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When you purchase a new phone, the company that you bought it from typically "locked" it so that you can only use it on their network. This can be an issue when traveling abroad and trying to avoid expensive roaming fees. Depending on your specific Nokia model, unlocking your device can usually be completed in just a few steps.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

With an Unlock Code

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  1. Usually, if you've been a customer of theirs for some time, they will provide you with an unlock code for free. This is, by far, the best way to get your phone unlocked. After you connect with your provider follow what they say to unlock.
  2. To determine how to remove the SIM card of your particular model, reference your user manual. Enter your PIN number if you are prompted. For newer models, simply insert a new SIM card and enter your unlock code. You can find this by using easily downloaded software. If you have unlocked your device correctly, you will see "SIM restriction off" on your screen. If you are using an older model, proceed to the next step.
  3. # PW + unlock code + 7# . Enter the P by tapping the * three times. Enter the W by tapping the * four times. Enter the + by tapping the * twice. If that code doesn't work, try replacing the "7" in the code with a "1." [1]
  4. If you have unlocked your phone correctly, then "SIM restriction off" will appear on your screen.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

With Software

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  1. If you cannot get your unlock code from your service provider, software is available on online for free. UnlockMe and Nokia Unlock Calculator are recommended options.
  2. If you choose Nokia Unlock Calculator, simply input your information and then select "Get Unlock Code" at the bottom of the page. Once you have retrieved your personal unlock code, you can go on to unlock your device.
  3. Once you have done so, key in your unique unlock code and then select "OK." If you have unlocked your phone correctly, then "SIM restriction off" will appear on your screen.
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  • Question
    How do I update my Nokia6350-1b after it is hanged?
    Community Answer
    You have to start everything by shutting it down. Leave it for a day like that, and it will restart.
  • Question
    How do I unlock my Nokia cell phone?
    Community Answer
    Follow the instructions listed in the article above.
  • Question
    How do I unlock my Nokia cell phone?
    Community Answer
    Go to your service provider and ask it to unlock the phone. Usually, there is a small charge.
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      • Most phones only allow you to try a certain number of unlock tries, Nokia phones have a limit of 5 tries. After that, the phone becomes "hard-locked", meaning it cannot be unlocked without using special equipment.
      • Unlock codes are unique to the phone itself, do not try using another person's unlock code even if it's for the same model.
      • Most of the newer phones will not work with the codes generated by the free unlock programs.
      • Attempting to unlock your phone is done at your own risk. Although unlocking your phone is legal, some cell phone operators might choose to void your warranty should you unlock your phone.

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