Am I an Alpha, Beta, or Omega?

Take this quiz to see which role you'd take!

Where do you stand on the hierarchy? Are you an Alpha who takes charge? A mysterious Omega? Somewhere in the middle?

We’re here to find out, and we’re pretty good at these things. Answer these quick personality questions, and we’ll tell you which type you are!

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Questions Overview

1. If you were hired to make a TV show, what job would you be best at?
  1. Director
  2. Leading actor
  3. Writer
  4. Costume or set designer
2. Imagine someone framed you for a crime you didn’t commit. What will you do?
  1. Disappear forever so they can't arrest me.
  2. Plead my case and defend myself. The truth will come out.
  3. Work to expose the real criminal and get my own justice.
3. Describe yourself:
  1. Artistic and creative.
  2. Logical and realistic.
  3. Spiritual and emotional.
  4. Alternative and unique.
4. Which supernatural monster would you most want to turn into?
  1. Vampire
  2. Werewolf
  3. Demon
5. Who are you most likely to fall in love with?
  1. Someone confident and independent.
  2. Someone super affectionate and loving.
  3. Someone easygoing and laidback.
  4. Nobody.
6. Would you say you're a competitive person?
  1. Absolutely. I want to win.
  2. Sort of. Healthy competition keeps things interesting.
  3. Nope. I'm just here to have fun.
7. What's something you want to improve about yourself?
  1. I want to practice listening to new perspectives and expanding my understanding.
  2. I want to practice standing up for myself and holding my ground when it matters.
  3. I want to practice reaching out to other people and forging new connections.
8. Choose a skill to master instantly:
  1. Martial arts
  2. Singing
  3. Languages
  4. Lucid dreaming
9. What's your diet like?
  1. I'm an omnivore. I eat anything!
  2. I'm a vegetarian, and eat a plant-based diet.
  3. I'm a vegan, and don't eat any animals.
  4. I'm on another special diet.
10. What are your biggest values?
  1. Loyalty, courage, and compassion
  2. Trust, kindness, and collaboration
  3. Independence, freedom, and open-mindedness
11. You pass by 2 people having a heated argument. What do you do?
  1. Step in and help them sort it out.
  2. Watch for a minute to make sure it doesn't get violent.
  3. Nothing, I keep walking. That's not my problem.
12. Would you say you handle pressure well?
  1. Yeah, I work best under pressure.
  2. Pressure is fine, but I'd prefer no pressure.
  3. Not at all. I kind of fall apart under pressure.

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Remember, alphas are leaders, and as a leader, it\u2019s your responsibility to be compassionate, kind, and understanding. To be an alpha, people have to respect you, but respect is a two-way street, and it\u2019s something that\u2019s earned through compassion and strength.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Alpha-Male"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-the-Alpha-Female"}],"link_data":[{"title":"What Is an Alpha Male and How Do You Know If You Are One?","id":14440679,"url":"https:\/\/\/Alpha-Male","relUrl":"\/Alpha-Male","image":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/cc\/Alpha-Male-Step-19-Version-2.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Alpha-Male-Step-19-Version-2.jpg","alt":"What Is an Alpha Male and How Do You Know If You Are One?"},{"title":"How to Be a Dominant Alpha Female","id":156166,"url":"https:\/\/\/Be-the-Alpha-Female","relUrl":"\/Be-the-Alpha-Female","image":"\/images\/thumb\/4\/4c\/Be-the-Alpha-Female-Step-21.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Be-the-Alpha-Female-Step-21.jpg","alt":"How to Be a Dominant Alpha Female"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":2,"text":"You're a Beta!","meaning":"As a beta, you're lowkey, easygoing, and the definition of a chill guy. You go with the flow\u2014you don't fight the current if you don't have a good reason to. You're emotionally intelligent and in touch with your feelings and the feelings of the people around you. And because of that, people see you as someone they can trust and rely on.

You're a great team player, and know how to work with other people and navigate tricky social situations to keep everyone happy. Like a true beta, you're not submissive or a pushover, you just care about collaboration, happiness, and having an awesome, peaceful life. You\u2019re exactly the type of person that others love to have around!","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/Beta-Male"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Beta-Female"}],"link_data":[{"title":"What is a Beta Male Personality?","id":14412826,"url":"https:\/\/\/Beta-Male","relUrl":"\/Beta-Male","image":"\/images\/thumb\/c\/c6\/Beta-Male-Step-17.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Beta-Male-Step-17.jpg","alt":"What is a Beta Male Personality?"},{"title":"A Comprehensive Guide to Beta Women","id":13802947,"url":"https:\/\/\/Beta-Female","relUrl":"\/Beta-Female","image":"\/images\/thumb\/f\/fb\/Beta-Female-Step-22.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Beta-Female-Step-22.jpg","alt":"A Comprehensive Guide to Beta Women"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""},{"number":3,"text":"You're an Omega!","meaning":"As an omega, you're a dark horse, a total original. You live outside of social standards, and you don't let other people think for you or tell you what to do. Omegas make up their own mind about things. You're always experimenting and trying to find what's best for you, and who you are deep inside.

