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A chisel is a woodworking or masonry tool that has a handle with a shaped cutting edge at the end. It can be beveled at a variety of angles and come in a variety of sizes. Sharp chisels can cut angles and designs, smooth rough surfaces, and chop out corners for mortises and/or dovetail joints. In order to use a chisel effectively, you need to know what kind of chisel to use, how to hold it, and how to move it across the surface you are working. Knowing all of this can make the task easier, more effective, and safer.

Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

Beveled-Edge or Firmer Chisel

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  1. A beveled-edge, or bench, chisel is one of the most common chisels. It is typically short and stocky, which allows it to take a lot of impact from a mallet. If you're taking chunks out of a surface of wood, this is likely the tool you'll need.
    • A beveled-edge chisel is best for removing areas of wood that don’t need to be finessed, such as notching out a stud so a pipe can be run through a wall.
  2. Beveled-edge and firmer chisels are both used with a mallet to remove large areas of wood. However, a firmer chisel, which has 90-degree flat sides, is best if you need to get down into a tight crevice. The cutting edge of a firmer chisel is straight and square, its stock is thick and strong, and its angle is typically sharpened to 20 degrees.
    • A firmer chisel is used for deeper cuts in both heavy and light woodwork, such as shaping a mortise.
  3. In most cases you will need to use a vise or clamp to hold the wood in place. Attach it to a heavy work bench or other secure surface. However, if you are working on a large, heavy piece of wood, you may be able to simply set it on the ground.
  4. If you are removing wood to make a level surface, use the back of the chisel as a guide. Focus on keeping the chisel against the wood as you move it. This will help ensure that you are making a smooth cut that is level with the rest of the surface. [1]
    • If you can't put the flat side of the chisel against a smooth surface at first, as you move the chisel you will make a flat surface to use.
  5. Hold the chisel firmly with your less-dominant hand and the mallet or hammer with your dominant hand. Make firm, strong strikes onto the end of the chisel. [2]
    • If the chisel begins to have trouble going thorough the wood, it may need to be sharpened .

    Tip: If you are using a small firmer chisel, use a small mallet instead of a hammer, as it absorbs and distributes the impact. This can help you make more delicate cuts and will lengthen the life of your chisel.

  6. Hold the chisel with both hands, using your dominant hand to push from the end of the handle. Your less dominant hand can be positioned close to the cutting end, guiding it as you push. [3]
    • This is a good technique to use to clean up larger cuts you've already made.
    • Move the chisel in a sliding or shearing motion when cutting across the end grain of wood. This motion is almost like wiggling, so that each grain gets cut from multiple angles as you go.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

Paring Chisel

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  1. The term “paring” refers to smoothing or removing layers off the surface. This type of chisel is great for projects that require delicate shaving or sculpting. [4]
    • A paring chisel typically has a thin blade beveled at an angle of 15 degrees.
    • Paring uses the knife-like edge of a paring chisel to slice off small amounts of wood with each stroke.
  2. It’s important that you don’t need to use your hands to steady the wood. The more secure the wood you are cutting is, the more control you will have when pushing with force into the wood.
  3. The front hand, usually your less dominant hand, controls the forward movement and steering of the chisel. The rear hand gives the force to move the chisel through the wood.
    • Because you are not taking off a lot of wood, your pushing hand will not have to exert a lot of force.
  4. When paring, push the paring chisel into the wood while the wood lies flat on a surface. This will keep your cuts smooth and level.

    Tip: When you pare, you are not taking off large amounts of wood, so you can cut with or against the wood's grain.

  5. Paring is a controlled and slow process when done right. Take your time, remove thin slices of wood with each stroke, and aim for a very smooth surface when you are done. [5]
    • If you find that your blade gets dull, sharpen it as needed.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Gouge or Carving Chisel

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  1. Gouges can be used to carve into wood or to remove wood around a design to bring the design into relief. Gouges have curved points and long handles, but they come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. Pick a couple that will work for your project. [6]
    • There are 8 standards of degrees to the curves of gouge chisels. These vary from a very slight curve to a chisel tip the is a half circle. Each curve also comes in a variety of widths, so you will have a wide variety of chisels to choose from.

    Tip: Gouge chisels are also often used when shaping wood on a lathe .

