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Over time, dust and dirt can build up around your vehicle's interior, creating an unsightly and possibly unhygienic mess. That's why it's important to know the best way to vacuum out your car if you want to keep it looking its best inside and out. Equip yourself with a vacuum that's compact enough to be used where your interior needs the most attention, and go over every part of the car that might be hiding unseen debris.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Cleaning Out the Car

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  1. A standard household vacuum cleaner may not have the reach or flexibility you need to get down into narrow crevices of your car's interior. Your best bet is to use a high powered wet/dry vacuum with an extendable hose. One of these vacuums will give you all the suction you need while also being more maneuverable. [1]
    • Consider purchasing a dedicated car vacuum, which is designed to fit easily into hard-to-reach spots inside automobiles.
    • An extension cord may come in handy for helping you reach your vehicle with the vacuum if there's not an outlet nearby.
  2. Leaving the doors open while you vacuum will provide convenient access to every part of the car's interior. Otherwise, you'll have no choice but to repeatedly open and close various doors to be able to get to different areas of the car. [2]
    • With the doors open, you'll be able to pull the vacuum straight through rather than being forced to circle around the car.
    • Opening the doors also creates ventilation, which will help air out stale, musty odors.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Vacuum a Car
    Take a few extra moments to get rid of any disposable materials you happen to find before you begin vacuuming. It will make the whole process go faster since there won't be anything to get in the way of the vacuum. Your vehicle will also be left looking much tidier when you're finished.
    • Grab a large garbage bag so that you'll have something to throw waste items into as you go. [3]
    • This is a good opportunity to toss out or find a better place for belongings that you no longer need to carry around in your car.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Vacuum a Car
    Since they're directly underfoot, most vehicles' floor mats receive the brunt of the abuse on a regular basis. It will, therefore, be easiest to deal with them separately later on. Go ahead and lift the floor mats out of the front and back seats of your car and set them aside in a clean, dry area. [4]
    • Make sure to work the floor mats free from any snaps, hooks or eyelets that may be securing them in place.
    • Don't forget about other mats and covers, such as removable trunk liners.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Vacuuming the Car's Interior

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  1. Watermark wikiHow to Vacuum a Car
    Suction alone isn't always enough to lift tiny particles out of plush textile surfaces. The bristles of the brush will stir up dust and debris from deep within your car's carpet so it can be sucked up by the vacuum with little difficulty. The result will be a much deeper and more thorough clean.
    • A circular brush head will be able to access a wider variety of spaces, but a wide brush should also get the job done.
    • If you don't happen to have a brush attachment, try using a separate stiff-bristled brush. Go over the carpet and upholstery with one hand before following up with the vacuum. [5]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Vacuum a Car
    For best results, suction the carpet in all directions, working from the console side to the outer edge of the seats. Make multiple passes until the floorboards are completely free of dirt, then repeat in the back of the car. [6]
    • Slide the driver and passenger's side seats back as far as they'll go so you'll have more room to work. [7]
    • Concentrate on areas where debris has a tendency to collect, like the seat track rails and underneath the pedals. [8]
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Vacuum a Car
    Run the vacuum along the seats and seat backs to eliminate trapped dust, hair, and other debris. It will help to use your brush or brush attachment here. Sweep the bristles down deep into cracks and crevices and let the vacuum's powerful suction take care of the rest. [9]
    • Recline the front seats all the way to expose more of the section between the seat and seat back.
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Vacuum a Car
    Take the floor mats you removed earlier and shake them out or bang them against a wall or another hard surface to loosen stuck-on messes. You can then vacuum the tops of the mats to fluff up the fibers. Double-check that there's no leaves, rocks or other debris clinging to the underside of the mats before reinstalling them. [10]
    • Treat spills and discoloration on your floor mats with a stain remover, then hang them up outside to air dry.
    • All-weather floor mats made from leather or synthetic materials can simply be hosed off or wiped down by hand.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Showing Attention to Other Areas

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  1. When you come across nooks and crannies that are too tight for the vacuum, a gust of compressed air can send dirt and dust particles airborne, where they can then be suctioned up. Make sure you release the air in short bursts—if you hold down the nozzle for too long, it will just blow the dust around the inside of the cabin. [11]
    • You can find canisters of compressed air at most supermarkets, drug stores, and auto parts retailers.
    • Another alternative is to hook the hose of the vacuum up the outlet port and use it to gently blow the debris out of its hiding spot. [12]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Vacuum a Car
    These surfaces are often neglected while vacuuming, but they can sometimes hold more than their fair share of dust. Brush the area lightly using short, sweeping strokes and hold the vacuum close to catch the dust it releases. Break down stuck-on residue with a damp rag or detailing wipe.
    • Be careful not to be too rough when going over the display covers. These are typically made from soft transparent plastic, and it's possible to leave scratches if you make contact with the vacuum hose itself. [13]
    • If you're in a hurry, you can also dust a dash or display by hand with a soft, dry cloth and a spritz of dusting spray. [14]
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Vacuum a Car
    While you're at it, pop the trunk and take a quick peek inside to see what kind of shape it's in. The trunk is one of the most commonly overlooked parts of most cars, so it's likely that it hasn't been cleaned in a while. Do away with trash and miscellaneous clutter, then give the entire compartment a good vacuuming from top to bottom.
    • When you're done vacuuming, be sure to dust, suction, spray off or wipe down removable trunk mats and liners.
    • Your trunk can get dirtier at a faster rate than the rest of your vehicle if you routinely lug around tools, dirty shoes, camping gear or sports equipment. [15]
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    How do I clean my car if I don't have a vacuum?
    Ashley Matuska
    Professional Cleaner
    Ashley Matuska is a Professional Cleaner at the Founder and Owner of Dashing Maids in Denver, Colorado. Ashley has over seven years of experience in the cleaning industry. She and her team specialize in offering sustainable deep cleaning and maintenance cleaning services. She received a BS in Biology and Sociology from Indiana University.
    Professional Cleaner
    Expert Answer
    Go to a car wash—they usually let you vacuum your car for free or very cheap if you wash your car.
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      • Vacuum one section of your car's interior at a time. Once it's been thoroughly cleaned, you can move on to another.
      • An old toothbrush makes a great tool for scrubbing floor mats and upholstery in a pinch.
      • Taking an extra minute to wipe your feet (or remove muddy shoes) before climbing into your car can keep you from having to vacuum it quite as often.
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      • Be careful when eating in your car. This is how the majority of large messes are made. Dropped and forgotten food is also responsible for unpleasant odors and other unsanitary conditions like mold.

      Things You'll Need

      • Vacuum
      • Brush attachment
      • Stiff-bristled brush
      • Hose
      • Clean, dry cloth
      • Garbage bag
      • Dusting spray (optional)
      • Extension cord (optional)

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      When you want to vacuum a car, open all of the vehicle's doors, and clear out any large items, like papers, cups, and bottles before removing the floor mats. Use your vacuum's brush attachment to clean the floorboards thoroughly, scrubbing at any caked-on dirt or debris with the brush to loosen it. Then, run the vacuum over the upholstery to pick up crumbs and other small items that can get lodged in cracks in crevices. Be sure to shake the mats and run the vacuum on them before placing them back into the car! For tips on vacuuming other areas, like vents, keep reading!

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