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Unlock the secrets of what it means to be a Virgo rising
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Organized, hard-working, and reliable, you can count on Virgo risings for just about anything! If you’ve been curious about what being a Virgo rising, also known as a Virgo ascendant, says about you, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll walk you through everything there is to know about Virgo rising’s fabulous personality traits as well as what they’re like in love, at work, and more. Read on to learn more about yourself, plus how to enhance or manage your wonderful qualities.

Things You Should Know

  • People may perceive Virgo risings as being dedicated to maintaining a sense of calm and willing to do whatever it takes to stay organized to avoid disorder and chaos.
  • Virgo risings come off as committed partners, always striving to communicate effectively and help their partner reach their goals.
  • Some see Virgo risings as being strong leaders and excellent employees due to their commitment to accuracy and precision. If you want a job done right, leave it to Virgo rising.
Section 1 of 6:

Virgo Rising Overview

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  1. For context, rising signs are thought to be a person's mask, or how they appear to others, especially at first. Though, it's worth mentioning that some people see this placement as more defining than a sun sign (so lean into whatever feels right to you!). At a glance, Virgo risings are known for being detail-oriented, caring, observant, and willing to do whatever it takes to keep their world in order. [1]
    • Whether they're supporting a close friend through a trying time or checking off every item on their to-do list to maintain peace of mind, Virgo ascendent has things under control.
    • Did You Know? Chris Pine, Jay-Z, Millie Bobby Brown, and Emma Watson are all Virgo risings. What a lucky bunch!
    • If you’re unsure what your rising sign is, you can find it by putting your time of birth and birth location into an online calculator.
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Personality Traits

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  1. Boy, do Virgo risings like things orderly! This tidy bunch is excellent at keeping things neat to avoid disorder and chaos. Whether it's arranging their room to be just so or utilizing their extensive calendar for planning, Virgo ascendants make fantastic travel companions, team leaders, and mentors.
    • Tip for Virgo risings: Sometimes, it’s important to just go with the flow. While maintaining order is typically beneficial, Virgo risings should remember to be flexible and accept invitations to unexpected events or fun times with friends—variety is the spice of life.
  2. Ever heard of “The Princess and the Pea?” Virgo risings may come off a lot like the princess. Incredibly perceptive and aware of their body, Virgo risings seem to have a beautiful relationship with themselves in that they listen to how their body is feeling and respond accordingly. The body is Virgo rising’s temple! [2]
    • Tip for Virgo risings: Try practicing yoga . This fantastic exercise offers a mind-body connection that Virgo risings will love—its synergy at its finest.
  3. If you’ve got a problem, Virgo risings are right there with ya trying to solve it. These analytical thinkers make incredible friends because they can see problems honestly and unabashedly and develop practical solutions. While they may be slightly too candid at times, their brazenness isn’t meant to hurt anyone’s feelings—hey, they’re just telling the truth!
    • Tip for Virgo risings: You don’t have to help everyone. While you might as well be a superhero when it comes to dedicating yourself to the good of others, it’s just as important to be good to yourself, too, and take it easy when you’re feeling worn down.
  4. Virgo risings thrive on precision and accuracy, making them extremely hard-working in that they won’t give up until a job’s done right. Members of this rising sign are often perceived as being motivated and ambitious, boasting an almost never-ending stream of energy they use to go-go-go. If Virgo risings had a saying, it’d be “Full speed ahead!” [3]
    • Tip for Virgo risings: Avoid burn-out during the day by regularly taking breaks. While stepping away from work when you’re running on a tight deadline may seem counterintuitive, a simple 5-minute walk around the house can help reset your stress levels and make you more productive.
  5. While Virgo risings have great personalities, you won’t find them going out of their way to show them off. Quiet and observant, people might perceive Virgo risings to be more content to observe the party than be at the center of it. You’ll find them charming, likable, and super funny once they open up to you. [4]
  6. If there’s a problem, a Virgo rising can’t help but point it out. While this personality trait can often frustrate those around them, it’s important to remember that they’re just as critical of themselves! Virgo Risings simply have high standards and want the best from others and themselves—is that really too much to ask?
    • Tip for Virgo risings: Virgo risings should be careful not to overly nitpick those around them . What may seem very important to you (like keeping a tidy home) may be less important to others, so try to let the little things go.
    • Curious what Virgos have to say about their personality? Read the wikiHow forum post , "What's the true personality of a Virgo?"
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In Love

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  1. Loyal to a fault, Virgo risings might value monogamous, long-term relationships founded on excellent communication and mutual respect. You can count on a Virgo rising to be there for you through thick and thin—these excellent romantic partners are in it for the long haul. [5]
    • Because strong-willed Mercury as Virgo's ruler, Virgo risings can become frustrated when they don’t get their way. Virgo risings should be careful not to be controlling or possessive over their partners.
  2. These 2 ascendant signs hit it off like no other due to their mutually quiet and somewhat reserved nature. With so much in common, Virgo and Taurus risings are often initially attracted to each other due to the calming energy they put out. [6]
    • Virgo and Taurus are both ruled by the earth. Because of this, Virgo and Taurus risings are stable and calming presences, especially to each other.
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In Relationships

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  1. You won’t find Virgo risings laying their love on the line for you unless they feel totally sure they can trust you. This can be a good thing, though, as once you’ve earned Virgo rising’s admiration and dedication, it’s no fleeting thing! [7]
    • Tip for Virgo risings: Remember to remind your partner how much they mean to you. While you may find it hard to open up , it’s important to ensure that your partner feels valued and supported by you in order to maintain a healthy relationship .
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At Work

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  1. Can you say employee of the month? Vigilant Virgo risings excel in work environments due to their relentless commitment to their craft. From data analysis to customer service and anything else in between, Virgo risings are there to solve your problems by coming up with the best solution possible. In the words of Elle Woods (from Legally Blonde): “What? Like it’s hard?”
    • Tip for Virgo risings: Work hard, play hard! No one can contest your reliability and dedication to your job, so relax and recharge whenever you get the chance—you deserve it.
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  1. They tend to dress simply and avoid bringing unnecessary attention to themselves through outward forms of self-expression. Though they are often perceived as quiet and keeping to themselves, Virgo risings make incredible friends, partners, and employees and bring terrific traits such as humor, charm, and sensitivity to the table once they've opened up. [8]
  2. While every Virgo rising is unique, you might notice many of them have a captivating gaze. On top of that, you'll see that they have lovely, striking features, especially their noses and cheeks. If you're crushing on a Virgo rising, we don't blame you! [9]
    • Virgo risings also tend to be blessed by youth and often look significantly younger than their actual age. Lucky ducks!
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