Everything you do is authentic and real. Because of that, you're also open-minded and accepting. You don't judge others unless they try to cause problems for other people. You're sometimes misunderstood by others, but you don't let that bother you. Why would you? You'll just keep doing things your own way, living on your own terms, and enjoying your freedom. That's what matters.","edit_links":[{"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Is-an-Omega-Male"},{"url":"https:\/\/\/Omega-Female"}],"link_data":[{"title":"The Omega Male Personality Type: Definition, Traits, & More","id":13836541,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Is-an-Omega-Male","relUrl":"\/What-Is-an-Omega-Male","image":"\/images\/thumb\/0\/06\/What-Is-an-Omega-Male-Step-21.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-What-Is-an-Omega-Male-Step-21.jpg","alt":"The Omega Male Personality Type: Definition, Traits, & More"},{"title":"A Complete Guide to Understanding the Omega Female","id":14037138,"url":"https:\/\/\/Omega-Female","relUrl":"\/Omega-Female","image":"\/images\/thumb\/7\/79\/Omega-Female-Step-22.jpg\/-crop-200-200-200px-Omega-Female-Step-22.jpg","alt":"A Complete Guide to Understanding the Omega Female"}],"minimum":0,"image":"","image_url":""}]" class="quiz_results_data"/>\"Intuition<\/picture>","alt":"How Strong Is Your Intuition Quiz"},{"title":"Moral Alignment Test","id":13475111,"url":"https:\/\/\/Moral-alignment-test","relUrl":"\/Moral-alignment-test","image":"\"Moral<\/picture>","alt":"Moral Alignment Test"},{"title":"Am I a Memorable Person Quiz","id":14662387,"url":"https:\/\/\/Am-I-a-Memorable-Person","relUrl":"\/Am-I-a-Memorable-Person","image":"\"Am<\/picture>","alt":"Am I a Memorable Person Quiz"}],"number":1},{"text":"Safety","result":"Good answer! Why not take a look at these interesting quizzes?","next_quizzes":[{"title":"Villain or Hero Quiz","id":14651769,"url":"https:\/\/\/Villain-or-Hero-Quiz","relUrl":"\/Villain-or-Hero-Quiz","image":"\"Villain<\/picture>","alt":"Villain or Hero Quiz"},{"title":"Am I Sweet or Salty Quiz","id":14534137,"url":"https:\/\/\/Sweet-or-Salty-Test","relUrl":"\/Sweet-or-Salty-Test","image":"\"Sweet<\/picture>","alt":"Am I Sweet or Salty Quiz"},{"title":"What Am I Good At Quiz","id":13996558,"url":"https:\/\/\/What-Am-I-Good-at","relUrl":"\/What-Am-I-Good-at","image":"\"What<\/picture>","alt":"What Am I Good At Quiz"}],"number":2}]}" class="quiz_questionnaire_data"/>

About Alpha, Beta, & Omega

If you’ve been on the internet in the past 5 years, you’ve probably heard the terms “alpha,” “beta,” and “omega,” and probably even a few others. These refer to a few different things, but mostly they’re personality types, particularly how a person acts around others. Here’s a quick rundown:

Alphas are the top dogs, leaders of the pack. They’re confident, independent, and ambitious. If they can dream it, they know they can do it, and they won’t stop until it’s done. Some say they’re toxic or dominating, but a true alpha leads by example, and when they rise, they bring everyone else up with them.

Betas are the pillars of any community. They’re intuitive, sensitive, and flexible. They take things as they come and adapt to any situation, finding the best solutions and solving any problem. In a social setting, they’re the grease that keeps the gears turning, and which keeps everyone happy. Some say they’re submissive or lower in rank, but they actually just know that power isn’t everything.

Omegas are the odd ones out, and that’s a good thing. They don’t follow anyone’s lead, and instead they do their own thing and forge their own path. They’re open-minded and curious, and spend their time learning about other people and other ways of life, always building their own identities. Some say they’re unpredictable or wild, but they work by their own logic, and they’re okay with experimenting.

As a final note, it’s important to remember that the whole idea of alphas, betas, omegas, and other roles are more of a trend than actual science. It’s fun to think about what role you take, but be wary of anyone who uses these trendy hierarchies to justify toxic behavior.