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Learn how being a Venus in Taurus affects your life—and what to expect from people born under this sign
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Your Venus sign, like the Roman goddess herself, has to do with all things love, desire, sex, and beauty. If you were born while Venus was under the constellation Taurus, your love life and sexuality are likely rooted in stability, sensory pleasure, and good ol’ fashion creature comforts. Want to learn more? We sat down with expert astrologer and astrocartographer Angel Eyedealism and got the skinny on this cozy placement, including how having a Venus in Taurus affects your love life, sexuality, and personality, as well as what to expect when Venus is in transit in Taurus.

Things You Should Know

  • Venus in Taurus is loyal and dedicated: in love, they’re devoted and in it for the long haul, and they expect the same from their partners.
  • Anything that ignites a Venus Taurus’s senses will grab their attention, but they’re particularly drawn to cozy creature comforts, like good food or a warm blanket.
  • Venus Tauruses can be a bit stubborn! They’re dedicated to their routines and they stick to their guns—but sometimes, they can be a little bullheaded.
Section 1 of 7:

What does it mean to have a Venus in Taurus?

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  1. You’ve never met a sign like dedicated, slow-and-steady-wins-the-race Taurus Venus. If you were born under this sign, you’re reliable and warm and take pleasure in small, cozy comforts—a warm fire, a good movie, the smell of coffee in the morning. You’re dedicated to your values and your routine, and you don’t accept defeat—you fight for the people you love and you fight for what you believe in (for better or worse!). [1]
    • Modality: Fixed
    • Element: Earth
    • Keywords: Loyal, pleasure-seeking, sensual, reliable, steady, stubborn, cozy
    • Famous Taurus Venuses: Princess Diana, Lana Del Rey, Uma Thurman, Janet Jackson, Audrey Hepburn, George Lucas, Steffi Graf
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Venus in Taurus Personality Traits

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  1. Venus Taurus, you’re quite possibly the most loyal and dependable sign in the entire zodiac. You’re not prone to making promises you don’t intend to keep, and you appreciate the same respect from others. You don’t give your affection away freely and may even appear reserved at first, but when you do, it’s for keeps.
    • Your friends and romantic partners turn to you for emotional reassurance and validation. You’re always there to offer a kind but wise word of advice—in addition, most likely, to a cup of tea and a hug.
  2. You’re easily taken in by anything that engages your senses: music, food, textures, fragrances, beauty. You’re particularly drawn to cozy comforts like candles, blankets, a hot dinner, or a loving embrace. But anything that ignites your senses will grab your attention: a waft of a stranger’s unique perfume, say, or experimental music played on an unexpected instrument, like a saw.
    • Domestic at heart, you prioritize a comfortable, beautiful living space: “Venus represents art, love, beauty, aesthetics, and money,” Angel Eyedealism says. Because of this, you take care in how you decorate your home, and are willing to shell out money on quality furniture and decor.
    • Your free time is likely spent relaxing in a comfortable space—reading a good book in bed, walking through the botanical gardens and taking in the sights and smells, or cuddling with your lover.
  3. Taurus is represented by the bull, and like the bull, you stick to your guns, for better or worse. [2] It’s often for better—you’re steadfast and stand by your values—but on occasion, your stubbornness can arise from pride or a refusal to back down, even when you should. Next time you feel compelled to go down with the ship, ask yourself why: is it because you really believe it’s the right thing to do, or because you just don’t want to give in? Reliability is a great trait to have, but remember, it’s not weak to back down now and then.
    • Your stubbornness can also sometimes result from not wanting to diverge from your strict routine. You’re a creature of habit, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with that—but don’t be afraid to let loose and shake things up once in a while.
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Venus in Taurus Love & Relationships

