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Find out if you've met your perfect match
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We all fantasize about finding The One . But how can you tell if you've really found them? We've rounded up 23 unusual signs that you've met your soulmate. From dreaming about them to accepting their quirks, we'll explore it all, below.

Things You Should Know

  • A true soulmate accepts your flaws, embraces your differences, and challenges you to be the best version of yourself.
  • Your soulmate is someone who knows you better than anyone else. They push your buttons, get on your nerves, and make you laugh.
  • A real soulmate is like a best friend. You can be yourself, be honest, and be open without judgment.

You've seen them in your dreams.

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  1. Long before you met your soulmate you dreamt of them. Even if you didn't see their face or don't remember the specifics, you just know you've seen them in your dreams before.
    • You may dream of your soulmate for years before they come into your life, but when they do, there's no denying it.
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You're not each other's type.

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  1. It's not uncommon to fantasize about what your soulmate may look like. Whatever your vision is, your soul mate does not fit your fantasy, but you love that about them.
    • Unlike your past relationships, your soulmate is more concerned about how they can best support you.

You have opposite tastes in things.

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  1. As much as you two have in common, you have a lot of differences, too. You might love outdoor adventures, while they're content to stay inside and chill. Differences in relationships are necessary as they teach you how to embrace each other as individuals with unique traits and preferences. [1]
    • Varying tastes allow you to learn more from your soulmate about the world and them, even if it's not for you.
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They get on your nerves.

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  1. As much as we want them to be, relationships aren't always filled with love and laughter. There are bound to be hard times—and annoying ones. From leaving laundry on the floor or dirty dishes in the sink, your soulmate does things that make you crazy.
    • Annoyance is healthy for relationships. It's a sign of comfort and an opportunity for growth. [2]
    • Calmly address any issues with your soulmate. Be honest and respectful about your feelings so they can understand your perspective.

You can't stay mad at them, even if you tried.

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  1. You have more good times than bad, and they know how to make you crack a smile or laugh until your stomach hurts. Even if you're upset, you enjoy each other's company too much to stay mad at them.
    • By practicing active listening and other effective communication skills, you can work through issues and forgive each other when times are tough.
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You fell for them as soon as you met.

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  1. Love at first sight is a strong initial attraction many people experience. [3] For some, a relationship can even come to fruition at a later point. When you experience these overwhelming feelings, don't be scared. The truth is, your potential partner is probably feeling it, too.
    • Spend quality time together and discuss interests and goals. It's a great way to build a relationship outside of your initial attractions.

Your love was written in the stars.

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  1. Before your soulmate, you always felt out of place. You felt like you only partially belonged to your social groups. But now, that's all changed. You are constantly happy and content.
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You're super similar.

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  1. You may be familiar with the phrase "opposites attract," but with your soulmate, that couldn't be farther from the truth. The more time you spend together, the more you pick up on each other's behaviors, dialects, and moods.
    • For instance, maybe running was never your thing. But now that you're together, you both go on runs every day!

You're best friends first.

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  1. Your soulmate is someone you view as your best friend. You want to tell them everything and spend time with them doing anything from running errands to romantic nights out. Dating your best friend is an experience that allows you to be open, comfortable, and have fun.
    • If you've ever been curious why past relationships didn't pan out, it may be because you didn't have a solid friendship.
    • Long-lasting relationships need commonalities to work.
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You remind them of a family member.

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  1. Have you been told you remind your soulmate of their parent? While it may sound weird, it all comes down to the comfort and security level you give them. [4]
    • By extending your compassion and empathy, you make them feel less guarded so they can share their emotions openly and honestly.

You trust them without a doubt.

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  1. Trust is something earned. However, with your soulmate, you don't need to scroll through their social media feeds or check their messages. They are loyal to you and treat you with kindness and respect.
    • It's indescribable, but your intuition tells you your soulmate is someone you can count on, confide in, and rely on.
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You can be vulnerable with them.

