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Scorpios are often misunderstood due to their secretive and intense nature. However, prove to a Scorpio that you are trustworthy and they will be a lifelong and loyal friend. Scorpios are often deeply serious about relationships, unfailingly loyal to the ones they love, and you will find no protector more fierce. They make great friends and terrible enemies, so learning how to treat a Scorpio is probably in your best interest.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Recognizing Common Scorpio Traits

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  1. Treat them with love, respect, and selflessness and they will be devoted to you. Scorpios are good friends. Give them 100 percent and they will return it with interest! Scorpios tend to have only a few very intense friendships because they need for their friends to bond with them on the deepest and most intimate level. Flimsy and ephemeral friendships are of no interest to a Scorpio. Once you've been part of their lives they will never forget you.
  2. If you wrong a Scorpio, they may eventually forgive you, after making you suffer, but they will never forget. Betrayal will be answered with an unrivaled thirst for vengeance. There's a reason the symbol for this sign is the scorpion. The likelihood you’ll win in a fight with them is very low.
  3. Most Scorpios (not all) love to compete - and most of all, win. Scorpios love sports or games where they have an opponent to defeat. If Scorpios have a goal, they will always try to reach it. [1] They never give up and usually succeed in whatever they do.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Talking to a Scorpio

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  1. Do some research on their favorite topics so you can engage them in satisfying conversation. Realize that Scorpios are driven by a hunger for hidden truth and mystery. Often this will mean they have an interest in the paranormal, the occult, conspiracy theories or unsolved mysteries. [2]
  2. When a Scorpio watches you and locks eyes with yours, they are giving you their full attention. There is nothing else going on in their world at that moment and they are listening with their entire being. When you spend time with them they expect the same level of attention so don't spend too much time on your phone.
  3. Scorpios value anyone who isn't afraid of being themselves. Scorpios have an intense and mysterious gaze, presenting a calm exterior that masks deep sensitivity. [3] They observe and analyze from a distance, gathering information to augment their powerful intuition. You may be able to deceive a Scorpio for a short time, but Scorpio people are adept at seeing into the heart of any matter. [4] When a Scorpio senses your dishonesty, you may as well be dead to them.
  4. Scorpios like to hear your stories instead of talking about themselves.Tell a Scorpio something about yourself and they will most likely remember it. In conversation, Scorpios are most fascinated by emotional truth, things that matter on the deepest levels. Scorpios love secrets. [5] They despise small talk and shallow topics.
  5. Scorpios are natural detectives. Their curious nature longs for a mystery to solve. Create an air of mystery around yourself by keeping some details about your life or your past to yourself. [6]
  6. Scorpios can be complicated and secretive. Asking too many questions may make them suspicious of your motives. Scorpios show their hidden selves only to those they trust and still may never reveal their whole self to you.
  7. It's not that they aren't interested in you. Scorpios tend to rely on their intuition and powers of observation rather than the unreliable testimony of others. If a Scorpio is willing to spend time with you then trust that they enjoy your company, even if they never say so.
  8. Scorpios, like many other people, love to discuss shared interests. If you have the same taste in music or like the same television show, be sure to bring those topics up in conversation.
  9. Scorpios are sensitive to the smallest gestures and will appreciate them even if they don't seem to show it. For example, let's say your Scorpio friend is standing next to a mutual friend. You can hug that person quickly, but when you hug the Scorpio, hold them and squeeze them with great warmth.
    • Give them sincere compliments to show your respect and affection. A scorpio will be able to tell that your words are heartfelt.
    • If you give them a gift, it doesn't need to be expensive but make sure it is special and meaningful.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Dating a Scorpio

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  1. Scorpios are drawn to colors that are dark or powerful. Go with any of these colors that compliments your eyes to really stand out to a Scorpio. [7]
  2. What Scorpios truly desire is a meaningful and loving relationship. They long to connect on the deepest emotional, spiritual, and physical levels. This means it can take a long time for a Scorpio to trust someone enough to fall in love. Scorpios are the most loyal people you will ever meet, so once you've earned their trust you'll have it for life. [8]
  3. Making eye contact will tell you a lot about what a Scorpio is feeling even if they will not tell you. When a Scorpio loves you, it will shine in their eyes like a light.
  4. Scorpios have a desire to feel in control that won't tolerate emotional games. You may chase them away if they feel the situation is out of their control. Likewise, if you violate the trust of a Scorpio, you may have a difficult time getting it back. [9]
  5. Relationships with Scorpios can be complex and difficult to understand, just like the person. A Scorpio demands, and gives, everything. They can be extremely jealous. The manipulative and controlling sides of a Scorpio can also be the cause of many fights and arguments. [10]
  6. Do not gossip with friends about your relationship. Scorpios are very secretive and may see this as a violation of trust. It's a good idea to keep any personal information your Scorpio tells you to yourself, too. It's also a good idea to refrain from posting about your Scorpio partner on social media unless they are aware and agreeable.
  7. Mature Scorpios are very much in tune with their sexuality, but they tend to prefer meaningful relationships over frequent conquests. They are not afraid to talk about sex and you can tell them anything without shocking them.
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I went on a date with someone recently and they told me they were a Scorpio and idk if that's a red flag or not. I've heard that Scorpios are obsessive and difficult to be in a relationship with, is that facts or nah? I kinda wanna go on a second date but idk if I should so pls help
Angel Eyedealism
Astrologer & Performance Artist
Scorpio is an obsessive sign. They're looking for someone to obsess over and they're going to provide a series of tests to gauge your loyalty to them. For example, they may play hard to get or act obsequious. If they sense that you're not matching their intense energy, they're gonna lose interest. Scorpio is also a very sensual sign, so if they not sensing that you're sexually interested in them, they will lose interest. So you would definitely need to engage in sex or intimacy with a Scorpio in order for them to fall for you. Scorpios want to dive deep into issues and topics. They're not a superficial sign, so they'll be turned off if you're very shallow. They like intensity and passion. If they don't feel engaged, enthralled, sexual, and intimate with you, then they're not going to have interest in you. So there has to be something intriguing. But also, if you provide a little bit of a mystery that they need to unravel, that will keep them pulling on the yarn forever. So don't give it all up right away! Leave a veil of mystery and then they will be intrigued and obsess over you because they always have to obsess.

