sometimes work, and trust your gut and body (chills, bad feeling, touch, etc).
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      • Many psychics discourage the use of Ouija boards as they can invite negative spirits into your home.
      • Never use a Ouija Board alone. Having other people with you will deter malevolent spirits from messing with you.

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