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Generally, you address a mayor as "Mayor" followed by their last name. If you do this, either in writing or in person, you'll convey proper respect and not offend anybody. However, in certain contexts, you may want to address a mayor more formally. If you're writing a formal letter to the mayor, or introducing the mayor at an event, use the mayor's full title and refer to them as "The Honorable." Following proper protocol ensures that you'll be taken seriously. [1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Addressing a Mayor in Correspondence

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  1. If you're mailing a formal letter to the mayor, the outside should be addressed to the mayor by their first and last name, along with "Mayor" and any other honorific typically bestowed on a mayor. [2]
    • In the US, put "The Honorable" on the first line of your address block along with the mayor's first and last name. For example: The Honorable Megan Barry .
    • On the second line of the address block, provide the city. For example: Mayor of Nashville .
    • In other countries, mayors may have different formal titles. You still generally want to use the mayor's full formal title on the envelope. For example, in the UK and British commonwealth countries, a mayor's full formal title is "His/Her Worship Mayor Firstname A. Lastname." For example: Her Worship Mayor Megan C. Barry . [3]
  2. On the inside of a formal letter, you don't need to repeat the mayor's full formal title. You can simply address them as "Mayor" followed by their last name in most instances. [4]
    • For example: Dear Mayor Barry . Follow your salutation with a comma, double space, and continue with your letter.
    • Double-check proper protocol outside the US. For example, in Canada it is also acceptable to use a polite salutation such as "Dear Sir" or "Dear Madam." [5]
  3. Even though your letter is addressed directly to the mayor, you may want to address them again in the body of your letter. On subsequent mention, using "Mayor" with their last name is most appropriate. [6]
    • You might also use Mr. Mayor or Madam Mayor if you want.
    • Be careful not to overdo it when using the mayor's name in the body of your letter. You might want to use it at the end, when you're urging the mayor to act in response to the issue you've raised. It's not necessary to include it throughout the letter.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Addressing a Mayor in Person

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  1. When you are initially introduced to the mayor, address them as "Mayor" with their last name. There's no need to call them by their full formal title. [7] [8]
    • Use this form of address even if you're initially introduced to them more casually. Allow the mayor to tell you if you have their permission to call them something else, such as by their first name.
  2. If you continue talking to the mayor and want to use their name again, it is appropriate to address them as "Mayor" with their last name, or to use sir or ma'am . [9]
    • In the US, you can also address the mayor as "Your Honor," although this is considered more formal. Saying "Mr. Mayor" or "Madam Mayor" is also acceptable. Listen to the forms of address people around you use if you're unsure – particularly staff in the mayor's office.
    • Other countries may follow different formalities. When in doubt, listen to others around you or ask a member of the mayor's staff how you should properly address the mayor. For example, in Canada you could also refer to the mayor as "Your Worship," although this is considered more formal (similar to "Your Honor" in the US). [10]
  3. A public event or speaking engagement typically is a more formal occasion where the mayor is appearing in their official capacity. If you're introducing them, their full formal title is appropriate. [11]
    • For example, if you were introducing the Mayor of Nashville at a public event, you would address her as "The Honorable Megan Barry, Mayor of the city of Nashville."
    • Full formal titles vary among countries, so make sure you're using the correct title. For example, in the UK and British commonwealth countries, you typically would say "The Worshipful The Mayor of Nashville, Councillor Megan Barry."
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How could I have a meeting with the mayor?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Just call up his office and make an appointment to discuss the issue. It would have to be a serious enough topic, obviously, that would not be better handled by any of his staff. In fact, you could have a meeting with anyone alive on this planet today, a farmer in Brazil or the president of China, if your topic is of sufficient interest to the other person.
  • Question
    How do I introduce a mayor as a guest speaker?
    Community Answer
    Begin with: "Thank all of you for coming. I would like to thank Mayor [name of mayor] for being our guest speaker today and talking about [whatever the mayor will be talking about]. And now, please give a welcome to our mayor."
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      • Reserve formal titles only for mayors currently in office. For some elected officials, it is customary that they retain the title even after they leave office. However, there is only one mayor of a city at any given time. Use a regular salutation such as Mr. , Ms. , or Dr. to address a former mayor, or a mayor-elect who hasn't been sworn into office yet. [12]
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      Article Summary X

      To address a mayor, address them as "Mayor" followed by their last name if you're talking to them in person. If you continue talking to them and want to use their name again, you can address them the same way or simply say "sir" or "madam." However, if you're sending the mayor a formal letter, include their full formal title on the envelope. For example, in the U.S., you would write something like "The Honorable Megan Berry, Mayor of Nashville." To learn how to address a mayor throughout the body of a formal letter, read on!

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