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Greasemonkey is an extension for the Firefox browser that allows users to write or install scripts that change the functionality of a website. The scripts are executed every time a website is loaded, so Greasemonkey could be used to permanently alter a user's experience of that website. The extension is useful for adding new elements on the page, fixing rendering bugs, or even gathering data. Learning how to use Greasemonkey can improve your web browsing experience significantly.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Installing the Greasemonkey Extension

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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Installing Greasemonkey Scripts

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    • Visit www.userscripts.org, a web repository that contains thousands of custom scripts that can be used with Greasemonkey.
  1. For example, if you would like to find ways to improve your Facebook browsing experience, type "Facebook" into the search box to see a list of all Greasemonkey scripts that affect Facebook.
  2. This is good if you don't have a specific script in mind and just want to see what's out there.
  3. The tags in the list will be different sizes based on their popularity: the larger the text, the more popular the category. This is a good way to see what's popular right now.
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    How can I enable Greasemonkey in Firefox?
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    Follow the instructions listed above. You can consult the internet using a search engine if you have more questions.
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      • Once you've installed the Greasemonkey extension for Firefox 4, an icon with the image of a monkey will appear in the top right of your browser. You can click on the icon to toggle whether or not Greasemonkey is enabled. You can also click on the drop-down arrow and select "Manage User Scripts" to manage all of your installed Greasemonkey scripts.
      • Previous versions of Greasemonkey can be used with older versions of Firefox, like Firefox 3, but there is no guarantee that the scripts will work. Unless you have a lot of experience tinkering with browsers and JavaScript, the safest route is to stay updated with the latest versions of both Firefox and Greasemonkey.
      • Greasemonkey is a Firefox 4 extension, but other browsers have similar extensions that provide script functionality. For example, Internet Explorer has the Trixie extension and Apple Safari can run Greasemonkey scripts using a combination of the SIMBL and GreaseKit plugins. Google Chrome natively supports Greasemonkey scripts, as well.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Firefox 4 browser
      • Greasemonkey extension

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