Stand Tall Imagine a ruler standing vertically from the top of your skull, all the way down your spine, and to your tailbone. If you catch yourself slouching, correct your posture by pulling your shoulders down and back and flexing your abs to help support your upper body weight (rather than your back overcompensating and dragging your torso down). Breathe Deeply Breathe through your diaphragm (the middle of your belly) while pulling your lower belly in toward your spine. This will instinctively make you sit or stand straighter. Suck In Pull your shoulders back, push your chest forward, and gently suck in. But don’t suck in so much that you look frozen or like you’re holding your breath, though! Hold Your Head High This will help lengthen your neck (particularly the under-the-chin area) and create the illusion of extra height and leanness. Create Angles With Your Limbs Putting your hands on your hips or crossing your legs tapers the lines of your body and accentuates your leanest parts (like your waist). Turn Slightly Sideways This is a great trick for looking thinner in pictures. Turn your body a bit sideways toward the camera, put one foot in front of the other (your weight on your back foot), and point your toe to the camera. Cross Your Ankles When sitting in photos, cross your ankles to make your thighs and calves look slimmer.
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