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Do you have trouble waking up on time in the morning? Are you afraid you might lose your job or fail a class because you can’t get out of bed? If you’re chronically late for work, or if you just need to make sure you don’t miss your flight early tomorrow morning, there are several things you can do to ensure that you wake up on time.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Making The Most Of Your Night

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  1. It can be hard to get out of bed if you don’t sleep correctly. Before making drastic changes, you should take on board a few simple rules. Some things to keep in mind for a good night’s sleep include: [1]
    • Avoid caffeine and alcohol at least a few hours before going to sleep. Both are proven to have detrimental effects on sleep.
    • Avoid greasy, spicy, or fatty food in the evening. These foods can cause an upset stomach, which may interfere with your sleep.
    • Don’t read from a phone or a tablet before sleeping. Research shows that their lights and radiations can wreak your sleep and cause headaches.
  2. It's important to prepare for the night. Reading a book or doing a puzzle is far more likely to prepare you for sleeping than playing violent computer games. Your body will produce the sleep hormone and make you tired more quickly. [2]
    • Don't work or study just before going to bed. Any activity involving the stress of planning is likely to keep you awake.
    • TV is also a source of excitement and should be avoided just before sleeping.
    • Try to read a book or chat with your partner. You could also listen to relaxing or classical music.
    • You can also try mental exercises before sleeping. Thinking about cities beginning with a certain letter will exhaust you quickly!
    • Focus on positive thoughts and memories.
    • Breath deeply to get your body relaxed.
  3. If your rhythm is set properly, you may be able to regularly wake up refreshed without an alarm. Make an effort to get to bed and to get up at about the same time every day. If you work changing shifts or otherwise have to adjust your schedule, your rhythm will be thrown off for a while, but you can reset it over a few days. [3]
    • You should sleep at least eight hours a day. Some need less sleep than others but make sure to find what’s right for you.
    • Don’t change entirely your sleeping schedule in a day. Try to change your sleeping pattern over a long period of time. For example, go to sleep fifteen minutes earlier every day.
  4. The quality of your bed or the layout of your bedroom might be the reason for which you can’t wake up in the morning. If you had a bad night, your body might just need to catch up on sleep. Check the following points: [4]
    • You should sleep on a good mattress. Look for one that gives good back support and doesn’t store germs and bacteria.
    • Think about the temperature of the room. You shouldn’t sleep in a warm room.
    • Reduce external noises by closing windows, turning off the TV, or using a device that generates ‘white noises’.
    • Protect against mosquitoes and other external nuisances. You can either buy a net or use anti-mosquito perfumes.
    • Consider getting a larger bed or sleeping in separated beds if your spouse or partner wakes you up with his or her tossing and turning. Better yet, get a mattress that absorbs motion and will not be felt by your partner.
    • Darken the room. Bright lights will keep you awake.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Waking Up On Time

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  1. . Some people need a very loud, harsh alarm, some can’t wake up to the radio, and some find that gradual waking works best. There are even many varieties of alarms to stick near you that will vibrate to awaken you, including a vibrating pillow, wrist band, and devices that clip on to your pillow or that go between your mattress. [5]
    • Consider what types of features you want the alarm clock to have, such as sounds, brightness, etc.
    • Experiment and decide what’s best for you. Ask your friends and try to borrow a device before spending too much.
    • Don’t forget your neighbors. Some alarm clocks are really loud and might not be suited for a flat.
    • Discuss the alarm with your partner (if you have one). You don’t want to pick something that he or she hates.
    • Make sure the alarm clock is set before going to sleep. Set it in advance for the whole week if possible.
  2. It is quite common for heavy sleepers to turn the alarm off in their sleep. If you need to get out of bed to turn it off, you will already increase your chances of staying awake.
    • You can also set multiple alarm clocks in the room. Set them five to ten minutes apart to be sure to be unable to take them off in one round.
    • Set your alarm earlier than necessary. For example, say you want to get up at 7:00 a.m., so you set your alarm about 10-15 minutes earlier, like 6:45 a.m.
  3. If your spouse or partner, or just a roommate, doesn’t have trouble waking up on time, ask him or her to help you wake up and to make sure you stay awake.
    • You could also ask a friend to call you in the morning and talk to you for a minute or so until you become fully awake. Wake up calls to your home or cell phone are now available by subscription or for one-time calls.
    • Pick someone reliable. You don’t want to miss your job interview because your roommate found it funny to let you sleep until noon.
    • Give him precise instructions and write the time at which he should wake you up on a post-it.
  4. Because of nightly hormonal changes to natural sleep cycles, many people find that they wake up a few minutes before their alarm goes off. If this occurs, consider it a sign that you’re ready to get up. [6]
    • If you go back to sleep and wait for the alarm, you’ll likely feel more drowsy.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Staying Awake