If they're jealous or obsessive and you show even the tiniest bit of interest in other people, a Scorpio will show you their vulnerability (which is their most cherished prize). Scorpios like to keep their vulnerability to themselves, so if a Scorpio shows you their inner sensitivity, that means they trust you enough to love you. Without vulnerability, there is no intimacy, and that's why Scorpio is the sign of intimacy, because they like to lay bare of all things so that they can get inside.

Scorpios are all or nothing, do or die. But they're also the most distrustful sign, so if they show anything that indicates trust in you—like talking about marriage or moving in together—that means they are serious about you. And another sign they're serious about you is if they tell you their secrets. They see secrets as powerful weapons, so a Scorpio revealing their secrets means that they're very serious about you because they have trusted you with their secrets.
As a Scorpio myself, I’d say dating a Scorpio isn’t necessarily "hard," but it can be intense. We value loyalty and trust the most, so if those things are broken, the relationship can be difficult. But if you're open, patient, and not afraid of vulnerability, you’ll find that dating a Scorpio can be incredibly rewarding.

Learn How to Attract a Scorpio Man with this Expert Series

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  • Question
    What does it mean if a Scorpio male is loyal to you?
    Community Answer
    He will remain loyal to you. Unless you fail to be loyal to him.
  • Question
    Why do Scorpios keep everything secretive?
    Community Answer
    It is said that this is particularly strong character trait of Scorpios, a need to be private and to keep confidences. This can work in your favor if you tell such a person something secret and never want it divulged. Of course, it can be frustrating too, if they refuse to tell you something you really need to know, especially about themselves. Learn to manage it by making your boundaries clear as to when you will and won't accept secretive behavior; they'll respect you for being honest and clear.
  • Question
    What if a Scorpio gets on your nerves what do you do?
    Community Answer
    Remember that your perspective may be colored by your own preferences and a need for this person to do things your way. If this person is getting on your nerves, examine your own attitude first before considering they need to change.
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      • Show confidence in yourself. Scorpios respect a strong, confident personality.
      • Scorpio is the astrology sign of extremes and intensity.
      • Scorpios are very deep, detailed, intense people and there is always more than meets the eye. They present a cool, detached, and unemotional air to the world, yet lying underneath is tremendous power, extreme strength, intense passion, a strong will and a persistent drive.
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      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • When an independent Scorpio reaches out needing support, they are communicating something important. Make your best effort to be present, whether in person or returning calls. They value reliability in hard times and remember favors.
      • Scorpios crave deep emotional connections in romantic relationships. Take time building trust before rushing physical intimacy. Once devoted, they remain loyal partners. Handle their heart carefully, as betrayal wounds them deeply.
      • Not every Scorpio fits the brooding stereotype. Some have bright, playful sides too. Take humor and sexually open conversation in stride, but don't assume all their remarks are serious. Lightness balances their intense nature.
      • Bring out their lighter side by planning uplifting activities together. Though Scorpios enjoy deep conversation, they need breaks from intensity. Shared laughter and joy will nurture your bond.
      • Remember that Scorpios are not angels; some harmless flirtation is part of their charm. Don't take offense or become excessively jealous. A little mystery sustains attraction for this sign.
      • If you hurt a Scorpio, apologize sincerely and change hurtful behaviors. They forgive over time but never forget. Earn back trust through consistent respect.
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      1. https://cafeastrology.com/zodiacscorpio.html
      2. http://zodiac-signs-astrology.com/zodiac-signs/scorpio.htm
      3. http://www.astroroom.com/scorpio-appearance.html
      4. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      5. http://www.compatible-astrology.com/scorpio-traits.html
      6. http://www.astrology-zodiac-signs.com/zodiac-signs/scorpio/
      7. http://www.astrology.com/article/zodiac-signs-scorpio-sun-sign.html
      8. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.
      9. Jessica Lanyadoo. Astrologer & Psychic Medium. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To treat a scorpio well, be honest and authentic. Scorpios like people who aren’t afraid to be themselves, even if they have unusual hobbies. Scorpios also prefer honesty, so be open with them about your thoughts and feelings. Try playing games with them, since scorpios are usually competitive. If you want to build a true friendship or relationship with a scorpio, you'll also need to show patience, since scorpios prefer to connect on a deep emotional level rather than rush into things. For tips on how to date a scorpio, read on!

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