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If you don’t already have a robe at home, you are missing out on one of life’s great comforts! Because you most often wear a robe in the privacy of your own home, you are free to pick exactly the style of robe that you want. If you want to be warm and cozy, look for a plush robe. If you want to look good even while you’re lounging around, choose a silk robe or kimono. Once you start wearing a robe, it’ll quickly become a part of your daily routine.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Picking out the Right Robe

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  1. These types of robes typically have flat collars, which make them a great choice to wear while you’re getting ready in the morning. You’ll be able to put on makeup, do your hair, or shave without worrying about getting something on your collar.
    • These may also be marketed as lingerie robes.
    • These types of robes are often worn by bridal parties while everyone is getting ready. Depending on how stylish you want to look, you could wear a silk slip underneath, or wear a comfy pair of leggings and a tank top.
  2. Even if you’ve just rolled out of bed, a nice kimono can make you both look and feel more confident. Make your first cup of coffee, video-chat with a friend, or lounge around in comfort. [1]
    • Kimonos are also great to wear while getting ready to go out. The flat collar allows you to put on makeup without risking getting product on your garment.
  3. Terry robes are also often referred to as bathrobes. They’re very absorbent, just like a towel, and can simultaneously dry you off while keeping you warm. They’re especially nice during the cooler months when you don’t want to get chilly when you exit your warm shower.
    • You don’t have to wear anything underneath your robe, but you can if you want to. Do whatever makes you feel the most comfortable!
  4. Fleece, cashmere, and velour robes are great for cold mornings or evenings at home. Just throw it on when you get up in the morning for an easy transition out of your warm bed, or put it on it at night while you’re watching your favorite TV show. [2]
    • Wearing a plush robe is a bit like wearing a blanket with arms. If you’re mainly looking for a robe for comfort, this is a great pick for you.

    Tip: For extra warmth, look for a plush robe that also has a hood.

  5. Flannel robes are popular because they aren’t heavy but they still hold in your body heat. Flannel robes also often come in a large variety of patterns and colors. [3]
    • Flannel robes typically wash well and get softer over time.
    • For extra warmth, look for a flannel robe that is lined on the inside.
  6. Just because the weather has warmed up doesn’t mean you no longer need a robe. A lightweight robe is great to throw on while you’re walking around in the morning and it can add a nice, light layer in case you do get a little chilly but don’t want to put on a sweater.
    • Jersey-knit robes are super soft and breathable.
  7. Test the tie to check if it comfortably reaches all the way around. Sit down and stand up while wearing the robe to make sure it covers you fully. Check that the length is what you’re looking for. If you purchase a robe online, make sure you can return it if it doesn’t fit right. [4]
    • If you aren’t purchasing a robe in person, read the reviews to see what people have to say about the fit, feel, and durability of the robe.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Getting the Most out of Your Robe

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  1. A robe is what you want to make of it. If you’re in a situation where you’ll be around other people, you may also want to consider their comfort, but in the end, the choice is yours.
    • Even if you’re in a public place, like a spa, it’s just as normal to be nude under your robe as it is to be wearing undergarments.

    Tip: If you aren’t going to wear anything under your robe, use the interior tie to make sure it doesn’t accidentally fall open if the exterior tie comes undone.

  2. Keep warm on cold winter days by donning a plush, soft robe. There’s no need to be chilly when you’re at home! Keep your robe in an easily accessible place, like on a hook on the back of your door, so you can quickly grab it and put it on whenever you are cold. [5]
    • For extra warmth and comfort, wear a pair of slippers along with your robe.
  3. Get dressed last to reduce the chance that something could happen to your outfit, like spilled coffee or wrinkling. Simply put your robe on when you get out of bed and do your morning routine like you normally would. [6]
    • Robes are also great if you live with roommates. You can be out of your room getting ready for the day without having to get dressed first.
  4. Enjoy the warmth and coziness of wrapping yourself in a robe as soon as you step out of the shower. If your robe has a hood, you can pull it up to help your hair dry faster. [7]
    • Remember to wash your robe just as often as you would wash a towel.
    • If you don’t like the feeling of putting a robe on while your body is still wet, you could quickly towel yourself off before putting the robe on.
  5. Whether you need to take out the dog, pick up the newspaper, or sign for a package, a robe lets you step outside even if you aren't fully dressed for the day. Just make sure the tie is fastened securely, especially if you aren’t wearing anything underneath.
    • While it’s perfectly normal to wear a robe around your home, it isn’t as socially acceptable to wear a robe out in public. If you’re going to run errands, it’s best to change out of your robe.
  6. While walking to and from the pool or hot tub, a robe makes a nice coverup, especially if you’re feeling self-conscious or if the weather is cool. Make sure to put your robe somewhere safe while you’re enjoying yourself so that it doesn’t get wet. [8]
    • In warm weather, use a lightweight robe. For cooler nights, a thicker robe will help keep you warm when you get out of the water.
  7. Just because you’re away from home doesn’t mean you can’t be comfortable. Bringing a robe with you when you travel can help you relax more in strange surroundings and get a good night’s sleep.
    • To compactly pack your robe, fold it into thirds lengthwise, and then tightly roll it up starting from the bottom. It should take up a lot less room this way.
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      • Mia Latchman

        Dec 26, 2022

        "For Christmas, I got a robe and I didn't know what to do with it because it was just sitting on my bed. So now ..." more
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