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All the right words and strategies to make this sign fall for you
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Do you have your eye on a fiery and spirited Aries man? If you're trying to impress him over text, it's crucial to match his bold energy and adjust to his texting style. Someone responsive and upbeat will easily keep him interested. Plus, don't be afraid to get flirty with this highly passionate guy: he's a natural charmer and will love every minute of it. Read on for our comprehensive guide on texting an Aries man, from initiating contact to scoring a date!

Things You Should Know

  • Be confident and forward, and text him first. Say something like, "Hey! Loved meeting you. Let's get drinks?" Aries men love an assertive partner.
  • Reply to his texts quickly. Aries are eager to talk and get impatient easily, and will quickly grow bored.
  • Send him compliments to bolster his big Aries ego. Aries men love to be flattered. Start your compliments with "You are..." like, "You're so handsome!"

Reach out to him first.

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  1. Show him that you know what you want and you're not afraid to make your interest known! Aries guys are go-getters who gravitate towards people with the same ambitious energy, so he'll have a lot of respect for someone who takes the initiative and sends a memorable first text. [1]
    • "Hey there! It's Riley; we met at Cassidy's party last weekend. I had a great time chatting with you!"
    • "Hi! This is Alex. I know there's a 3-day rule, but you seem cool, and I'm impatient—so I'm texting you now!"
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Reply to him quickly.

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Entertain him with witty texts.

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  1. He'll appreciate everything from amusing quips and puns to hilarious videos you find on the internet. Keep him laughing and show him that a sense of humor is something the two of you have in common. He wants a partner who can laugh loudly and easily, just like him.
    • "How do astronomers organize a party? They planet, of course!"
    • "I just groaned so hard during a work meeting that Zoom prompted me to unmute! 😆"
    • "Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else around me disappears. 😉"
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Compliment him.

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  1. Expert psychic astrologer Stina Garbis explains that "Compliments starting with 'you are' work best with Aries, like 'You are so strong', 'You are so great', 'You are amazing'; say these things and you will be heading in the right direction." So, it's a good idea then to give him frequent self-esteem boosts by texting these sorts of compliments. It doesn't matter how you flatter him—only that you do! Always be genuine when speaking about Aries men, so they trust your words. [2]
    • "I saw that photo you posted today. That shirt looked so good on you! 😍"
    • "When I see your smile, I get weak in the knees!"
    • "You put so much dedication into everything you do. It's inspiring!"

Talk about your passions.

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  1. According to psychic astrologer Stina Garbis, "An Aries man loves to channel his energy in creative or competitive pursuits, like acting, singing, theater, public speaking, social media, sport" and "he'll want to know you have complementary passions too." Show your Aries man that you're truly passionate about something, whether it's your career, a hobby, or a personal goal. He'll love hearing about your interests because it shows him that you're independent, and he'll want both of you to maintain your autonomy in a relationship.
    • "I'm totally in love with sci-fi books. In fact, I really want to write my own someday!"
    • "I started taking drawing classes last month, and I'm really loving it!"
    • "I just got the BEST news at work today, and you're the first person I'm texting!"
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Support him emotionally.

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  1. Make an effort to understand and acknowledge his emotions because his mood can shift dramatically when something bothers him. Encourage him to let you know when something bothers him and listen to his feelings. Open up to him as well, and show him that you're comfortable expressing yourself emotionally. [3] Be a force of support for his achievements too--astrologer Stina Garbis says it's important to "be his favorite fan or collaborator and cheer him on. He will love and adore you for it!" Things you might text him to show your emotional support include:
    • "I'm sorry you had a rough day at work. Want to talk about it?"
    • "I'm always here if you need to vent. I bet you'll feel better afterward!"
    • "You can talk to me about anything, good or bad. I'm all ears!"

Get flirty with him.

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  1. Some signs prefer to be more subtle or reserved, but when it comes to flirting, Aries will want to dive right in and say what he's thinking. Be a little daring with your flirts, and don't hold back. He'll love seeing your passion, playfulness, and confidence when you flirt with him.
    • "If you wanna skip the small talk and get right to flirting, I'd be into that. 😜"
    • "I have no idea what you're wearing today, but I can just imagine just how attractive you look."
    • "​​If I'm single and you're single, then you know what that means…"
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Stay positive and upbeat.

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  1. Therefore, he prefers to surround himself with equally cheerful people. Too much negativity is a big turn-off for him, so keep an optimistic and easygoing attitude when you text him. Send your Aries texts that brighten his day and make him smile so that he'll be eager to keep texting you.
    • "Have a great day, handsome! Thinking of you. 😘"
    • "Good morning! ☀️ Can't wait to see you tonight. I always have fun when we're together!"
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Be direct and honest.

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  1. He isn't going to spend time texting if there's no point in the conversation. A simple "Hey" or "What's up" probably won't grab his attention, but a text with a more specific intent will. [5] Be honest and tell him why you're texting him, whether you just want to show him something funny, or you're trying to tell him that you have feelings for him. [6]
    • "I saw this hilarious video and thought of you! What do you think?"
    • "I wanted to check in and see how you're doing. I miss you!"
    • "I like you. What do you plan on doing about it?"

Suggest exciting adventures.

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  1. When it's time to figure out a date activity, suggest something exciting that your Aries hasn't done yet. He's all for living a life of adventure and spontaneity, so invite him to hang out with you when he's least expecting it. He'll be smitten with someone who can perpetually keep him on his toes. [7]
    • "Have you ever tried indoor rock climbing? I really want to give it a go!"
    • "Let's go for a hike tomorrow! There's a local trail that's absolutely beautiful."
    • "I feel like exploring this weekend. Want to take a day trip somewhere with me?"
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      1. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      2. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      3. https://www.costarastrology.com/zodiac-signs/aries-sign
      4. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      5. Stina Garbis. Psychic Astrologer. Expert Interview. 10 December 2021.
      6. https://www.astrology.com/aries-man.html
      7. https://popularastrology.com/get-aries-man-to-chase-you

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