Mark Quigley
27 Washington Avenue Apt. 22
Cityton, Kansas 99999
February 4, 2013
Lisa Jackson
7702 26th Avenue West
Cityton, KS 99999
Re: Rental contract for 27 Washington Ave.
Dear Lisa,
I am writing to request a copy of our rental agreement so I can keep it for my records. This was the agreement entered into on August 1, 2011 for the apartment that I rent from you in the Deluxe Villa complex on Washington Avenue.
You can mail a copy to my home address: 27 Washington Avenue Apt. 22, Cityton, Kansas 99999. I would like to have the contract by March 31, 2013, if at all possible. Please let me know if you have any questions. I can be reached on my cell phone at (555) 672-0198. I appreciate your help.
Mark Quigley