Oppish Translation Practice Answers
1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Oppish: Tophe quicopk bropown fopox jumops overop the lazopy dogop.
2. I love to eat pizza on Fridays.
Oppish: I lopove to eopat pipizzopa onop Fropidops.
3. She sings beautifully in the church choir.
Oppish: She sopingsop beauopotifullopy inop the churochop choirop.
4. The sun sets in the west every evening.
Oppish: The sopunop sopetsop inop the wopestop eveoperyop evenoping.
5. My favorite color is blue.
Oppish: My fopavoporite copolopor isop bluopue.
6. He plays basketball with his friends every Saturday.
Oppish: He poplaysop basopketbopall withop hisop friopendsop eveoperyop Sopaturdopayop.
7. The teacher assigns homework every day.
Oppish: The teachopoper assopignsop homewoporkop eveoperyop dopayop.
8. I want to travel to Japan someday.
Oppish: I wopantop to traveopol to Japopan sopome dopayop.
9. The cat meows loudly when she's hungry.
Oppish: The copatop meowopsop loudoplyop whenop she'sop hungropy.
10. We watch movies together on weekends.
Oppish: We wopatchop movopiops togethoper oponop weekopendops.
11. The baby cries when she's tired.
Oppish: The babopy cripiesop whenop she'sop tiroped.
12. They dance to the rhythm of the music.
Oppish: They dopanceop to the rhytophmop of the musopic.
13. She always wears a red dress to parties.
Oppish: She alwopaysop weoparsop a ropedop dresops to paropyties.
14. He reads books about science and technology.
Oppish: He reopadsop boopoksop aboutop scienopce andop technopology.
15. I drink coffee every morning to wake up.
Oppish: I driopnkop coffeope eveoperyop moroping to wakope upop.
16. The flowers bloom in the springtime.
Oppish: The foplowopers bloopomop inop the sprinopgtimeop.
17. We celebrate Christmas with our family.
Oppish: We celeopbrateop Christopmasop withop ourop famopilyop.
18. The train arrives at the station at 5 pm.
Oppish: The traiopn arrivopeops atop the statopiopn at 5 pmpmop.
19. She writes poetry in her spare time.
Oppish: She wropitesop poepoetryop inop herop sparope timopope.
2-. They ride their bikes to the park on Sundays.
Oppish: They ropideop their bikopes to the paropk onop Sopundaysop.