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Curious about the 🌵 (cactus) emoji that just popped up in your texts or social media feed? This spiky emoji may seem pretty straightforward, but it has more meanings than you might expect. Not to worry—we’ve put together a comprehensive guide that outlines everything you need to know about the 🌵 (cactus) emoji, so you can drop these prickly pixels in texts and posts of your own.

Section 1 of 4:

What does the 🌵 (cactus) emoji mean?

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  1. Some people use the 🌵 emoji for emphasis when they’re talking about succulents and cacti. It’s pretty common in photo captions, though you might see it in regular social media posts and texts, too. [1]
  2. Let’s face it—deserts and cacti pretty much go hand-in-hand. With this in mind, the 🌵 is a great way to emphasize a photo, post, or text related to the desert. [2]
  3. When you think of southwestern American states like Arizona and New Mexico, what comes to mind? Chances are, a cactus appears in your line-up of southwestern imagery. Because of this common association, some people use 🌵 to emphasize or caption their posts and photos about the American southwest. [3]
  4. In some iterations of the 🌵 emoji, the cactus trunk resembles a middle finger, while the side cactus branches represent the knuckles of the ring and pointer fingers. Before the 🖕 came out, the 🌵 emoji was a playful alternative for giving someone the bird. [4]
    • The 🍤, 👍, and 💅 were other popular middle finger alternatives.
  5. It’s not too hard to draw parallels between the 🌵 and a certain body part. While not as commonly used as the 🍆 emoji, the cactus is still a popular alternative for less-than-innocent texting exchanges. [5]
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Section 2 of 4:

How to Use the 🌵 (Cactus) Emoji

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  1. Proud of your cactus or succulent collection? Drop a pic on social media with a few tasteful 🌵🌵🌵 in the caption. Spot a cactus on your morning walk? Tell your friends all about it with the 🌵 emoji. Basically, if you see a cactus or succulent, the 🌵 emoji is fair game. [6]
    • “My baby cactus is all grown up!! 🌵😭”
    • “Was not expecting to see this on my drive into work… 🌵🤔”
    • “Kinda wish I could be a cactus tbh. They get to lie in the sun all day without ever getting dehydrated 🌵😂”
  2. Snap a beautiful picture of the desert skyline? The 🌵 emoji is a great way to caption your stunning picture. Plus, the 🌵 is a pretty great way to emphasize any posts or texts you make about the desert. [7]
    • “Can’t beat this view! 🏜🌄🌵”
    • “Been driving through the desert for the past 40 miles… are we there yet?! 🌵🚗🥱”
  3. Taking a trip to Arizona, New Mexico, or another southwestern American state? The 🌵 emoji is a great way to caption your photos, posts, and texts as you gush about your love of the southwest. [8]
    • “In AZ and loving it!! 🌵🏜”
    • “Absolutely in love with the #turquoisejewelry I found on my #southwest roadtrip 🔷🌵”
  4. Is your friend messing with you? Give them a taste of their own medicine with a well-timed 🌵 emoji. [9] Don’t worry—it’s playful enough that your friend will know that you’re not serious.
    • Them: Happy 30th birthday! I saw an ad for some open space at a retirement home—should I send it your way?”
      You: “Screw you 😂🌵”
  5. Tired of using the same old 🍆 emoji with your partner? Add the 🌵 to your emoji arsenal for a little more prickly, frisky fun. [10]
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Section 3 of 4:

How to Reply to the 🌵 (Cactus) Emoji

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  1. Let your friend know that you absolutely love their baby succulent, or that you think their pictures of the desert skyline are absolutely breathtaking. [11]
    • “I love your succulent!! Where did you get it?”
    • “Your cactus looks so cool 😍 I kinda want to get one myself, but I’m scared of pricking myself 😂”
    • “Loving your trip pics!! Tell me all about it when you get home 💛”
  2. Maybe your friend is teasing you with a sarcastic middle finger, or your partner sent you a rather prickly text. [12] A playful response is a great way to match the energy of the snarky cactus emoji.
    • Them: “Very funny 😝🌵”
      You: “You know you love me 😉”
    • Partner: “Ready for tonight? 🌵”
      You: I know things are getting serious when you break out the cactus emoji 😉”
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Section 4 of 4:

What does the 🌵 (cactus) emoji mean on Snapchat?

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  1. Snapchat takes a more creative approach to its celebrity verification system; instead of using blue checkmarks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, the platform assigns a specific emoji as a personalized verification marker for different celebrities. Jared Leto’s emoji is—you guessed it—the 🌵 emoji. [13]

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