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Plus, other flirtatious body language cues to look out for
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You’ve probably seen someone tuck their hair behind their ears before, and someone may have even reached over and tucked your hair behind your ear. But what does this gesture mean, and is it always a sign of flirting? If you’re looking for the answers to these questions, you’ve come to the right place! We’ll go over what it means when someone tucks their own hair behind their ears, and what it means when someone else tucks your hair behind your ear. We’ll also go over a few other body language signs of flirting to look out for, along with insights from mental health and dating experts. Keep reading for everything you need to know!

Tucking Hair Behind Ears Meaning

When someone tucks their hair behind their ears, it could be a sign of flirtation, but they might just be trying to get their hair out of their face. This gesture can also be a sign of nervousness or anxiety. As a result, it’s important to look for additional body language clues to determine whether someone’s flirting.

Section 1 of 4:

What does it mean when someone tucks their hair behind their ears?

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  1. When a woman (or anyone with long hair) tucks their hair behind their ear, it can indicate openness, attraction, and romantic interest. [1] This gesture can also fall into the category of “preening” (adjusting or straightening hair or clothes to appear more put-together), which is also seen as a sign of flirting. [2]
    • However, there are a few other reasons why someone might tuck their hair behind their ears that don’t have to do with romantic attraction. For example, they may just be trying to get their hair out of their eyes.
    • Because of this, it’s important not to assume that someone is flirting with you without looking for other clues in their body language and behavior.
  2. Some people may have a habit of tucking and untucking their hair behind their ears when they’re feeling nervous. For these people, repeatedly touching or fidgeting with their hair can be a self-soothing gesture that helps them feel more in control when they’re anxious or self-conscious. [3]
  3. When people have their hair covering their face, this can often be interpreted as a sign of self-consciousness or shyness. [4] As a result, some people may tuck their hair behind their ears in order to appear more open, confident, and sure of themselves.
  4. If it’s a particularly windy day, for example, someone may tuck their hair behind their ears so it stops blowing in their face. Or, if someone is doing an activity that requires focus and attention, they may tuck their hair behind their ears so that nothing is blocking their eyes. In cases like these, the gesture is simply practical, rather than flirtatious. [5]
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Section 2 of 4:

What does it mean when a guy tucks your hair behind your ear?

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  1. When someone is attracted to you, they’ll often look for reasons to casually touch you. [6] The act of reaching out and tucking your hair behind your ear can definitely fall into this category, so it could be a sign that they’re flirting with you. They may also be pushing your hair back so they can see more of your face, which is another sign of physical attraction. [7]
Section 3 of 4:

How can you tell whether hair tucking is a sign of flirting?

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  1. Marriage and family therapist Elvina Lui explains that factors like a person’s personality and cultural upbringing can affect their body language when they're attracted to you. Because of this, it’s important to look for other body language clues to determine whether or not someone is flirting , rather than making assumptions based on one sign alone.
    • Below, we’ll go over a few other body language signs of flirting you can look out for. If you notice a few of these cues in addition to hair tucking, it’s possible that the other person is romantically interested in you!
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Other Body Language Cues that Indicate Flirting

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  1. Prolonged eye contact is a common sign of flirting. [8] If you’re talking to someone and you notice that they’re gazing into your eyes for long periods, they may be romantically interested in you, especially if this behavior is paired with a few of the other body language cues listed below.
  2. “When we find someone attractive, it’s our pupils that give our interests away,” explains clinical psychologist Asa Don Brown, PhD. “Almost instantly, our pupils begin to dilate and reveal our internal desires.” If you’re observant, says Dr. Brown, you may be able to notice the other person’s pupils widening as they’re talking to you.
  3. If someone seems to be smiling a lot (more than they would during a typical friendly encounter), this could be a sign that they’re romantically attracted to you. Laughing easily and being in a positive, upbeat mood are also signs of flirtation. [9]
  4. When someone is attracted to you, they may lean forward or even shift their whole body closer to you, explains Dr. Brown. If you notice that someone is constantly angling their body toward you, or moving so that they can stand or sit nearer to you, this could definitely be a sign that they're interested romantically.
  5. If someone appears to be subtly mimicking your body language, this is another sign that they’re romantically attracted to you. [10] For example, “If you have your hand on your chin and you look across the table and the person you’re on a date with also has their hand on their chin, there’s a good chance they’re feeling connected with you,” explains dating coach Michelle Jacoby.
  6. If someone finds lots of excuses to subtly touch you or brush against you, this is considered to be a sign of attraction and flirtation. [11] For example, if someone touches your back or your arm while they’re on a date with you, “that’s an indication that things are probably going well,” says Jacoby.
  7. “Preening,” or making subtle adjustments to one’s appearance, is another common sign of flirting. If you notice that someone is constantly smoothing their hair or straightening their clothes around you, this may indicate that they’re romantically interested in you and want to look their best. [12]
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