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Track down true love through your birth date and birth chart
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Finding that special someone is something we all crave at one time or another. Your soulmate is a person you connect with in mind, body, and spirit, but how do you know who they are? We’ve answered your most commonly asked questions on how you can find your celestial compatibility using your birthday. Astrology may not be able to tell you exactly who your soulmate is, but it can help you see what type of person you’re most likely to connect with—so keep reading to learn more about your birthday soulmate!

Finding Your Soulmate Through Astrology

Find your Rising or Ascendant sign in the 7th house of your natal chart. Look for the sign that’s opposite to your sign on the birth chart wheel (e.g., Sagittarius & Gemini). According to astrology, your soulmate is likely to be someone with this opposite sign as their Rising.

Section 1 of 7:

Finding Your Soulmate by Zodiac Sign

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  1. An Aries is typically described as courageous, ambitious, and impulsive. [1] Fire and air signs are the most compatible because fire signs understand an Aries’s spontaneous nature and air signs bring out an Aries's playful curiosity. Unless treated in a hostile way, Aries can get along with just anybody with their bubbling nature and leading abilities.
    • Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus are the least compatible with Aries.
  2. Although Taurus can be stubborn and irritable, they can also be extremely passionate and peaceful with the right partner. Signs that also have an interest in the arts, beauty, and romantic pleasures are the most compatible with a Taurus because they can satisfy each other physically and mentally.
    • According to some studies, Taurus and Cancer marriages have a 76% rate, making this pairing one of the most compatible Zodiac matches. [2]
    • Aquarius, Gemini, and Sagittarius are the least compatible with Taurus.
  3. Full of energy and a great communicator, a Gemini is awesome to be around. You would think they would be compatible with everyone, but their lack of focus and nervous nature can set off other signs.
    • Pisces, Virgo, and Scorpio are the least compatible with Gemini.
  4. Hiding under their outer shell, a Cancer will find the most peace with someone patient, understanding, and trustworthy. Water and air signs prove to be a Cancer’s perfect match as their relatively sweet and subdued energies blend well with a Cancer’s mystery and deep emotions. [3]
    • Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini are the least compatible with Cancer.
  5. This daring, heroic, and rather proud sign works best in relationships that will egg on their fire. Fire and air signs will challenge a Leo and bring out their playful curiosity. [4]
    • Capricorn, Taurus, and Scorpio are the least compatible with Leo.
  6. Practical, logical, and quite meticulous, Virgo finds the spontaneous nature of fire signs difficult to relate to. They will find the most peace with water and earth signs as they both enjoy times of vulnerability and value stability.
    • Gemini, Libra, and Aries are the least compatible with Virgo.
  7. A Libra will try to make everyone happy, but, to their dismay, they can’t please everyone. This sign’s need to socialize and be physically affectionate can unintentionally turn others away.
    • Pisces, Cancer, and Taurus are the least compatible with Libra.
  8. Being rather sensitive and private, a Scorpio may have a hard time relating to the impulsive nature of fire signs. A Scorpio’s dark inner world is best blended with signs that help focus their energy and also enjoy solitude.
    • Libra, Leo, and Gemini are the least compatible with Scorpio.
  9. This optimistic fire sign blends well with other signs that love to travel and experience new things. A Sagittarius needs someone who will go on adventures with them and not dwell on the smaller things in life.
    • Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo are the least compatible with Sagittarius.
  10. Highly responsible and anxious about the future, a Capricorn needs someone who can ground them in times of stress. A hard-working and determined person will be the right match for them.
    • Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo are the least compatible with Capricorn.
  11. Fire and air signs will be Aquarius’s soulmates because their spontaneous and influencing nature will bring out the best in them. Being able to share ideas and make radical changes is important for these pairs.
    • Virgo, Pisces, and Scorpio are the least compatible with Aquarius.
  12. One of the most sensitive zodiac signs, a Pisces needs someone who can fuel their imagination and empathize with them. Water and earth signs will let them pour their heart out while bringing them back down to earth.
    • Libra, Gemini, and Sagittarius are the least compatible with Pisces.
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Finding Your Soulmate through Your 7th House

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  1. Scan your natal chart to find your Rising (or Ascendant sign) in your 7th astrological house, which is the house thought to rule over marriage and partnership. [5] Once you’ve found your Rising sign on the chart, look for the sign opposite it on your wheel. Your soulmate is likely to have an opposite Rising sign—after all, opposites attract!
    • For example, your Rising sign may be Libra. The sign opposite to Libra is Aries, so your soulmate may have Aries as their Ascendant sign.
    • Other opposite signs include Virgo & Pisces, Leo & Aquarius, Cancer & Capricorn, Gemini & Sagittarius, and Scorpio & Taurus.
    • Once you know what your soulmate’s Rising sign is, look for partners that have that sign in their 7th house.
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Finding Your Soulmate through Mars & Venus Placements

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  1. Look at the key below your natal chart to find Mars (♂️) and Venus (♀️). [6] Look for numbers with a degree symbol (º) next to each planet. Compare the degree of your Mars and Venus placements with those of a potential partner.
    • According to astrology, this person has a better chance of being your soulmate if their Mars and Venus degrees are within 5 digits of yours.
    • For example, Mars and Venus in your chart may have 7º and 28º placements. Ideally, your soulmate will have a Mars placement between 2º-12º and a Venus placement between 23º-33º.
    • Venus determines how your romantic needs will be fulfilled, while Mars explains your sexual compatibility. Choosing a partner whose numbers are closest to yours is believed to give you the best chance at success in both these areas!
    • This method for determining astrological soulmates is known as synastry. Expert astrologists use synastry to look at the “aspects” or degrees of difference between two peoples’ birth charts and determine whether or not they’re a harmonious match. [7]
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Finding Your Soulmate through Your North Node

