Python is a high-level programming language. The language utilizes a straightforward syntax which can make it easy for new users to get started.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

Installing Dependencies

  1. On Linux, you can press the Alt button to open a search bar. Type "terminal" and click on Terminal.
  2. Terminal commands are shown in this document as:
    •  command 
      -options filename.ext
    • sudo apt-get install build-essential
      • The "sudo" command gives permission to the terminal to modify your computer. This is necessary to install any program. You will be required to enter your password.
    • The "apt-get install" command tells the computer to install the package "build-essential" which is required to install Python.
    • sudo apt-get install libreadline-gplv2-dev libncursesw5-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev tk-dev libgdbm-dev libc6-dev libbz2-dev
    • These are programs that Python uses to run correctly. They are also known as “dependencies”.
Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Downloading and Installing Python

  1. Use the following command:
    •  cd 
    • The "cd" command changes to the correct working directory so the computer can find and put programs in the right place.
    • wget
    • tar -xvf Python-2.7.5.tgz
    •  cd 
    • Once again, we need to change the working directory. This time, we change to the newly created Python directory.
  2. /configure command checks your computer to ensure you have all the necessary components to install Python. It will alert you of any critical errors.
    • ./configure
  3. It compiles the source code and creates the executables.
    • make
  4. With the following command, all of the applications and libraries associated with Python are moved into the correct places on your computer.
    • sudo make install
Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

Writing the Script

    • Any text editor that can save files with a ".py" extension will do. Ubuntu 12.04 or greater is packaged with the Gedit editor.
    • Be careful that the file is not saved as "".
Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Running the Script

    • Remember to use the "cd" command to change directories.
    • If you need a list of all subdirectories at your current location, use the "ls" command. "ls" stands for "list subdirectories".
    • python

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I learn how to use Python as an absolute beginner?
    Simeon Watson
    Community Answer
    Use internet guides or books to teach yourself. This will follow a regular path from newbie to experienced. Usually the path is: print() variables input numbers lists strings. And more.
  • Question
    I am not familiar with lists and tuples. How do i go about it?
    Simeon Watson
    Community Answer
    Start with an online tutorial. If you don't have time for that: here is an explanation: Lists are created this way: listname = []. That creates an empty list. If you want a list containing 1, 8, "hi" and 3.14, you write: listname = [1, 8, "hi", 3.14]. The contents of a list can be canged by the following commands: listname.append(whatever_to_add_to_the_end_of_the_list) listname.remove(watever_to_remove_the_first_occurence_of). Tuples are created this way: tuplename = (). That creates an empty tuple. If you want a tuple containing 1, 8, "hi" and 3.14 you write tuplename = (1, 8, "hi", 3.14). A tuple can not be changed after creation.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Ubuntu 12.04 or greater
      • Your account password

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