  2. Use clamps or a vise to hold it to a strong work surface, such as a workbench. Using gouges can create a lot of force, so make sure that the wood is really secure when pushed from a variety of directions.
  3. Place the forefinger of your less dominant hand near the sharp end of the chisel and the rest of the hand at the place where the metal blade meets the handle. This will give you control over where the tip moves as you push it. Your other hand should be back on the handle, so that you can use its strength to push through the wood. As you push with your dominant hand, direct the tool with your less dominant hand.
    • It will take practice to master how to move the chisel to get the effect you want.
  4. Moving the gouge across the grain risks damaging the wood and chipping out areas that you don’t want removed. As you practice and become more skilled with the gouge, the way you should move the tool across the wood will become more natural.
    • To identify the grain, look closely at the wood. Look for lines going across the wood. These are the grain lines and you should move the gouge with them or across the very end of them. [7]
  5. Gouges are versatile chisels that can make a wide variety of cuts. Play with your gouges to make patterns and remove wood in any shape you like. [8]
    • For deep cuts, you can even hold the gouge perpendicular to the wood and hit the handle sharply with a mallet.
    • Repeat your action, change the size of your gouge as needed for the design, and sharpen blades as required until your project is complete.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Masonry Chisel

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  1. Masonry chisels come in many shapes, including bolster, pitcher, and sculpting chisels. Pick one that is the right width and shape for your job, and is made to chisel the material you are shaping. [9]
    • A bolster chisel is beveled on one-side of the blade and is used to break off large pieces or sections.
    • A pitcher chisel is beveled on both sides of the blade and is used to cut straight lines.
    • Sculpting or engraving stone requires a wide variety of specialized tools and chisels.

    Tip: Masonry blades are typically duller, broader, and shorter than those of wood chisels, as they are meant to work by force rather than by finesse.

  2. Making a line where you want to break the stone or brick will help you keep on track as you chisel. You will make scoring marks along this line before trying to break the brick or stone in half. [10]
    • However, chiseling into stone and brick is not always exact, so be prepared to work with pieces that don’t break right on the line.
  3. You want to hold the chisel so that it is at 90 degrees and will go straight into the brick or stone. If you hold it at an angle, the cut will go off at an angle as well. [11]
    • It can take some practice to be able to hold the chisel perfectly upright while hammering it. Try making some practice cuts before chiseling into pieces that need to be cut correctly.
  4. Gently tap the end of the chisel with a hammer, mallet, or sledgehammer along the line you want to cut away. After you score one part of the line, move the chisel down the line and continue scoring the entire length. [12]
    • The score line doesn't need to be very deep. You are just aiming to make the line weaker than the surrounding material, so that the stone naturally wants to break there.
    • The goal here is to make a line that the stone or brick will break cleanly along. If you don’t make a score line, a piece of brick or stone wider than your chisel can break jaggedly.
  5. Strike the handle of the chisel sharply with your hammer, mallet, or sledgehammer. Use as much force as you can, so that the chisel is driven down into the stone or brick. [13]
    • Repeat your strikes all along the score line on either side of the first strike until the break occurs.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I use a chisel safely?
    Top Answerer
    Try to point the chisel away from you as you use it. If that's not possible, be extra careful: don't hit it as hard as you would when it's pointed away from you.
  • Question
    What are the primary problems with a chisel?
    Top Answerer
    The main issue is keeping the chisel sharp and without nicks. The easiest way to do that is the periodic use of a grinding wheel or a file. The chisel doesn't have to be razor-sharp, but it should be almost that sharp. Keep the chisel stored in a dry place to avoid rust.
  • Question
    How would I sharpen a chisel?
    Shrade Knowlton
    Community Answer
    You can use an angle grinder, files or higher grit sanding paper. Knife sharpening tools work too.
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      • Have an extra block of wood on hand to occasionally test the sharpness of the wood chisel you are using. For masonry chisels, have an extra piece of concrete or brick to practice on. If the chisel doesn't move through the wood or masonry easily, it's time to sharpen it.
      • Purchase quality chisels because those made of high quality steel will hold up better to regular use and will require less sharpening.
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      • Never use a chisel that is pointing toward your body.
      • Chisels can be very dangerous tools because they are kept very sharp, produce splinters, and shards of debris. Be cautious when using them.
      • Wear safety equipment while using a chisel. This should include goggles, protective gloves, and a dust mask.

      Things You'll Need

      Beveled-Edge or Firmer Chisel

      • Firmer or beveled-edge chisel
      • Vise or clamps
      • Rubber-headed mallet
      • Hammer

      Paring Chisel

      • Paring chisel
      • Vise or clamps

      Gouge or Carving Chisel

      • Gouges, in a variety of degrees and widths
      • Vise or clamps

      Masonry Chisel

      • Masonry chisels
      • Vise or clamps
      • Rubber-headed mallet
      • Hammer
      • Small sledgehammer

      Expert Interview

      Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about woodworking, check out our in-depth interview with Garrett Faust .

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        Jun 6, 2016

        "Amazing! Very simple to understand, just the basic facts to get you started. Thank you."
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