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Upright and reversed meanings for love, career, and more
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What message is the Knight of Wands card trying to impart when it comes up in a tarot spread? We’re here to explain. The Knight of Wands is part of the Minor Arcana tarot deck, and it’s traditionally a symbol of adventurousness, courage, heroism, and energy. When you see the Knight of Wands, it’s a sign that now is the time to get out into the world, broaden your horizons, and pursue new projects passionately! Keep reading for a complete overview of the Knight of Wands tarot card, including what it says about your relationships, finances, health, and more.

Things You Should Know

  • The Upright Knight of Wands card symbolizes being free-spirited, adventurous, charming, rebellious, brave, hasty, hot-tempered, and energetic.
  • The Reversed Knight of Wands card represents arrogance, lack of self-control, recklessness, hyperactivity, lack of purpose, and being overly passive or volatile
  • The Knight of Wands depicts a knight riding a rearing horse. The knight wears a yellow shirt over armor and holds a large wand, symbolizing his vigor and passion.
Section 1 of 8:

Knight of Wands Tarot Card Upright & Reversed Meanings

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  1. When you see the Upright Knight of Wands, it’s time to explore! This card signifies that you’re the kind of person who can find fun things to do no matter where you are—and that now is the time to let yourself be a little free-spirited and adventurous. It’s also a sign that you’re ready to finish important tasks or start a new creative project. The Knight of Wands pushes you to pursue those projects with enthusiasm. [1]
    • Tarot keywords: Fearless, hasty, energetic, charming, rebellious, courageous, heroic, hot-tempered, free-spirited, and adventurous
    • Element: Fire
    • Planet: Jupiter, and sometimes Pluto
    • Star sign: Sagittarius and sometimes Scorpio
    • If the Upright Knight of Wands were a person, they’d be a charming, fearless adult (20 to 35 years old) with an open mind and confident spirit. They might also be an Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius (one of the fire signs).
  2. You may feel frustrated, as though you’re not going anywhere currently, or like you’re losing control over an aspect of your life. The Knight of Wands indicates a venture you're working on is facing a setback—or, alternatively, that you’re being a little too overconfident and cocky at the moment. This card also symbolizes unfinished work and canceled or delayed travel; it may mean that you haven’t finished something you’ve started. [2]
    • Tarot keywords: Impatience, arrogance, lack of self-control, passiveness, recklessness, and instability
    • The Reversed Knight of Wands may be a sign that it’s the wrong time to put any plans into action—or that your plans might be moving too fast, and it’s time to press pause.
    • If the Reversed Knight of Wands were a person, they’d be an overly confident adult (20 to 35 years old) with quite a bit of arrogance and a lack of self-control. They might also be an Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius.
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Section 2 of 8:

Knight of Wands in Love

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  1. The Upright Knight of Wands suggests that someone energetic and fearless has just entered your life—and could be a potential romantic partner. They’re likely charming, passionate, reckless, and possibly a bit hesitant to settle down for good due to their free-spirited nature. Alternatively, the Knight of Wands encourages you to be a little more adventurous in your love life and acts as a reassurance that, during this time, big risks result in bigger rewards! Don’t worry about rejection; just put your best foot forward. [3]
    • If you’re single: You may be able to meet someone with the qualities mentioned above. Alternatively, it signifies that you’re feeling bold and self-assured right now, making you super attractive to potential partners!
    • If you’re in a relationship: Spend more quality time with your partner to deepen your connection. Make a special point to do adventurous activities with them, travel, and have lots of fun!
  2. The Reversed Knight of Wands is a sign that you (or someone in your life) are feeling apprehensive about commitment at the moment. This card indicates impatience, recklessness, and instability—so you may find that you’re fixated on a potential partner one moment and then change your mind about them the next. You may also desire romance, but not a full relationship right now. Additionally, you and your partner (if you have one) may be more likely to argue when you see the Knight of Wands. [4]
    • If you’re single: Either you’ll meet someone with the Reversed Knight of Wands traits listed above (like overconfidence or recklessness), or you’re displaying those traits yourself. Be cautious and mindful of your safety with a new partner.
      • This card can also represent one-night stands—but if that’s not what you’re looking for, don’t lower your standards. Stick to your principles and only do things you’re comfortable with!
    • If you’re in a relationship: Your relationship might lack enthusiasm at the moment, so it’s time to be a little more proactive and put effort into rekindling the spark between you (if that’s what you want).
      • This card may also be a sign that you may not be ready for a serious relationship just yet (and that gaining more maturity may help you prepare).
      • In cases where the Reversed Knight of Wands represents your partner, it may be a warning that they’re volatile, violent, or simply arrogant and reckless. Remember always to put your safety first, no matter who you’re dating.
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Knight of Wands in Careers