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  1. The body naturally wakes up faster when it’s light outside. [7] Keep your curtains open and use the sun to help you awake.
    • If you need to wake up when it’s dark, or if you live in a dreary, cloudy place, consider using a timer on your bedroom lamp or getting a lightbox or a bedside dawn simulator.
  2. When you wake up, get out of bed immediately and get moving. A few exercises will have a positive impact on your whole day. [8] Do some calisthenics or quickly go about your morning routine.
    • Stretching is really important in the morning. Your muscles will be oxygenated and warmed for the day.<
  3. Alternate the temperatures between hot and cold to get your circulation going.
    • Use shower gels with ingredients such as lemon or peppermint essential oils to help make you more alert.
    • Splash cold water on your face as soon as you wake up. Low temperatures should quickly wake you up.
    • If a shower is not possible, try putting a couple of drops of essential oils onto a tissue and inhaling their fragrance. Some alarm clocks now have aromatherapy components built-in, as well.
  4. Drinking some water as soon as you wake up stimulates the body and will help you stay awake. If you need something stronger, try coffee or tea. [9]
    • If you have trouble making it out of your bedroom without coffee, consider putting your coffeemaker in your room and setting the timer so that a cup of Joe will be waiting for you when you wake up.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    I want to study after waking up, but I feel so drowsy that I can't stop myself from going to bed. What can I do?
    Carlotta Butler, RN, MPH
    Registered Nurse
    Carlotta Butler is a Registered Nurse in Arizona. Carlotta is a member of the American Medical Writers Association. She received her Masters of Public Health from the Northern Illinois University in 2004 and her Masters in Nursing from the University of St. Francis in 2017.
    Registered Nurse
    Expert Answer
    You will have to try various things, but this article offers some good strategies. Try taking a shower first thing in the am. This could help wake you up and get you moving. Try to have a cold drink in the am. You might need to try more than one strategy to help you.
  • Question
    I have to wake up at 5:40AM, and often sleep through my alarms. It's too early for other people to wake me up as well. What can I do?
    Carlotta Butler, RN, MPH
    Registered Nurse
    Carlotta Butler is a Registered Nurse in Arizona. Carlotta is a member of the American Medical Writers Association. She received her Masters of Public Health from the Northern Illinois University in 2004 and her Masters in Nursing from the University of St. Francis in 2017.
    Registered Nurse
    Expert Answer
    If you have not tried multiple alarm clocks/sounds, I would recommend trying different sounds that motivate you to wake up. This will take some trial and error, but try various sounds including music. If you already know any type of music that is more distracting to you or radio stations, program your alarm clock to that station.
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      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • Plan something fun in the mornings (like eating your favorite breakfast, playing a game before work, or spending time with your dog) so you look forward to waking up in the morning.
      • Keep a glass of water or a water bottle near your bed. When you wake up, drinking the water can help you feel alert and you won't need to get out of bed to get it.
      • If you feel drowsy when you get out of bed, splash some cold water on your face to help wake yourself up.
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      • Frequent tiredness may be caused by a sleep disorder or other medical conditions. Check with your doctor if these symptoms persist. [10]

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you want to wake up on time, make sure to avoid caffeine or greasy food before bed as these will make it harder to fall asleep. About an hour before bed, do a quiet activity like a puzzle or reading a paper copy of a book. Before you go to sleep, set an alarm to music or loud sounds and put your alarm across the room. When it goes off, try to get up right away and open your blinds to let sunshine in. Then, do some stretches or jump right in the shower. Alternate between hot and cold water to help you feel awake. For more tips on feeling alert from our Nurse reviewer, keep reading!

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