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At a sit-down restaurant, you tip your waiter at the end of your meal and go on your way. But at a bar, how and when you tip can make or break the quality of service you receive throughout the night. Yes, tipping your bartender is an art, and one you'll need to practice if you want the bartender's attention. We'll fill you in on the ins and outs of tipping at bars, as well as some other etiquette to practice on your night out.

Things You Should Know

  • Tip your bartender after every round to receive quick, quality service.
  • Tip between 50-100% after your first round to establish a good relationship with your bartender.
  • Keep tips for simple drinks around $1-2, and tip around $2-3 dollars for mixed drinks or cocktails.
  • Add to your tip if your bartender is doing a great job, and never try to haggle with your bartender.
Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Tipping Your Bartender

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  1. In some circles, it's common practice to leave a large tip on the first round. Depending on the bar, leave between 50-100% to make a good first impression. [1]
    • Some bartenders might think you want special treatment for leaving such a large tip. Don't act like the bartender owes you anything, and don't make a big deal about leaving a good tip. [2]
    • Even if you don't tip large on the first round, you should at least leave something. Don't stiff your bartender, especially on the first round.
  2. If you order a beer or a glass of wine, you can usually get away with tipping between $1-2. If you order a cocktail, tip between $2-3. The longer your bartender spends making your drink, the more you should tip them. [3]
  3. If you're paying in cash, make sure to leave a tip for every drink. A good rule to follow is about $1 a drink. In nicer bars, leave $2 per drink. [4]
    • If you're paying with a card, calculate 15% of your tab at the end of the night. For more expensive cocktails, it's a better idea to go with 15% of the tab rather than tipping by the drink. If you have trouble calculating the appropriate tip amount, just divide your total costs by 5. [5]
  4. If your bartender was particularly quick to serve you, or made each drink perfectly, reward his good service. It's the bartender's job to make sure you have a good time. Not only is he responsible for making your drinks, but he's also responsible for making you feel welcome in the bar. If you appreciated the extra lengths your bartender went to improve your evening, leave a big tip. [6]
  5. 5
    Don't bargain with your bartender. Don't try to convince your bartender to give you a free drink in exchange for a tip. You're asking the bartender to steal, which could get them fired.
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  1. 1
    • Don't ask your bartender to make you a strong drink unless you are willing to pay for it. If you want a stronger drink, order a double.
    • If you do end up getting a strong drink, remember to reward your bartender with a nice tip.
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Practicing Good Etiquette

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  1. Bartenders have a lot of customers to serve, and they have to give each one their full attention. Don't wave money at the bartender to get his attention. Just make eye contact, and wait your turn.
    • Don't slam your hands on the bar or yell to get the bartender's attention. Don't do anything obnoxious in the hopes that you'll get served next. Chances are, if you're rude, you're going to wait longer.
  2. When the bartender approaches you for your order, be ready. Don't hold up the line trying to decide what you want. [7]
    • When ordering a mixed drink, start your order with the type of liquor you want. If you have a brand preference, say so. Don't say, "Can I get a Whiskey and Coke with Jack Daniels." Instead, say, "Can I get a Jack and Coke?" [8]
  3. Bars give a "last call" warning several minutes before they start closing up. This is your last opportunity to order a drink. Bars give their patrons a few minutes after close to finish their drinks, but they legally cannot sell you another drink. [9]
  4. Your bartender is a human being and deserves to be treated with respect. Don't boss your bartender around, and don't make demands. [10]
    • Don't argue with your bartender over the amount of your tab. Your bartender has a better idea of how much you drank than you did. [11]
    • Don't talk on your phone while you're waiting in line. [12]
  5. Tipping customs are different depending on where you are. In the U.S. you are expected to tip no matter what. Even if you have bad service, it is still considered rude to stiff someone. In Japan, however, tipping is an insult. [13]
    • In the U.K., you wouldn't leave a tip, but you would offer to buy the bartender a drink. [14]
    • If you travel to a place and you're not familiar with their tipping customs, just ask your bartender. [15]
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Who should I tip, the bartender or the server?
    Nicholas Di Paolo
    Personal Chef
    Nicholas Di Paolo is a Personal Chef based in Sedona, Arizona. With over 30 years of restaurant experience, Chef Nick has worked in esteemed restaurants including Manhattan’s Raoul’s Bistro and Las Vegas' Foundation Room. Chef Nick has been featured in various publications including Time Out Magazine, Seven, Mountain Living, and the local news in New York City, Las Vegas, and Flagstaff. Chef Nick's Italian-America upbringing is the foundation of his private culinary services. Chef Nick offers buffet-style catering, wedding catering, and standard family dinner menus for clients. He attended the New York Restaurant School.
    Personal Chef
    Expert Answer
    When it comes to tipping at a restaurant, the process can be intricate, especially with bar tabs. In some establishments, drinks are often added to a tab, making it crucial to tip the bartender separately, typically around $20 as a standard or adjusted based on the number of drinks. It's important to tip bartenders in cash, as the drinks will likely be transferred to the overall check, ultimately affecting the server's tip. Some establishments follow the practice of servers tipping out the bartender with around 15% at the end of the night to account for the inflated check average. However, not all restaurants may have a clear system in place, leading to variations in tipping practices. In this case, you can directly ask your server or bartender how they go about it.
  • Question
    What percentage do I tip when running a tab and settling at the end of the evening?
    Community Answer
    About 20%. Take your total and multiply it by 0.2 and that will give you the amount you want to tip, or divide your check by 5.
  • Question
    Should I tip the bartender or server if they are also the owner of the establishment?
    Community Answer
    Yes. If they served you, then you should tip them as you would any other employee.
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      • Don't sneak drinks into the bar. If you're planning a night out, leave your flask at home. Bringing your own alcohol into a bar will most likely result in you getting kicked out. [16]
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      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about the restaurant business, check out our in-depth interview with Nicholas Di Paolo .

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To tip a bartender when you're paying with cash, leave a tip for every drink you order. Try to leave at least 1 dollar for every drink, or 2 dollars if you're in a nicer bar. If you're paying with a card, tip around 20 percent of your tab at the end of the night. For exceptional service, like if you received great drinks and had short wait times, you may want to tip more to show the bartender your appreciation. You might also want to tip more if you're ordering a complicated drink that takes a while to make. To learn how to practice good etiquette when you're ordering a drink and leaving a tip, scroll down!

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