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  1. Vulnerability is scary. It requires you to open up, be honest, and express your emotions in a way no one has ever seen. But with your soulmate, being vulnerable feels easy.
    • They make you feel loved and, most of all, understood. You're able to be your true self without fear of judgment.

You can sit in complete silence with them.

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  1. Silence isn't a bad thing. It's great for your relationship as it signals how at ease you are. [5] You don't have to worry about keeping busy. You can kick back on the couch and enjoy each other's presence.
    • Because you have so much experience being quiet with each other, you can read each other's facial expressions or body language easily.
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You're head over heels for them.

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  1. For some couples, the honeymoon phase can last six months to two years. [6] However, with your soulmate, no matter how much time has passed, you still have that giddy, in-love feeling.
    • You may still get butterflies or think about them all the time.

You accept each other's flaws.

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  1. You don't try to get your soulmate to change who they are. Instead, you take the time to understand why a particular flaw irks you to find ways to work with it instead. [7]
    • That doesn't mean you ignore red flags or toxic behavior—just that you accept their quirks and let the little things slide.
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You can be yourself without judgment.

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  1. When you first meet someone, it's easy to make yourself seem more put together than you are. That's okay! We all strive to be the best version of ourselves, but when it comes to your soulmate, they meet you where you are.
    • Your relationship will be more positive when you can see yourself clearly and be true to your beliefs and wants. [8]

Their presence immediately calms you down.

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  1. Your soulmate knows you better than anyone else. After a long day, they're the only person you want. Your soulmate doesn't hesitate to find ways to help you relax or feel better when you're upset.
    • From playing with your hair to drawing up a bubble bath, they're happy to provide whatever you need to help you de-stress.
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You don't need to display your affection.

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  1. While some couples are comfortable with hand-holding and light kisses, PDA isn't for everyone. That doesn't mean you love your soulmate any less. You find new ways to share your love and affection with private smiles and eye-locking.

They challenge you to be the best you.

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  1. As human beings, we are natural imitators. [9] When one partner is looking to make behavioral changes, the other is more likely to participate. Think of it as positive peer pressure.
    • This allows you to learn new skills, set new goals, and become better for each other.
    • If you two order out a lot and are looking for ways to save money, for instance, you may be interested in learning how to cook together.
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You have non-compatible zodiac signs.

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  1. Don't let one sign deter you from connecting with your soulmate. Your birth chart doesn't determine who you are. Just like the planets need to align, you still have time to transform into the best version of yourself. [10]
    • Compare your birth charts to find where your relationship's strengths and weaknesses lie. [11]
    • By pinpointing potential weaknesses, you can plan how to overcome them.
    • For example, if your partner is a Cancer rising who enjoys alone time and you're an extrovert, allow them space to build up their social battery. [12]

You have the same zodiac signs.

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  1. Sharing the same Sun sign means your energy levels, basic needs, and worldviews align. [13] While you both have your unique personalities, when it comes to overall vibes, you two mesh well together.
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Your astrology houses align.

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  1. When reading your astrological birth chart, the twelve houses represent core beliefs and values. If you and your soulmate align in the same houses, it's a match made in the stars!
    • For instance, the House of Partnerships (7th house) and House of Transformation (8th house) both focus on relationships.
    • The 7th house centers on how you interact with others, while the 8th house deals with how your relationships transform you.
    • If you and your soulmate align in the 7th and 8th house, you're on track for a powerful, fulfilling relationship.

You broke up on good terms.

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  1. It's possible to meet your soulmate at the wrong stage of your life. Discuss your wants and needs inside and outside of your relationship. If your paths no longer align, it's time to step back, reflect, and move on.
    • In most cases, once a relationship is over, it's over. But, with your soulmate, it's different. Through self-discovery and growth, your paths can realign.
    • It may be months or years, but time apart brings you closer together.
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Being apart feels wrong.

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  1. Despite a necessary breakup, it's still painful. It feels like someone has torn out your heart, and nothing can soothe the pain. You miss how easy it was to find comfort in your soulmate, but now it's gone.
    • During this time, favor self-discovery instead of self-isolation. After all, your soulmate wants nothing but the best for you.

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