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Once you have qualified for basic food or cash benefits from the state, you can easily use your EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer) card to make purchases. Just make sure you know which benefits you have and what your current balance is before shopping. After that, you can go to any authorized retailer to purchase what you need. Your card (sometimes called a Quest card) works pretty much like a debit card. You can even use it at an ATM if you have cash benefits. You can also check balances and other account information by using the website or customer service hotline. Some rules and benefits vary depending on where you live, but you can easily find that information by asking customer service.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Making a Purchase with Your EBT Card

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  1. Many grocery stores and convenience stores are authorized to accept EBT. If you see the Quest logo on the door of the store or by the cash register, that means they will accept your card. You can also visit the store locator at https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/retailer-locator . If you have questions about a particular store, you can call them and ask to speak to a customer service representative, who should be able to answer your questions. You cannot use EBT cards at: [1]
    • Liquor stores
    • Wine stores
    • Racetracks
    • Casinos
    • Places that offer adult-oriented entertainment
  2. With SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), you can buy groceries such as dairy items, fruits, vegetables, meat, bread, cereals, and snack items. Keep in mind that while you can purchase a lot of products with SNAP, there are some restrictions. Check the prohibited items list at https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/eligible-food-items before you shop. You may not use SNAP benefits to purchase: [2]
    • Alcohol or tobacco
    • Vitamins, supplements, or medicine
    • Live animals
    • Hot foods
    • Cleaning supplies
    • Pet food
  3. If you have cash benefits, you have a lot more flexibility for purchases. You can purchase any item using the cash benefits on your EBT card, as long as you are at an authorized retailer. With cash benefits, you can purchase household supplies, pet food, and other items that you need. [3]
  4. Take all of your purchases to the checkout stand, and separate them, if necessary. You might make a pile for items you want to purchase with SNAP benefits and one for items to purchase with cash benefits. Tell the cashier that you are using EBT and specify whether you are using food benefits, cash benefits, or both.
    • Just say, “I’m using my EBT card cash benefits for these items. Please use my EBT card food benefits for the rest.”
  5. You can swipe the card yourself if the store has the card reader facing the customer. Simply swipe and then enter your 4-digit PIN, which you should have received when you got your card. You can always reset it by calling Customer Service. If you don’t see a card reader, hand your card to the clerk.
    • Make sure to tell them whether you are using cash or food benefits. If you’re using both, they may need to swipe your card twice to process the purchases separately.
  6. Once the transaction is complete, the clerk will hand you your receipt. Look it over to make sure everything is correct. Your receipt will also show you the balance of your remaining benefits.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Getting Cash from an ATM

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  1. Keep your eyes peeled when you are out and about and take note of ATMs that you can use. You can also contact customer service and ask for the locations of ATMs near you. Stay safe by making sure that the ATM is located in a well-lit space that is not too isolated.
    • Avoid using an ATM after dark. It is safer to go to the ATM during the daytime.
  2. After you place your card in the card reader, enter your PIN. The machine will then prompt you to make choices. Select “withdrawal” and then “checking”. Enter the amount you would like to withdraw in whole numbers ($20, $40, etc.).
    • The ATM may have a surcharge to use it. If you wish to accept the charge, press “yes.” If you don’t wish to pay the charge you can press “no” to cancel your transaction.
  3. Once the machine distributes your money, check to make sure it is the right amount. If it’s not, you can call the customer service number printed on the ATM.
    • Check your receipt to see your new available balance.
  4. You can buy most food and household items using this cash. For example, you can buy diapers, pet food, or cleaning supplies. You can also purchase medicine. It's against the law to use the cash for certain things, so make sure you know the restrictions to avoid getting in trouble. Don't use cash from an EBT card to:
    • Buy alcohol or tobacco
    • Get a tattoo or body-piercing
    • Gamble
    • Purchase bail bonds
    • Go to an adult-entertainment business
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Checking the Balance and Other Information

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  1. No matter where you live, you can visit www.connectebt.com to set up an account and view your benefits. Log in using your card number (on the front of the card) and your PIN. From there, you’ll be prompted to create a username and password for your account. [4]
  2. The website is the fastest way to get information, so make use of it if you have access to the internet. In your account, you can view: [5]
    • Your SNAP or cash benefits balance
    • Transaction history
    • How to change your PIN
    • How to report a lost, stolen, or damaged card
  3. If you don’t have internet access, you can use the helpline to access the same information. From anywhere in the U.S., dial 1-888-238-6399. Customer service is available 24/7. [6]
    • You can choose to speak to someone in English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Italian, Korean, and Haitian-Creole.
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Expert Q&A

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      • You can get cash from an ATM or get cash back at a store, but you cannot get money from a bank teller using your card.
      • Your benefits will be automatically added to your account each month.
      • If there is a problem with your card or an inaccurate transaction, call the helpline.
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