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  1. Are you considering changing career paths or starting a new venture? Do you feel passionate about your big ideas? The Upright Knight of Wands is a sign that you’re absolutely ready to take action. Alternatively, if you’re currently planning to stay in the same job, the Knight of Wands may suggest restlessness or frustration at the apparent lack of progress. Thus, it encourages you to seek out new opportunities for yourself if you’re ready for change!
    • Tip: Consider whether you’ve been waiting for opportunities to come to you—when really, it’s easier to find them when you’re actively looking. Devote extra energy toward advancing your career and pursuing your goals (rather than hoping for change). [5]
    • This card is an especially good omen if you’re thinking about launching your own business because it indicates that you have the determination and enthusiasm to follow through.
    • If you’ve been feeling unsatisfied with a desk job, the Knight of Wands may also be a sign that it’s time to get a more flexible job that allows you to travel (or at least get out of the office sometimes).
  2. When you see the Reversed Knight of Wands in a career tarot spread , it may be a sign that you’re feeling lost or aimless regarding your career. You might be moving around from job to job without knowing how to get the dream job you really want, for example, or you might have no idea what kind of job (or industry) you want to end up in. You may also feel a little bored by the routine of a steady job—especially if it’s not a job you’re interested in keeping for the long term. [6]
    • Tip: Take some time to reflect on what you want from your life and career. What direction feels promising to you? What kind of career could you see yourself feeling truly satisfied with?
    • Once you know what you really want, it’s easier to set long-term goals and work toward a dream job that won’t leave you feeling bored or unfulfilled.
    • The Reversed Knight of Wands doesn’t necessarily signify that you need to settle down and find the right job immediately; it simply encourages you to find a direction and a goal to work toward instead of drifting aimlessly.
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Knight of Wands in Finance

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  1. The Upright Knight of Wands indicates that you may accumulate a great deal of money soon! And, because the Knight of Wands is all about adventure, it encourages you to spend your newfound wealth on things that will broaden your horizons—like travel or learning new skills. Avoid mindless spending when you see the Knight of Wands; it warns against wasting your good fortune. [7]
    • Tip: Consider what kinds of financial investments might benefit you in the future. For example, travel expands your understanding of the world and introduces you to new perspectives. Even if it’s for leisure, it’s beneficial and meaningful!
    • Similarly, learning a new skill (especially one that might help you advance your career or start up a side hustle) would be something worth spending your hard-earned money on. The Knight of Wands emphasizes expanding your mind!
  2. The Reversed Knight of Wands signifies that you might be slightly overconfident and impulsive with your money, particularly when you’re financially comfortable. When you see the Reversed Knight of Wands, it’s a warning: you may go through financial hardships in the future, and the problem may be more difficult to solve if you spend money mindlessly right now. Thus, the card advises caution for the moment. [8]
    • Tip: Avoid large purchases and make an effort to conserve your money as much as possible. The bigger your emergency fund, the easier it’ll be to cope if anything changes your financial situation (like losing a job or dealing with unforeseen expenses).
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Section 5 of 8:

Knight of Wands in Health

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  1. The Upright Knight of Wands is a positive sign! It typically means you’re in good health, full of energy, and feeling very enthusiastic about life. However, the card can also signify that you’re being a little too hasty with all that enthusiasm driving you forward—so, while nothing is wrong now, the Knight of Wands cautions you to take it easy (especially if you’re involved with a variety of activities) to avoid injury or burnout. [9]
  2. While the Upright Knight of Wands serves as a soft warning to slow down, its Reversed counterpart is a little more urgent. It indicates that you may be overdoing it when it comes to the activities you participate in—and that you may suffer from burnout unless you take a step back. It may also indicate that you’ve been a little too hasty, particularly with a health decision (like doing a new exercise regimen without easing into it first). [10]
    • Tip: Slow down a little! It’s okay to take your time and figure out what’s right for you, especially when you’re trying to create a healthy lifestyle for yourself.
      • For example, don’t rush to master the toughest cardio exercises right away! Start small and work your way up to the tougher exercises in order to acclimate your body (and avoid injury).
      • Similarly, don’t burn yourself out trying to do a million things at once all the time. Prioritize the activities that are most important to you—and make time for relaxation. That’s important too!
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Knight of Wands in Spirituality

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  1. Spiritually, the Knight of Wands is a sign that you’ve found a new spiritual path to explore—and you’re all in. You likely feel enthusiastic and ready to throw yourself into this new spiritual path right away—but remember that there’s no rush! You’re certainly not obligated to follow a particular spiritual path in life, let alone choose one in a set amount of time.
    • Tip: Take your time and ensure you truly want to pursue a spiritual path, practice, or religion before fully committing to it. Check in with yourself periodically to see if you still feel enthusiastic about it—but it’s also perfectly okay if you don’t!
  2. You may be letting go of your old spiritual practices. The Knight of Wands Reversed is a sign that your former spiritual beliefs or religion aren’t working for you anymore and that it’s time for a break from them. This may alarm other people in your life, but ultimately, you’re allowed to pivot if your spiritual path doesn’t make you happy.
    • Tip: Take your time, and don’t rush to let go of your former beliefs; even if you’re ready to explore a new kind of spirituality, it’s impossible to discard your old ways at the drop of a hat.
    • Don’t be afraid to explore your options, either! Do some research and see if any other spiritual topics, religions, or disciplines appeal to you.
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Section 8 of 8:

Knight of Wands Tarot Card Appearance & Symbolism

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  1. Traditionally, the knight wears a yellow patterned shirt over metal armor and a helmet with a red plume. He looks ready to fight and holds a large wand, symbolizing energy and enthusiasm. The knight’s horse is orange, with a flame-like mane. Fire is predominant in the Knight of Wands’ symbolism because this card is associated with the element of fire. [12]
    • The knight’s decorative tassels also look like a flame, and his yellow shirt typically has a fiery salamander symbol on it.
    • The background of this card features mountains and a dry, barren landscape—the same type of background that all cards in the Wands Court have.
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