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  1. Loyal Taurus Venus, you’re picky when it comes to love, but when you meet someone you like, you’re in it for the long haul. You’re cozy and domestic and loyal as Horton hatching the egg. You make your intentions known from the get-go—and you expect the same from your partners.
    • Being such a sensual sign, you gleefully shower your beloved in gifts, especially pleasure-oriented things like delicious food and cozy blankets.
    • Your ideal date night is “Netflix and chill”: order in your fave food, snuggle up on the couch with your dear one, and watch a comfy movie (we’re thinking something by Miyazaki, but it’s your call).
  2. Venus Taurus, you’re one of the most romantic signs in the zodiac—but sometimes that means you don’t see your partners as people, but as objects of wish fulfillment. (We call it like we see it!) Relationships take compromise, vulnerability, and the ability to see your partner as an independent person with their own mind and goals—are you willing to take the plunge into the dark and mysterious sea of love?
    • It makes sense that Taurus Venus is the most romantic placement: as Angel Eyedealism points out, “Venus [is] the ruler of the signs, Taurus and Libra," so Venus is right at home in Taurus.
    • Because you prefer to keep things slow and steady, a partner who is more high-energy or flighty may make you feel a little threatened or possessive. But a fussed-over flower will never grow! Practice letting go of your control in relationships, and see how your love blossoms.
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Venus in Taurus Sex

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  1. Slow and steady wins the race, eh? Taurus Venus’s love language is likely physical affection (that or gift giving), so when it comes to sex, you’re all about taking your time and really exploring your lover’s body. For you, sex isn’t about the end goal (though that’s important too); it’s about spending time with another person, experiencing bodily contact, gazing into one another’s eyes, and becoming one.
    • The setting is everything. You’re the type to pull out all the stops: silk sheets, chocolate bonbons, candles, champagne, maybe a little mood music. And afterward, you’re all about cuddling and maybe enjoying a relaxing sitcom together in bed.
    • You’re probably a little vanilla, preferring routine and predictability over spontaneity, but pleasure is the name of the game, so you’re open to spicing things up in bed if it’ll enhance your partner’s pleasure. Who knows? You might be surprised at how much you enjoy letting loose and trying something new.
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Venus in Taurus Compatibility with Other Signs

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  1. Fellow earth signs Cap and Virgo will complement Taurus Venus well: they’re grounded and reliable, which is what Taurus Venus craves above all, but their practical, logical natures may help balance out Taurus’s romantic brain.
    • Of course, Taurus Venus also craves romance and warmth, which a Cap Venus may struggle to provide: as Angel Eyedealism notes, "There's no colder sign than Capricorn.... Capricorn is so staid and prudent and conservative."
      • This doesn't have to be a death knell for a Cap-Taurus relationship: as long as Cap Venus is willing to get a little creative when it comes to the romantic gestures, the relationship has a lot of potential.
    • Virgo Venus is a perfectionist in relationships, which bodes well—but it could also pose a problem if they get overly critical of their headstrong Taurus Venus lover!
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How to Attract a Venus in Taurus

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  1. Venus in Tauruses are typically in it for the long haul, and they’re unlikely to give you the time of day unless they know you’re also going to stick around. Let them know you’re looking for The One, and you may just become their One.
    • Be prepared to be a little patient: Taurus in Venus doesn’t fall easily, so they’ll want to get to know you and be sure of your intentions before committing to something.
    • Venus Tauruses love languages are typically gifts and physical affection, so be sure to sweep them off their feet by sending them valentines and embracing them in warm hugs on the reg.
      • What’s their favorite snack food? Buy it and say, “I saw this at the market and it made me think of you.” They’ll be touched and flattered.
      • Ask them out to the movies, and try to make it something rich with sensory detail (again, Miyazaki is a good choice, but it’s your call). Buy them popcorn and soda and sweet treats to enjoy while you watch. Maybe even smuggle in a throw blanket for optimal coziness.
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What to Expect When Venus is Transit in Taurus

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  1. Whether you were born under Venus in Taurus or not, when Venus is in transit in Taurus, expect to be a little selfish in your love life and relationships—and we mean that in a good way. If you have been too afraid to ask for what you need from friends or lovers, now is the time to summon your bravery and go get what you want ! Taking responsibility for your desires is Taurus Venus’s way, and it’s how you ensure your needs are satisfied.
    • Because Taurus Venus is such a sensuous sign, a Taurus Venus transit is the perfect time to practice living in the present , experiencing all the sensory details the world has to offer at this exact moment. What is your body telling you? What do you crave? How can you get it?
    • Remember that your relationships include the relationship you have with yourself —the most important relationship of all! What pleasures have you been denying yourself? What hobbies and passions do you want to explore? Now is the time to dive in! Deny yourself nothing! [3]
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