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Whether you’re a copywriter who needs to write slogans for a client, someone running a campaign of any type, or in charge of your own small business, coming up with a slogan or tagline can feel like a bit of work. You can learn to write quality and memorable slogans by incorporating a few steps and tactics that will allow you to understand your brand and the competition better, and help you write a slogan that people will remember.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Brainstorming Ideas

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  1. Before you actually write anything down, it’s best to research the brand you are writing the slogan for. Get information from the website, ask the employees of the company for history on the brand, how long the company has been around, what has been tried before, etc.
    • You want to develop an intimate knowledge on the company and brand. Figure out who the target demographic is, what’s the voice and tone of the company, and what the company is selling. [1]
    • Your slogan is meant to differentiate you from the competition while conveying a brand’s overall mission. Research what makes your company or brand different.
    • Narrow down what the key benefit of the product or brand is. Once you have a single idea of what this is, you can start to throw around ideas for how to say it in a fun and memorable way.
  2. Look at popular slogans, the slogans of competitor companies, and think about what slogans you just remember that were popular or catchy. You don’t want to copy someone else’s slogan, but understanding what has and has not worked in the past will benefit you. [2]
    • Think about some of the most iconic slogans. Slogans like “Just do it” “Think different” “I’m lovin’ it”. These slogans have a few aspects in common that make them successful. Each slogan here is short and memorable. These slogans also impart a positive feeling about the brand, while differentiating it from competitive brands.
    • Nike’s “Just do it” slogan resonates and inspires you to get out and take action. It transcends the athletic world as well, giving you the positive feeling that you tackle any obstacle in any situation.
    • Apple’s “Think different” not only pays homage to all of the visionaries in our history who have challenged the status quo to bring the world forward, but it speaks directly to competitor (at the time) IBM’s “Think IBM” slogan. This slogan shows us that being unique is good, and that Apple is more than just a computer company.
    • McDonald’s “I’m lovin’ it” generates a positive feeling towards food that’s not good for you. There are no false claims about health, just a promise that you’ll love the taste.
    • When writing your slogan, keep in mind length, key benefits, and how your slogan will make people feel good about this brand, which is different from the others.
    • Look at word count, the overall message, the rhythm, and even if there’s humor.
  3. This means taking an honest and objective look at the brand’s recognition and influence.
    • The slogan you write should reflect your brand’s influence. For example, if you’re writing a slogan for a new company that isn’t widely known, it should be an informative teaser of what this company can offer. If the company is reputable, then you need to ask yourself why there is a change. Is the company going in a new direction? Is the new slogan part of a re-brand?
    • Take a company like Porsche, the slogan for Porsche is: “There is no substitute”. This works because Porsche has years of quality craftsmanship to back up that claim and level of luxury.
    • Also think about what the overall product is. If the product is something fun, then a serious or authoritative slogan might not be best.
  4. If you’re working with a team, start throwing out ideas to each other. Oftentimes something that you think of or say may sound silly at first, but it can be the seed of a larger idea.
    • Try not to edit yourself here. Now that you have information on the company’s goals and mission statement, you want to throw a wide net and come up with as many ideas as possible.
    • While the end product of your slogan should be short, it’s ok to have a longer sentence or rhyme at the beginning.
  5. Narrow down what you have come up with so that you have five options to work with. These slogans won’t be the final product, but they’re a good starting point.
    • What you probably will, and should have now, are five long, possibly awkwardly phrased messages, but that’s ok. You’re narrowing down the ideas into something that you can build on.
    • Don’t worry too much about being stuck with the slogans you’ve picked. As you continue to write and rewrite you may come up with a whole new idea. That’s fine, right now you’re just trying to find something that fits with what the company or brand is selling.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Writing Your Slogan