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Section 5 of 7:

Finding Your Soulmate by Zodiac Sign through Numerology

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  1. You must use all numbers of your birthday, including a number to represent the day of the week you were born. For example, let’s say your birthday is February 1st, 1998 (02/01/1998), which was a Sunday.
    • Add together each digit in your birthday: 0 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 8 = 30
    • Add this sum to the ordinal number of the day you were born: 30 + 7 (Sunday) = 37
    • Add together the two digits in this sum to reduce it to a one-digit number: 3 + 7 = 10 → 1 + 0 = 1 .
    • This final single-digit sum is your soulmate number in numerology. If you were born on February 1st, 1998, your birthday soulmate number is 1.
  2. According to numerology, your birthday can predict who your soulmate will be, as well as tell you other information about your life path and destiny. [9] Compare your final sum in the step above to the interpretations below to learn what your birthday number predicts for your love life:
    • 1: Your love life is likely to improve in the next six months, but you should focus on your priorities.
    • 2: You will meet your soulmate within a year in a business-related situation. You may butt heads at first, but your opposition will give way to love.
    • 3: Once you focus your energy on improving your love life, it will develop rapidly. Try visiting places that radiate romantic energy.
    • 4: Be open to new opportunities and people, and a passionate romance is likely to come into your life.
    • 5: You will likely be introduced to your soulmate by a friend, and it may be someone you’ve met before but never had the right timing with.
    • 6: You’ll meet your soulmate at a celebratory party, and you’ll know this person is the one right away.
    • 7: You’ll meet your soulmate by chance in a few years, but you may become entangled in a love triangle.
    • 8: Open yourself up to meeting new people. You may meet your soulmate over social media, or it may even be someone you’ve already met.
    • 9: Your soulmate relationship will begin in the next few months, likely stemming from a workplace relationship.
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Section 6 of 7:

When You’ll Meet Your Soulmate According to Your Sun Sign

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  1. If you're an Aries nearing your 20s, you’re most likely mature but still searching for yourself. This is the perfect time for you to stumble across your soulmate because you’re still experimenting with life. Your soulmate will be able to see you at your best and your worst—your vibrant, honest, and active energy pulling them towards you.
  2. If you’re a Taurus in your late teens, you might be in a relationship but aren’t sure where it’s headed. Your life is a mystery, and you may be distressed by the instability of it all. Your friends are the most important thing to you right now, and you may be surprised to find your soulmate in a platonic relationship.
  3. Serious relationships may not be your thing if you’re a Gemini, especially as you reach important milestones in life. You want to meet as many people as possible and forge new connections. So, you may meet your soulmate when you least expect it—maybe in passing or as a classmate or coworker. It won’t be until a few years down the line when you start to see them in a romantic light.
  4. As a Cancer, you may have started searching for your soulmate at a young age. You’re at the top of the social ladder—a great person, host, friend, and entertainer. You’ll find your soulmate in the place where you feel the most at ease, so keep throwing those parties because they’re bound to show up!
  5. As a natural-born leader, you’ll be ready to enter a serious relationship when you’ve figured out the direction of your life. That perfect someone will come walking by when everything is aligned—just when you think you’re settled and got everything figured out; your soulmate will come in and wreck all of your plans!
  6. If you’re a Virgo, you most likely care deeply for anything broken, including relationships. You have the urge to fix everything and may find yourself in toxic relationships because of it. There is no “right” age for you to find your special someone because they will show up at the most unlikely of times.
  7. The transition from a teen to an adult can be a scary time, but it can also be the most exciting if you’re a Libra. This is a time of discovery for you, and you may find that your soulmate happens to be a longtime best friend. Your soulmate is someone you can talk to for hours without getting bored.
  8. It can be hard to express your emotions when you’re a kid, and it’s especially hard if you’re a Scorpio. Your soulmate is likely someone you’ve known your whole childhood, someone you haven’t been able to connect your feelings to until you’ve grown up.
  9. If you’re a Sagittarius, your free and independent nature will have your soulmate running to you! By your late 20s, you have a grasp on your life or at least know what you want. Falling into a serious relationship may be scary at first, especially if you feel like something’s expected of you. But take a deep breath because this person may be the one you’ve been looking for.
  10. Commitment is most likely your love language if you’re a Capricorn. You strive for serious and mature relationships that you may not be able to find until you’ve lived through your adolescent years. You’ve learned to accept the unpredictability of life and are ready to take on a relationship worth fighting for.
  11. If you’re an Aquarius, you may think people don’t understand you. Your soulmate is someone you can immediately connect with on a deeper level, someone you believe can see the real you.
  12. As a Pisces, you see the world through an imaginative lens. You’ve dreamt of your soulmate for as long as you can remember, and you’re most likely to find them during your teenage years. Your “meet cute” is everything, if not adorable, and you will put your entire heart and soul into the relationship to grow your special connection.
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Section 7 of 7:

Creating Your Astrological Natal Chart

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  1. Your natal chart uses your birthday, as well as the location you were born in, to determine your life path identity—including your soulmate! Create your natal chart with a reputable app like Co-Star or a website like Astro-Charts.com .
    • Enter your name, birthday, birth time, and place of birth into the natal chart calculator.
    • Once your natal chart is generated, identify your “big three” astrological signs: your Sun, Moon, and Rising/Ascendant signs.
    • Your Sun sign is what you most likely think of as your Zodiac sign—it represents your dominant traits and motivations.
    • Meanwhile, your Moon sign is believed to rule over your innermost emotional self while your Rising sign represents the face you present to the world. [10]

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