Brisk Walk This exercise works best on a treadmill. Walk at about 3 mph for 5 minutes, then increase your speed to 5 mph. Continue walking for 5 minutes, then slow down to 4 mph. Walk for a minute at 4 mph, then increase your speed to 5 mph again. Walk at 5 mph for 5 minutes. Repeat this cycle for 20 to 30 minutes. Jumping Rope In a standing position, grab the handles of the jump rope in each hand and hold the rope behind your back. Lightly hop with both feet together about 3 inches off the ground. When you land, swing the rope over your head, hop again, and sweep the rope under your feet. Repeat in a continuous motion, keeping your wrists loose as you revolve the rope. After you complete 25 jumps, increase your speed and complete 50 jumps. Take a one minute break and repeat the cycle until you feel tired. Inchworm Start with your feet hip width apart and your core braced. Bending at the waist, place your hands on the ground and walk them forward, keeping your legs straight. When your legs are parallel to the floor, walk your hands backward until you are standing again. Continue to repeat the movement for 30 seconds to a minute and complete 2 to 3 rounds. Plank Jacks Begin on all fours with your hands beneath your shoulders, legs fully extended behind you, supported on your toes. With your core braced, jump your feet as far apart as you can, then jump them back together. Continue to repeat the movement for 30 seconds to a minute and complete 2 to 3 rounds. Butt Kick As you jog in place, use your hamstrings (back of your thighs) to kick your heels towards your glutes. Pump your arms at your sides. Continue to repeat the movement for 30 seconds to a minute and complete 2 to 3 rounds. Skaters Stand with your feet hip width apart, knees slightly bent, arms at your sides. Bring your left arm up and across your chest as you jump to the right and land softly on your right foot. When you land, sweep your left leg behind you, as if you are skating. Immediately jump to the left, landing softly on your left foot as you bring your right arm up and across your body and sweep your right leg behind you. Continue to repeat the movement for 30 seconds to a minute and complete 2 to 3 rounds. Intermittent Sprints Set a treadmill to a 3-degree incline and gradually increase the speed until you are jogging at 6 mph. Jog for a minute, then increase the speed to 9 or 10 mph. Run for 1 minute. Slow down to 6 mph and jog for 3 minutes. When three minutes is up, increase your speed to 10 mph and run for 1 minute. Continue this cycle for 20 to 30 minutes. Cycling Sit on an exercise bike and begin pedaling at medium intensity. After a minute, increase your speed to a point where you feel a burn in your thighs after a minute or two. Pedal at this speed for 3 minutes. Pedal at a slow speed for a minute, then increase your speed and pedal for 3 minutes again. Continue this cycle for 20 to 30 minutes.
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