* Know where you need to go for your interview and be early — visit the location ahead of time or google the location and allow yourself enough time to get there, assuming traffic could be bad * Dress appropriately — most professional jobs require business attire, while a construction job interview is likely is be best attended with a clean button-up shirt and pants (asking what is appropriate is acceptable) * Plan ahead with theoretical questions and answers — write down your responses to specific questions or scenarios * Brainstorm experiences that relate to scenarios that may be presented — church youth group, soccer teams, volunteer activities, school extracurricular experiences etc * Find people to vouch for you — approach past clients, customers, coaches, pastors, volunteer peers, or teachers who may be willing to provide a letter of recommendation * Reread description of position and highlight any key words or phrases that signal what the employer wants in a prospective employee * Practice answers with a family member or friend — focus on your body language and speech habits. Look the person in the eye, smile, do not cross legs and arms, and minimize use of “ums” and “uhs” in verbal pauses * If there is a total lack of options for personal references, offer to work in a probationary capacity for an agreed upon timeframe
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