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  1. What is the brand’s value proposition? A value proposition is a brief description that clearly states the benefit you provide, for whom you provide it, and you do it well and in a unique way. [3]
    • You’re not writing your slogan just yet. But by narrowing down your value proposition and being able to describe it in a quick, clear fashion, you can start to find an angle for your slogan.
    • Try to be able to describe your brand with as few words as possible. This isn’t always easy, but it will force you to think about what’s relevant and important, and what might be unnecessary information.
  2. By now, you should know the history of the brand, be able to present its value proposition in a quick and engaging way, and you should have several rough taglines written down. Compile all of this information and see what common threads tell the story.
    • Don’t just look to brands and companies for inspiration when finding the story, look at actual stories. Movies and books are great for looking at taglines because they have to get you excited about an entire story in a very limited amount of time.
    • Finding the story of your brand using all of the information you have, will give you a narrative which you can use to help create a teaser that will engage people and help them remember your brand. [4]
  3. [5] Your slogan needs to say a lot with a little. Think about who the consumers are, and get inside their heads.
    • When a consumer is considering your product, your slogan will consciously or subconsciously be remembered. Look at Taco Bell’s “Think outside the bun”. When you want a quick bite you run through your options in your head. Taco Bell has an effective angle because it reminds you that there are other options besides a burger. You want to highlight a key benefit, which in this case, is that you have an alternate option.
    • You want your slogan to position your brand to motivate people. [6] Look at Nike, which has had the same, simple slogan since 1988: “Just Do It”. It’s simple and motivating, playing into an athlete’s basic drive to simply perform well and break through barriers.
  4. Rhyme, rhythm, and brevity are your friend when writing slogans. [7] When a slogan has a rhythm or a ring to it, it’s much easier to remember.
    • Look at Bounty’s “The quilted quicker picker upper.” The alliteration and natural rhythm of this slogan achieves several goals. It tells you why this product is of a certain quality, what it does, and the fun, light tone is easy to remember and repeat.
    • It’s not always easy to get creative, and to be creative effectively, so if you’re having trouble, see if you can make a rhyme or a tune to your slogan.
    • Try to directly address your customers in the slogan with active verbs so the slogan feels like a call to action. [8]
  5. This has been said a lot, but it’s important. Once you’ve written a few slogans, take a break and let it all digest. Then come back to them and see if you can edit them down further.
    • Think about email subject lines, these are like slogans for an email. Studies show that subject lines with around 50 characters or that are six to nine words have a higher open rate. [9] [10]
    • Keeping your slogans short can also create a bit of mystery that entices people to research on their own. And if you can get your brand’s message out quickly, you’ll get people’s attention. Take Apple’s slogan: “Think different.” Two words that immediately inspire you and conjure up all of the possibilities that you can experience with an Apple product.
  6. During the entire process, you want to stay honest, but once you’ve written your slogan or slogans, take an objective look and ask yourself if this is an honest and accurate representation of the brand.
    • Avoid hyperbole like “No. 1” or “The best”. These phrases are probably not true, and this kind of language is also not creative.
    • Your slogan gets people’s attention and helps consumers to remember your brand, don’t promise something that can’t be backed up.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    What makes a great tagline?
    Sarah Harkleroad
    Marketing & Branding Expert
    Sarah Harkleroad is a Marketing & Branding Expert and a Co-Founder and Brand Manager at Daor Design. With over 15 years of experience, she specializes in brand strategy, logo design, website design, and marketing for small businesses. Sarah holds a BA in Graphic Design, a BA in Fine & Studio Arts, and a Minor in Business Administration & Management - all from Cedarville University. To date, she and her team at Daor Design have helped over 450 small businesses across the country build their brands.
    Marketing & Branding Expert
    Expert Answer
    Address the customer directly with your tagline so it resonates more with them.
  • Question
    How can I make my slogan funny as well as meaningful?
    Community Answer
    Think of what you want your slogan to mean. Then, embed some humor into it like changing up a popular word with something that has to do with your topic. For instance, if you are teaching people about zen, you could start off with "The empire strikes back." Then, exchange "em" with zen, thus making your slogan, "The ZENpire strikes back."
  • Question
    How do I write a slogan on discipline?
    Community Answer
    Jot down the key points you want to have, then try making something that rhymes out of them.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      If you do your research and let your creative juices flow, you can write a great slogan for your product or company. Start by thinking of words and ideas associated with your brand and target audience. If you’re unsure what your brand is, try describing your company in one sentence to give you a good idea of its mission. Look at your competition’s slogans to see how they sell their brands. Once you’ve written your notes about your company, try combining a few ideas in a short and sweet slogan that grabs people’s attention. Take Nike’s “Just do it,” as a prime example. Remember to use language that’s appropriate to your audience. For example, if you sell kids’ toys, use fun language, but if you run a law firm, use professional language. For more marketing tips, including how to avoid exaggeration in your slogan, read on.

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