Thomas Alexander 2273 8th Place West Anywhere, MI 48204 December 12, 2012 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Jill Steiner Office Manager, Arbor Heights Real Estate 4723 Oak Road Anywhere, MI 48104 Re: Lease at 47 Stone Avenue Dear Ms. Steiner, I am writing to request a copy of my lease through Arbor Heights Real Estate. The address of the rental in question was 47 Stone Avenue, Apartment B, Anywhere, MI 48104. The lease was in my name, under Thomas Alexander. It commenced September 1, 2007 and ended on August 31, 2009. You can mail a copy to me at my current address: 2273 8th Place West, Anywhere, MI 48204. Should you have any questions regarding this request, I can be reached by telephone at (555) 998-0198 or by email at Sincerely, Thomas Alexander
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