Am I Cute?

Take this quiz to see how cute you are!

You know who we’re talking about. Some people have that glittering sweet smile, doe eyes, and an adorable personality. Some people catch others’ eyes wherever they go.

Answer these quick personality questions, and we’ll tell you how cute you are!

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Questions Overview

1. Do you blush easily?
  1. I blush if anyone even looks at me!
  2. I blush sort of easily, like when I get a compliment.
  3. It takes a lot to make me blush. You have to really butter me up.
  4. I don't really blush, honestly!
2. How often do you smile?
  1. All the time. I smile at anyone and anything!
  2. Pretty often. I'm a smiley person!
  3. I need a reason to smile, like seeing a friend or winning a contest.
  4. I don't often smile. It's just not me.
3. How would you describe your laugh?
  1. Giggly and bright
  2. Loud and confident
  3. Low-key and demure
  4. I'm not sure, I don't really laugh very often.
4. People usually compliment your:
  1. Clothing and style
  2. Looks or hair
  3. Personality or smarts
5. Do other people ever invade your personal space?
  1. Yes! People always want to hug me or be close and cuddly.
  2. Sure. People often want to touch me or my clothing.
  3. Sometimes, but not more than usual, I think.
  4. Not really, no. People do that?
6. Do people usually start conversations with you, or do you start talking to them?
  1. Other people usually come up to me.
  2. I usually go up to other people.
  3. It's a mix!
  4. I'm not sure.
7. Do you have dimples?
  1. Yes! They're super visible.
  2. Yes, but they're not always visible.
  3. Nah.
  4. I'm not sure!
8. When you make eye contact with a stranger, they usually:
  1. Smile
  2. Look away
  3. Stare
9. Do other people tend to do favors for you?
  1. Yes! People are always nice to me, even when I don't ask.
  2. Sure, I have no trouble receiving favors when I ask.
  3. It's a toss-up, and depends on the favor.
  4. Nah, I'm usually the one doing the favor.
10. How do you feel about makeup?
  1. I love it. I wear a full face most days.
  2. Meh. I put on the basics, like concealer, but I'm not too flashy.
  3. I don't wear makeup.
11. Are strangers usually nice to you?
  1. All the time. They go out of their way to do things for me.
  2. They're very friendly, but they don't go overboard.
  3. They're polite, but I wouldn't say nice.
  4. Strangers are usually pretty cold toward me.
12. What do you like most about yourself?
  1. My positive attitude! I'm always looking on the bright side.
  2. My taste in art, like movies and music. It's very refined.
  3. My sense of style! I'm a total fashion nerd.
  4. My natural good looks! I don't have to try very hard.

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What makes something cute?

A laughing baby, a floppy and clumsy puppy, a cartoon character with big ol’ eyes. You don’t need us to explain what “cute” means—you know it when you see it. But what is it about a baby or a puppy or big eyes that makes them cute? Why are they cute? Why isn’t a tarantula cute? (Though, hey, some people probably think they are!)

Well, researchers and scientists are still figuring it out, but they have some pretty compelling ideas. First is the theory that cuteness = infant-like. Big eyes are cute because babies have big eyes they’re still growing into. Chubby cheeks are cute because babies have chubby cheeks. With this theory, cuteness is an evolutionary trait that makes us want to protect our young. We see our babies as cute, and so we want to take care of them. Then, we start finding those infant-like traits in other things, like the big forehead of a puppy, or the youthful cut of a dress.

In fact, when you look at something cute, your orbitofrontal cortex, the part of your brain responsible for pleasure and emotion, snaps to attention. Cuteness is a biological response, not just an emotional one!

So it’s not hard to see why so many people want to be “cute,” and why cuteness is a big factor in everything from toys to the fashion industry. We have a powerful response to things we find cute, so powerful that we might just drop some cash on a cute outfit or a cute keychain, because it makes us feel good, like we need to protect it. And some people will change their personality to emulate that cuteness.

Of course, there are other definitions of “cute.” Often, we say someone is “cute” to mean they’re attractive, but not necessarily in a sexy or hot way, just that they look nice, clean, youthful, friendly, unintimidating. It’s still related to “infant-like” maybe, but we don’t mean someone is literally like a baby, just that they have a certain je ne se quoi that makes us think of comfort, safety, and innocence.

So, are you cute? Do you want to be? That’s for you to decide.

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  • Emerson Faraday

    6 days ago

    "It was a great quiz—very concise but accurate."
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